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Saturation 14th

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    Saturation 14th

    Morning all
    how be everyone today? Rainy day here, gots lots of things done yesterday. I even called a board meeting. We discussed many things, all top secret.

    Board of Directors:


    enjoy your day !!
    Liberated 5/11/2013

    I'd love to work with a non-speaking board like that, Sam! They look strong and healthy, by the way. Have a good weekend!


      Thanks NS,
      I almost forgot; happy Pi Day Pie
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Good morning Abbers!

        Happy rainy Saturday to all!

        Sam, I love the way your board members are so tuned in to you, ha ha!
        I hope the rest of the meeting went well!

        Pie, Happy Pi day to you! Celebrating in any special way today?
        I did not pick up tomato seeds the other day, just some different varieties of nasturtium that I grow in pots on my deck to attract humming birds & butterflies. I also bought some rainbow carrots & spinach seeds in these cool art packs:
        We are your source for heirloom and open-pollinated garden seeds and beautiful garden-themed contemporary art. We are a values-driven seed company that practices and celebrates responsible seed production and stewardship.

        I let YB worry about tomato plants, makes him feel useful around here, ha ha!

        Greetings to NS, good to see you!

        Greetings to everyone, I'll check back in later. I need to go pick up my weekly veggie box.
        Have a great AF Saturday everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          For the young at heart

          Liberated 5/11/2013


            hiya folks...trieds to get on here early doors...but the computers ..both wouldnt let me in heregoesd on the phone again! dont know whether it is the site or my puters th\at are playing up ...hope everyone is welll hey bear and pauly ..this is it now..youve had your practice runs ,lets go for the real thing now!hiya ok?sam nice pics
            hiya narilly and ppqp...hows Canadia today then?

            hiya piehope you are ok today too...might be not bad at diy but rubbish at techie thins like computers...will try later annd put some jokes up ..out early tomorrow..going to york...brews all round
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Originally posted by Samstone View Post
              Thanks NS,
              I almost forgot; happy Pi Day Pie
              Thanks for the link, Sam. Interesting that today's date 3/14/15 matches pi's first five digits 3.1415, something that happens just once each century. My favorite observation from the article is, "Pi reveals how limited human knowledge is, how there exist teeming realms we might never explore." Lots to ponder there...


                MAE all, Appreciate the kick-off, Sam. Wondering what snacks you provide to your board members, and guessing a box of doughnuts is not the answer.

                Hi NS, Lav, and Mick. "Whatcha be going to York for, Mick?", said Pie, hoping he might slip us a much needed clue.

                PQ, Since we've been talking rodeos and stampedes, heard on the news that women are having plastic surgery to look better in their western wear. Specifically, liposuction of the calves to improve the fit of their cowboy boots. No kidding.

                Anyone familiar with the Broadway show, Motown the Musical? I'm hoping to buy tickets today from a seller with an extra pair for when the show comes here this summer. Fingers crossed.


                  Hi, 3.14159 :wink:

                  I went to to that show in Chicago several months ago and really enjoyed it. The only negative was that you hear only a few lines from each song - I love Motown music and wanted to hear more! I didn't know the Diana Ross/Barry Gordy story so that was interesting but the show is more about the music than the story.


                    yipee managed to get on here ..definitely a problem with this machine...just shut itself off again.....out early in the out to york to gyhvhbgnj mg kfjvbfhr then hopefully begeobfgdh...did you get that pie :congratulatory:

                    here you go folks jokes time.....

                    There's something called the Annual Meeting of Rolled-Up Newspaper Enthusiasts today. I'd love to be a fly on the wall there. No, wait...

                    My girlfriend just complained at me asking me to act more like a man.

                    I'm all for discussing relationship issues and how we connect more but did she really have to disturb me half way through my Cadbury's Flake in this lovely warm bubble bath

                    I don't know what it is, but lately I've turned into a real "Babe" magnet.

                    I can't stop attracting pigs.

                    I walked into my bosses office today and said, "Did you just call me a lazy git?"

                    "No." he replied.

                    "Oh sorry," I said, "I must've dreamt it."

                    Little Red Riding Hood is skipping throught the forest when she see The Big Bad Wolf crouched down behind a bush.
                    "My, what big eyes you have..." but the wolf just runs off into the trees.
                    Further along the path, she sees him squatting near a rock. "And, my, what big ears you've got..." and again the wolf scarpers further into the woods.
                    And then, as she's making her way towards Grandma's house, she spots the hairy beast again, this time next to a tree. "And, my, what..."
                    "Look, little girl," interrupts the angry wolf, "will you feck off? I'm trying to go to the toilet!"

                    Those energy saving light bulbs are a load of crap.
                    After fitting them, I was just as knackered as when I fitted the ordinary ones.

                    I had a candlelit dinner the other night.

                    Everything was really undercooked.

                    A recent survey has said that 29% of owners sleep with their pets on the bed.

                    I tried it once, but the goldfish died...

                    On a serious note, I am concerned with global warming and the effect it will have on our future, especially after reading an article about low water levels in reservoirs.

                    Well, I drive past my local reservoir every day, and each morning I empty a bucket of water from my tap while on my way to work.

                    If all of us did the same, these reservoirs would be full in no time.

                    BBC News: "3 Cliff Walkers Fall to Their Death"

                    Wow, what were the chances of them all having the same name?

                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Thanks for mentioning that it's not exactly a concert, NS. I think I may end up wanting to hear more music myself. I happened to catch the Motown 25 show on my local PBS station last week, and that's what reminded me how much I love that music. I didn't realize it until I checked afterwards, but the Motown 25 show took place in 1983, and it was the first time Michael Jackson did his moonwalk.

                      Mick, I'm gonna have to check with one of my Navajo Code Talker friends to unravel that clue! Glad you're back on the computer. Jokes were worth the wait. :welldone:


                        Sam, thank for the trip down memory lane with the nursery tales
                        I kept the scarier Grim tales away from my kids. I remembered having a discussion in a college psychology class about those

                        Glad to see you back in good form Mick!
                        I passed the Alzheimer's test btw, ha ha!!!

                        Pi, I have the entire Motown collection on vinyl around here somewhere. My all time favorite

                        Greetings to everyone & wishing a peaceful night for all.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Just happened upon this thread and I must say I enjoyed reading here.
                          Mick, thanks for the jokes, will try them on hubby. Sounds just like him.

