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mon 16th

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    mon 16th

    mornin folks ..and how are we all today then? just taken my computer to the menders ..will be a weeeeek!!jeez might as well have gone on holiday....out yesterday ..another day that as a failure truly ranks in my top ten successes!! pretty overcast today....hopefully get in the garden for a wee while today tho..pretty much aching at the mo..
    brews all round....
    ppqp...18 degrees???not bad at all...highest here yesterday..was 7 ..its you thats supposed to live in the frozen north not me!!!

    pie pretty busy yesterday...never heard of those begonias ..will need to look them up..going to get the rough wood later for my inside planter..already got 2 of the plants to go in it...2 different hibiscus ..I love em...oh and my little bouginvillea will be going in..need to thin k of some sort of drainage system ..but think Ive cracked that one..pulled the last of my parsnips yesterday...cracking size to them...I know how to grow them good now if you want to try let me know...

    hiya bear...sloooooooooow down..your starting to go at 90mph again!!thats when the wheel comes off....take it easy asnd have a good one

    yo pauly..teenage mutant heroes!!hows you today then?hopefully all ok.....

    hiya Lav hows you?all good..watched a talent programme here last night called the voice ..there was a guy on there singing a James Brown number ...and it was fantastic..would honestly say it was better than the original!!hopefully youll get into the garden ..after this brew....

    not many on here but hey ..we can do it!!!!take it easy folks..big shout to those not here ....Sam the man dtd molly et al...

    I took pity on a tramp sleeping rough in the doorway of my shop and offered him a job.

    He now holds the position of draught excluder.

    The two policemen sat opposite me, "We think you might be able to help with us our enquires."

    "I've done nothing wrong!" I protested.

    "We don't suspect you of anything. You just look cleverer than we are."

    Earlier there was a massive storm brewing and the wife was getting anxious.

    "Holy shit!" she bellowed as we looked out the window "Was that lightning?"

    I said, "No...they're taking pictures for Google Earth."

    I was explaining to my wife how sometimes I feel really high and then really low.

    She said, "Dave, get off the fcking swing."

    BBC NEWS: Titanic captain's cigar box found in Merseyside house.

    And there you have it: ultimate proof that Scousers are the best thieves in the world.

    The past year has been pretty traumatic for me.

    First I found out that the tooth fairy didn't exist, then I found out that superman isn't real and my parents were lying to me about Father Christmas.

    And if all that wasn't bad enough already, I'm starting to suspect that the bloke on the rice packets isn't really my uncle.

    The police have issued a photograph of a man they want in connection with a string of robberies in the South East.

    What I don't understand is: why they didn't keep hold of him after they'd taken his photo?

    Dear Sir/Madam, Your transgender operation was a partial success.

    I met this wonderful girl today, and we had so much in common. We both liked football, beer, pub food, and she even laughed at my offensive jokes.

    So, I took her back to my place and she sat me down and stripped totally naked.

    And it was at this point I saw we had something else in common.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good Monday morning Abbers!

    Cloudy & cool here today Mick but no rain, yay. And no gardening for me either. I am on kid duty today, going to watch my granddaughter for a while, tomorrow I will have the boys here after school for dinner. Busy, busy
    Sounds like your planter needs a false bottom with a plastic tray to catch the extra water. When yo figure that out make one for me too, please!

    bear, I hope you can settle down into a less hectic routine. Driving yourself so hard can't be a good thing.

    Pauly, I'll trade you My Little Pony for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, HA HA!!!

    PQ, more snow? That stinks, sorry. I really am looking forward to the arrival of Spring on Friday. I checked yesterday & not a single daffodil or tulip have made an appearance yet!

    Hello to everyone & wishing a great AF day for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      MAE ALL....we're blanketed in the white stuff this morning! We've accumulated 2.5 inches and it's starting to turn to freezing rain pellets. Grateful my commute is only 1 minute. LOL

      Mick...thanks for kicking us off. Glad to see you're living up to your successes. LOL No garden work for me today. As a matter of fact we've run into a snag with building/development permits from the City. May have to postpone the Pergola build till September. Nothings ever simple.

      Lav...morning to you. Back to kid duty I see. We've actually got some tulips coming through. Hope this snow doesn't kill them.

      Off to get a coffee, anyone want one? Have a Marvelous AF Monday all and all to come.....:smile:PPQP


        Mae everybody, can't believe it's still snowing in places when it's been 80 degrees here, but I'm sure we'll be in for a super hot summer, need to get on my planting, had to get the bunnies area situated first they eat everything!had a patch of weeds growing and Brady chopped them down but the bunnies cleared the rest,now there's a bald patch there,Louie finally relented and let us turn off the turtles but made us watch golf!he just loves his darn sports but golf on tv is boring as hell, Mick, I love the voice, it's the only one of those shows I can stand,I'm so over American Idol,it's been on too long,I agree with Mick,Bear slow down girl! I think you and I are a lot alike, I'm not sure if it's overachiever syndrome or what but we always take on too much,too soon, have fun kid watching Lav, I have Louie again this afternoon so no el relaxo for Nana P alright hello to all and I hope we all have a good Monday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Hello Everyone! Got some laundry going this morning. Have run out of milk for my cereal though, so will just have a banana with a last cuppa joe, and call it breakfast. I've heard this begonia also referred to as angel wing. It does well in shady places. Occurs to me that getting a handle on the snail population would make sense before setting these lovelies in the ground.begonia.jpg

          Hibiscus are so beautiful, bougainvillea too, though I've not seen either grown indoors. I guess that's what a conservatory is for.

          Happy, sober Monday to you all.


            Pie, I hate running out of milk! Oh well, could be worse, right?
            Its a lot warmer where you are than where I am. Snowing here and 0C out. Oh well.
            Pauly, 80degrees? Nice.

            Hi ya Mick Unplugged. Thanks for the jokes.

            Have a great Un Hung Monday everyone.

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              hey all,just back from work,on sofa in PJs no gym tonight - just chilling.
              Funny to read the messages saying to slow down,I was just thinking how much more relaxed I feel - I honestly feel really good,and didn't have my list of 'shoulds' .
              Tonight is super lazy and an early night,maybe a bubble bath, not sure.
              Have a happy sober Monday all
              one day at a time


                Beautiful plant Pie my house plants grow beautifully, as a matter of fact I have a ivy that I bought on clearance 2 years ago, it's a topiary shaped like a Christmas tree, I just keep it in the window in the hallway all year round and bring it down stairs at chrimbo,how many days Mick?usually you keep us informed throughout the year and PPQP gets mad haha,Bear,enjoy your lazy nite sounds heavenly
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Yo Abber's near and not so far,

                  Happy to hear spring is on it's way in most parts up there!

                  All good here. Enjoying day 1 of a Deepak and Oprah, free, i say free 21 day meditation series. They come around from time to time and not too bad a way to start the day.

                  Have a beaut week everyone.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Hi Pauly, Sounds like you've got a gift for plant care. Any tips for keeping cut flowers fresh longer? I split a bunch of carnations into two small vases, one for kitchen windowsill, and the other on my desk. There's just something about fresh flowers!

                    Bear, sounds like you're well into your comfy evening. Nothing better than coming home from work, and changing into pjs.

                    Nar, yes, running out of milk is annoying. At least there was enough for coffee this morning, which will not be the case tomorrow, if I don't go out shortly to get some. Nice to have the freedom to drive anytime now that I'm not drinking.


                      X-post, G!

                      Deepok, and Oprah, and meditation? Sounds wonderful. On TV?


                        Pie,as far as cut flowers go,meh,I've heard an aspirin in the water,sprite, none of it ever worked for me,finally told hubs not to buy me flowers anymore but a nice plant, but of course he doesn't listen, at least the flowers he got me for Valentine's day came in a coffee mug I can actually USE,we still have a Valentine's balloon floating around upstairs on the ceiling it lasted longer than the flowers haha,hi Mr.G oops Louie needs a change see ya later
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Originally posted by Pie View Post
                          X-post, G!

                          Deepok, and Oprah, and meditation? Sounds wonderful. On TV?
                          Hey Pie,

                          Not on t.v. via email/audio. Began march 16 so hopefully you can still register if you're interested.

                          google chopracentermeditation 21 day challenge

                          Hiya Pauly!
                          Last edited by Guitarista; March 16, 2015, 07:03 PM.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            G, It's still the 16th here, and I was able to register. Will be ending my day with the first meditation. Thanks so much for mentioning, and pointing the way. Namaste

