brew time all in for a brew?
hiya Lav..super hoooge brew for you!!reckon you need it..yep was right about the planter height never passed muster it has now been suitably amended!!take it that it is a resting day for you today?managed to get into the garden yesterday and get a bit of weeding done too!!
hey sam..hows you ?things starting to green up here too..looked at some of the bushes and flowers yesterday and they really are budding up..have to get my skates on or I will miss the early veggie planting!!glad all is well with you
hey dtd ..hows you?all good in the shadow of table mountain?yes I do tend to over analyse things...probably the way I am ,plus it came in pretty handy in my last surroundings!! as for the parsley..are you growing it in pots or directly in the ground?I tried to grow it inside here in pots ..failed but outside it likes humidity but not cold nor,burning also likes shelter too..keep trying..Ive got to do a new chive crop...the ones I had came back year after year but the frost battered them this year ..
hiya pauly you feeling today ..did the sleep fairy turn up for you?hope so..that rabbit seems to be a real cracker..mine are going thru the boy meets girl scenario at the mo..they have both been done...he is like trying to pay her attention ..and she is like "go away and read the paper or summat!!"you have a good day
hiya pie..and how are you today then?any work on the go?yes read yor threa and it sums it up about the alcohol jail we put ourselves in..I also like your little bit I cant drink a little therefore I dont drink true...
hiya bear are you today?all good?its now 5.5 days until you are off!sounds like the spring fairy has landed your way...a definite spring clean!!!
hey ppqp...hows you today?yep we still have grass today here again!!thank you for putting your thoughts down..certainly put it a lot more eloquently than I could..yes I wonder sometimes what happened to all those that used to be here..shue sausage etc .I would never make a politician..or in this age of bs maybe I would!have a great day
hiya det...whew! just back from a whirlwind work trip that started on Sunday.. bastards! come on man ..dont beat about the bush ..say what you mean!!!!!did you have your lazy day yesterday?
right folks ..offski ..will put some jokes up after ..aint even going to attemt it on here ..have a good day