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Thursday June 7th

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    Thursday June 7th

    Good Morning.

    Just a qiuck note wishing you all a happy Thursday.

    Busy day today. Work, work, work!!!!!

    Thursday June 7th

    Hi Popeye, and to everyone, have a good day today. Lots of love, Bella xx


      Thursday June 7th

      Me too Popeye, school from 8-11 and then work tonight and three kids to shuffle aroud in between.

      I'm working on day five here......time flies! It's not been too hard but I know the weekend will be challenging.

      Wishing you all a wonderful day!

      :huggy :huggy :huggy :huggy

      :h :h :h :h


        Thursday June 7th

        What a busy day here too!

        Rachele... it sounds like the weekend will be a challenge for us both, but what I am doing is arming myself with as many tools as I can, so I cab stick to my abstinence plan. Today is the end of day 4.

        It's funny that Mr Scoobs was really feeling like a drink tonight and I didn't care for it, yet I'm the one with the addiction. Alcohol is weird like that and I am teaching myself to never make comparisons with others. He can stop at 2... I cannot and that's becoming ok now that I don't drink anymore!

        Rachele, your 4 days in red is looking really good!

        Bernadette (or Bernie for short )
        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


          Thursday June 7th

          Morning All!

          Keeping busy is the main thing. Do different things that you normally wouldn't do on the weekend that will pre-occupy your mind. It's that bugger that will bother you the most. It'll keep reminding you that you're bored or you're missing something. I remember taking out my box of old pictures that I needed to put in albums. How nice to reminisce & show the kids old pictures of themselves. That took up a few hrs. as well as put in hrs that alcohol took away from me. Things I should have done but decided to drink instead. Now I've got so many projects started & have yet to finish.

          Have to stain the bottom part of our pool deck. The main part of the deck is Trex but supports are regular wood which is turning colors. My chore for the day.

          Have a great Thursday everyone! Attached files [img]/converted_files/260909=1085-attachment.gif[/img]
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Thursday June 7th

            Good morning-
            Breez- keeping busy is key I think. But getting over stressed makes it difficult to get started on projects sometimes I have found.
            I am overly stressed at work right now and have been for a few months. I went to the dr yesterday because I have had some weird vision issues - not exactly blurred but like looking thru a prism or something. Anyway....dr said there are muscles in the eye that can spasm just like any other muscle and it sounded like that's what it was. And yep...stress related. I have not been sleeping well at all lately either.
            Night before last I got a back spasm - between the shoulder blades- at about 3 am. Boy does that hurt!
            Anyway...they gave me a muscle relaxer to take. Took one last night and could barley wake up this morning. I think it made me have a drinking dream too. I dreamt that I went to a party and started drinking heavily. I got very drunk in my dream and remember being so sad because I would have to come here and confess to all of you!!
            I woke up and wasn't sure if I had drunk or not- it felt so real- probably due to the relaxer I took. I went back to sleep and dreamed it again - that I was drunk.
            Anyway..... thankfully still AF for me. Day...223...

            Hope you all have a great day!


              Thursday June 7th

              Day 223... Wow! Lisa, I'd have woken up in a sweat... you poor thing! A muscle relaxant sounds like just what you need, minus the nightmare... I hope your feeling less stressed soon.

              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                Thursday June 7th

                Yeah LISA!
                That's awesome!

                My new goal point is that it's summer the days are longer & geesh I feel like I'm dragging those days! Can't wait to get out of the 100's & jump into the 200. Aah, the motivation and you're an inspiration!

                I'm getting an eye thingy but it's just blurry contacts from the pollen. Very annoying. Ouch about the back and hate those drinking dreams.

                Ditto what Scoobs said: hope your feeling less stressed soon. Attached files [img]/converted_files/260947=1086-attachment.gif[/img]
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  Thursday June 7th

                  Supa Thursday ABeroooonies! and big congrads on the AF days Quiescent & Scooby.
                  I had a rather rude culinary experience yesterday when working out on the firing range at Fort Bliss TX. I tried to eat a slice of orange and when I opened my mouth a dust storm blew a bunch of sand in my mouth. I had to spit it out....crunch crunch...hate that! otherwise things are good in spite of life on the road. Off to NM today then AZ tonight. Vegas next day, then home the following day....whew! can't wait to get back and water our poor trees and plants. Lucky was telling me about a cool indoor garden called the Aerogarden...anybody try that? sounds pretty neat.
                  somewhere in the world....someone is in need of garlicy goodness so I must now leap into the sky with my cape flapping and garlic on my breath.

                  Be well me loverlies!
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Thursday June 7th

                    Wow Lisa WTG! Hope your spasms ease up. Thank god I haven't had a drinking dream yet. What a nightmare! Though last week I woke up with a headache and had o remidn myself i wasn't cause I drank.
                    Breez can't wait till your there too, I can feel your impatience. Sometimes I feel like I have been AF for much longer than the numbers say!

                    I start exercising today for the first time in two months due to injury and drinking. Time to get off the computer and get my sorry butt moving!

                    Have a great day everyone.

                    AF 21, March 2010

                    "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                      Thursday June 7th

                      What a lot of good AF days.
                      Keep going troops.!


                        Thursday June 7th

                        Congratulations Lisa......:kudos:

                        You reminded me that I also had a drinking dream last night! I was at work (we have booze there) I got mad at a coworker and slammed a drink that was up on the bar waiting to be delivered to a customer of hers


                        Guess I showed her?:H

                        Crazy thing our minds are????

                        Scooby, sounds like we are in very much the same place in our abstinence!
                        :h :h :h :h


                          Thursday June 7th


                          My sorry butt has turned into a nice cushion. I luv reading everything that I've neglected my exercising. Oy...time to log off & get my butt moving too.
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            Thursday June 7th

                            Happy Thursday Everyone.

                            Congrats Lisa. That is an awsome accomplishment.

                            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                              Thursday June 7th

                              hello afs. yes, i was thinking about the coming weekend and how i can prepare myself for it to not drink. thanks for the good suggestions. i want to stay off the party train. lol besides do you know that you can actually drive around town when you haven't drank. hahahaah used to be i'd have to cab it or sleep somewhere cuz if i went out i sure was going to be drinking. wow, a whole new world. have a great thursday.

