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toosday 24th

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    toosday 24th

    hiya folks ...well tis I how r yizall today then?all good hopefully ..well puter shop has just phoned ..mine is fixed..they had to change the hard drive in it so will pick it up later yahoo!!!think Ive manged to download some pics of the conservatory up to date...changed the hanging baskets on the walls and finally finished the planter box..tiled and grouted it yesterday so got to let it set properly now..tea and coffee on the go ...tho I ve just had a bovril....

    hiya Lav..hows you then today?all good I hope ..whats new for you then?I know what you mean about has been really sunny this past few days ..sleet today!!and its pretty cold too...big brew you go

    hiya Sam..glad youre daughter is on the least you know what it is about now...havent a clue on the ecig thingys..all I will say is that I have 2 friends ..yes a whole 2!! who actually use them instead of smoking they are forever trying different flavours to them ..Jack Daniels flavour//..seriously whats that about?

    pauly...hows you this morning...all good ..youre talents are wasted cutting hair..especially with the techie knowledge you should be working in a computer repair shop.."ah yes I see the problem now Mr Smith ...your computer is taking a dump!!"

    hey possible boss ppqp ..hows you today then madam?sounds like things are in a bit of a tizz there ..take it no one has heard of succession planning?either that or they are trying to stiff you ..yep just add it to her job spec..that is if you have one ..if not maybe its a discussion point? if I was you I would definitely put my foot down with a firm hand!!:thumbsup:

    hiya flu?tis may be an impersonator ..but its not the real deal man would know about it if it was the proper manflu!!hows things today then?hope you are feeling better..when are you back in work?

    hiya Narilly are you then?all good on the plains?

    hiya are you ?still munching away at the problem in small bites?so you fell on your butt ..and they laughed with you..were they laughing in detention with you too:happy2: project nearly done ..all thats left in the conservatory is change the door ,change the skirting boards paint the walls and plant up..job done.its nice that the bits I have done are complimented ..but dont think I would even consider doing it more than messing about...

    hiya SF..glad to "see you "again ...I appreciate your concern and worry for your mum,but take time for you too.:hug:

    right folks will put the jokes here,and then pics on the next post ..otherwise the attachments police will nab me ...have a great day...

    "I ran a half marathon" sounds so much better than:

    "I quit halfway through a marathon"

    A container ship carrying yo-yos from America to Wales ran into force 10 storms and sunk 16 times.

    My girlfriends got a ladder in her tights.

    She truly is the most talented shoplifter ever.

    The next generation of British aircraft carriers will be called the Queen Elizabeth and the Prince of Wales.

    Which is quite fitting really as the second one is basically going to sit around doing nothing unless something happens to the first one.

    Ladies: The solution to a bad hair day is to wear a low cut blouse

    I picked up this woman Saturday night. I'm not saying she's fat, but when I pulled her knickers down to her knees, her ass was still in them.

    "Are you sure this electric shock treatment will help me? " asked my wife.

    "Of course I am, " I replied, "it's cured thousands in the past, " I said as I buckled her into the chair.

    It's true what they say about getting ill in hospitals.

    I looked at the parking charges and had a fcking heart attack.

    I was used as a guinea pig for an experiment at work today.

    My legs are knackered from that wheel.

    Two men are the best of friends for many years,they die together in an accident,one of them goes to Heaven,the other to Hell. After a while the meet in the supermarket in the middle. "How are things down there then?" One friend asks. "Its bloody fantastic there mate,the pubs are open all day and it doesnt cost a penny,theres no dress code in hell, all the women go about in stockings and suspenders. All day long plenty of booze,all night long plenty of the other" he says "So whats it like up in heaven?" "Its terrible,i have to get up at 5am every day, make breakfast,tidy the rooms, polish the pearly gates" . "Blimey that sounds bad" says his friend "why have you got to do all that?" "Cos im the only one up here!"
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    just tried to download them and failed miserably..will try later
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Morning Mick...saw that little green light on beside your name so knew a post would be forth coming. Thanks for kicking us off and the brew. Going to be a long day for me with the meeting tonight. Sent an email to the president of the club asking if he wants me to come up with the agenda for tonight. His reply was an apology he thought he'd sent in on the 12th! Boss double booked the room I was going to use so had to do some shuffling of renters, bother! Also still taking my eye drops, next checkup is on Thursday. Think the inflammation is still there, can you say STRESS.

      SF...sending positive P's your way :angel:PPP:angel: I'm sure you've exhausted all your options but wanted to mention that we have several Elderly Support groups around here. Perhaps there's some senior support groups you could contact?

      Big shout out to all stopping in today. Will check back when I need a "remember to breath" reminder. Have a Terrific AF Tuesday all and all to come....:smile:PPQP


        morning all
        thanks for the start up Mick, got a busy day coming on and then looks like rain the rest of the week. Those 50 50 deals where it will only rain when you go outside to do something. PQ, hope that eye thingy gets cleared up soon! That has to be annoying at best.

        gotta run hope to check back soon. Greetings to all good folks stopping by.
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Good Tuesday morning Abbers!

          Cloudy & a chilly 30 degrees here at the moment - not exactly the spring weather we've all been dreaming about.

          Thanks for the coffee Mick. After a few cups I will get myself moving, I hope, ha ha!!
          Glad you got your projects completed, will check back for pics later

          SF, I understand the lack of services in a small town. Even the small hospital that serves this area has support groups for seniors. I hope you can find something similar for your Mom. Another good place to check is the Y!
          I hope you are taking care of yourself as well!

          PQ, non-stop stress at work sucks, sorry you have to deal with that. It would be nice & helpful if you boss was a better communicator!!! Take lots of mini breaks to refocus & take some deep breaths. You need to relax for your health & the sake of your eye :hug:

          Sam, glad your daughter saw the doc! My daughter is prone to bronchitis as well, it can be harsh!
          Everything I've read about the e-cigs has been negative! Apparently researchers have found they have 15X higher amounts of formaldehyde than regs cigs - yuck! And the 2nd hand exposure to the vapor is a big problem too. I steer clear of anyone I see using those things!!

          Greetings to pauly, Pi, bear, narilly & everyone!
          Have an awesome AF Tuesday one & all.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Mae everybody, Sam,glad your daughter is ok, I've never had bronchitis but my mom gets it a lot for some reason, Mick, hey you don't like my diagnostic skills haha,PPQP, it was Bear who had to cancel the massage and lay on the couch, Bear,hope you're feeling better I have horrible anxiety this morning cuz yesterday I opened the shop and there was a patch of water by one of the sinks I just mopped it up and warned the other girls that it was leaking or something, bitch manager calls me at home yelling that she's missing out on hundreds of dollars cuz I didn't call her in the morning and now the water is turned off cuz the plumber is there,yada,yada, I don't want to deal with her today I don't know why I didn't call her, it just didn't seem like that bigof a deal at the time and I just sort of got busy and I dunno, so I'm sure she'll be whining again today,jeez there was another sink to use anyways, f-her! SF,I totally get the "bitchy" that's what happens to me, either, mad,sad,sick,pms, I drink and all my cares go away, I listen to music, I clean things that I usually ignore, I laugh,go shop,hang with hubs, however like you said it all turns around, before I know it I'm drunk, exhausted, angry, crying over old Shit,same old,same old,al's a backstabber!!anyways, my allergies/cold is gone so I went for a walk, was kinda hungry so I went to 7-11 and bought some mixed nuts but they're mostly peanuts, gross!Hello to Lav,Det,Pie, everybody else, let's have a nice Tuesday(and see if I still have a job)
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              hiya folks...just got puter back..brand new hard drive so gotta reinstall promised da da pics pauly ..deep breathe and count to 10 ...chill girl !! :hug:

              here it is in the raw state just put together





              obviously you wont see the liners etc when its full..the next job is to put the plats in ..well get them first
              Last edited by Mick; March 24, 2015, 11:40 AM.
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                hey everyone,your house looks lovely and serene and clean and tidy, mine,errr doesn't. I was back at work today - worked at home this pm though and am doing the same tomorrow as well. I'm sweaty,shivery,exhausted,headache,blocked nose,cough,sore throat,no appetite - taking it easy.
                Hope everyone has a good day.
                one day at a time


                  hidy ho ABeroooos!

                  lovely work there Mick!

                  Pauly, mixed nuts is a great way to drown your sorrows I do the same

                  Bear, that's no fun... hydrate plenty and get yer vitamins. I'm feeling pretty crummy myself. Hard workout
                  last night and now feeling asthmatic and breathing isn't great. ugh.

                  at least I'm home. yay!

                  be well peeps
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Hello everyone, thanks for starting Mick.
                    Asthma Det? That really sucks but like you said, at least you are home.

                    Hope you feel better soon bear.

                    Can't wait until it warms up here in the Great White North. It is still chilly outside but is warming up for the weekend I think. They always say that so we Don't lose ALL hope!

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Hi Det and Nar lovely pics Mick, I agree with Bear,your home looks serene and calm,I'm trying to get mine like that, it is but still cluttered and Louies toys are a big part of that, he'd much rather play with pots and pans but if I try to get rid of his stuff he gets angry haha, work was a non issue, she's such a drama queen called out 2 plumbers, they couldn't find a thing, turns out to be a hose in the sink dripping,5 dollar fix,she even called my boss who's on vacay in the Philippines, today she acted like nothing even happened, crazy girl, feel better Bear
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Love the planter, Mick, especially the feet! Will be interesting to see which of your visitors notice that tiles match to kitchen. These skirting boards you mention, maybe the same as what we call base boards? Oh,and welcome back to your computer!

                        PQ, wishing you much success on your meeting tonight. May it be well-attended by folks who appreciate your efforts.

                        Happy Tuesday to everyone!

