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toosday31th of march

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    toosday31th of march

    morning peeps are we all this has not stopped raining the extent there is a wee stream in the field which is now virtually a full running river!!garden was flooded during the night ,but its now subsided..Julie had to go to a conference today..up at 4.30 this morning!!jeez....

    right brew time ...and lets get on....

    morning are you this fine day then?pretty busy day then yesterday?you said something in your post that made me think....your mate leaving because of team dynamics..wonder if thats what cheesed you off and got you all stressy headed leading on to other things?yes as individuals ,they may be sound ..but as a team ..does that change?

    hiya Eloise.....yep this is it..last day of March ..its not been too bad really ..unless your name is Julius Caesar!!how are you?how did the painting class go?

    hiya are you today then?nope sleep fairy never came this way last night...problem with my rabbits at the moment...the white one I think is getting bullied for food by the big brown female one..its that time of year ..methinks he has been trying his luck and she has had enough of need to watch them and feed him what have you got planned for today then? 6000 plus steps? have a good one..

    hiya Sam ..hows you then?did you get your work done ok?planted a lot of seeds yesterday..2 types of toms,cabbage,cauli,peas and runner beans..did you get the decent weather yesterday?

    hiya Narilly...hows you then ?yep glad the light nights are here too..can get some work done at night....

    hiya ppqp are you feeling ? hopefully a lot better...did you get some sleep? get some chicken soup!!

    hiya pie how are you then?did you get the begonias in yesterday?finally finished the planter on to the next part of the conservatory project!!

    hi SF.....glad you have manged to get through your blue must be tough for you helping your mother through this and take its own toll on you ...stay with it..I know you are a pretty private person,but you know where we are either publicly or privately ..

    hiya Lav..planter is fimally finished so you get the full whack in pic format dont go to sleep..seriously tho..took me ages to work out how to be able to water them but also have the ability to drain the water off.. so here goes ..grab you brew...


    pic far built the carcase ,stained and polished it and tiled the added plastic sheeting and 3 upside down plant some height to it..


    pic2....put a gro bag tray on the top ..this will act as the water catch tray when you have watered the plants


    pic3..add some wooden block to the tray to keep the plants off the drip tray.

    20150329_164100 (1).jpg

    pic 4..added a piece of polystyrene insulating foam which will sit on the wooden blocks ..mark out areas where plants will sit...


    pic5..cut out inserts for plant pots..note drain holes to drain through int drip tray....note large hole to siphon out excess water also handles fitted (yellow string to lift it all out complete)

    next post coming up!!!only allowed 5 pics
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    here I am again.....


    pic 6 ..add plants.......


    pic 7 add washed gravel and bingo ..job done!


    so thats it for anyone who wants to make one....heres a the pics some of the plants are artificial and some are real...take no notice of labels..but can you tell which is which???

    A tramp stopped me in the street and asked if I could spare a tenner for a coffee in Starbucks.

    "A tenner?, " I said. "For a coffee? You've got no chance! Here's twenty."

    I had to call Pete into the office.
    "One of the secretaries has complained about your sexist remarks," I said. "If you do it again I'm going to have to give you a final warning."
    "Complained?" he asked. "Which one?"
    "You know," I replied. "The one with the fat ass and big boobs."

    My wife and I were having trouble getting our son to eat his greens.

    "Why should I eat my vegetables?" he asked.

    "Because if you don't," my wife replied, "you'll grow up to look like your father."

    he now has 'em breakfast, lunch and dinner now.

    I went for a job interview yesterday.

    The interviewer said, "According to your CV, you like pointing out stupid mistakes of others."

    "Yes, that's correct," I replied.

    "Why would you write something like that on your CV?" He asked.

    "I typed that actually," I answered.

    One of my co-workers didn't come in today because apparently he's constipated.

    What a crappy excuse.

    "Hi, what's your name, sexy?" said the girl in the club.

    "Nope, guess again," I said.

    My wife was brought to tears by a romance novel. It made me think how profound it is to cry over a few pieces of paper.

    Then I realised the same happens with me and receipts.

    I downed six pints of milk this morning, picked up my sister's baby and threw up all over it.

    Now we are "even" .

    I went to a postman's birthday party today.
    We played pass-the-sorry you weren't in note.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Morning, up ready for another lazyish day - gym,woman coming to do cleaning quote and then off for massage before dinner at a friend's. I may do a bit of washing.

      Mick I think I may have been confusing about derby drama, I left in part due to team stuff,my friend is now thinking of doing the same.We were talking about joining a different team - in about 6 months for me and maybe just midweek. Some of the team stuff added to my stress no doubt.Anyway for now enjoying free time and pottering about,looking forward to some outdoor skating.

      Love my life sober - my old personal trainer popped up on FB,as he's now opened a gym nearby. He was instrumental in me thinking about stopping/cutting back massively on alcohol and smoking,really thinking about my lifestyle and putting my goals first. Glad he's done well he was a really nice positive guy.

      Happy Tuesday everyone.
      one day at a time


        Mornin' Mick. Masterful job on the planter; such a perfect piece for your conservatory! Love seeing the progression of pics as you went along. Begonias not yet planted here, as I could only find a snow shovel.

        Jobs looking pretty sparse again this morning, but something may turn up. I'll check back later. Hello to all yet to come.

        XPost - Good morning, Bear.


          Good morning Abbers on this last day of March, yay!!!

          I sure hope April brings the real spring-like weather with it - geez! I'm hearing snow predictions for the mountainous area about two hours north of here, ugh.

          Mick, you missed your calling! You are one creative guy
          Thank you for all the pics - what a treat!!
          You should patent & sell your creations - Mick's Conservatory Custom Planters :thumbsup:
          I hope the bunnies behave themselves today, ha ha!!

          SF, I'm happy to hear that you have pulled yourself of of the funk. It's wonderful that you have provided your Mom with some good tools. Here's hoping that she decides to use them. You are a good daughter!

          Greetings bear & Pie!
          Greetings to all who drop by today.

          I'm off to get my day going. wishing everyone a fantastic AF Tuesday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Mae everybody, beautiful planter Mick, very creative and I can't tell which ones are fake they do make some nice ones but one of my pet peeves is when people put fake flowers in their yard and they get all sun bleached and they just leave them, it's so ugly and tacky,no walk this morning, woke up feeling odd so laid back down, hopefully I can squeeze something in during the day, was taking an amino acid to sleep better and while it did work it leaves me with a leftover groggy feeling ALL day,I had 2 bottles of diet coke plus a can,plus 4 cups of coffee yesterday and I still couldn't shake it, so I was boring Nana P yesterday, Louie kept wanting to play basketball I just threw my shots from the couch haha, watched them roast Justin Bieber last night, it was pretty funny, ho-hum off to get ready for work hopefully it's a good day, hello to all my friends here,back later
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              MAE ALL....

              Mick...thanks for kicking us off this morning. I'm feeling better today but the sleep fairy seems to be out of town. The planter looks great, thanks for posting the pics.

              Bear...sounding good. Hope you have a great day.

              Pi...hope some work turns up for you. "Begonias not yet planted here, as I could only find a snow shovel."

              Morning Lav...they're predicting snow here for tomorrow night into Thursday as well. At least it's more of a rain/snow mix so not much sticking to the ground.

              Pauly....totally agree with the fake flowers in the yard. Can you say ex-MIL! I hate that leftover groggy feeling. Hope your day is better.

              Saw this on FB and it made me think of all of you.

              Boss asked if I'd chair a coffee meeting/group once a week. He started off by saying I know it's not in your job description, but.... How do you say no to something like that. It would be for new immigrant women in the community. Learning English and navigating the city resources.

              Have an early meeting this morning. Garden volunteer has offered to do our website for the community garden.
              Will check in later. Have a Terrific Tuesday all and all to come......:smile:PPQP


                Hi Lav, Pauly, PQ. Glad you're feeling better. Only opening this morning is one working with the profoundly disabled. Not in my skill set, so deciding on a project.

                No kidding on the snow shovel, which is an odd tool to have in a semi-tropical climate. But is useful for picking up yard waste like pine needles, or demolition debris like sheetrock or old flooring. Not so good for digging, however.

                PQ, if you'd like to chair the new group, maybe offer to trade it for something you're currently doing but don't care for? Or if you just want to say no, could start off with, "Thank you for thinking of me but, ..."


                  pie ..exactly what I was thinking re job spec and ppqp.."very impressed that you thought of me...and yes I would be delighted to..however as you are aware I like to give my all to every task that I take before I actually do that perhaps we should review my job spec and see which tasks could be re designated to...(nows your chance to get back at that woman you dont like !)
                  oh and now that you have mentioned it....maybe we could review my work to salary ratios?

                  thanks lav.....hows this for a cutie pressie to make for someone?


                  can you see it?

                  here you go..3 blown quails or similar small eggs some brush wood coupla fevvers lenght of thin wire (used to be called fuse wire in the good ole days!!)...oh and little bit of silicon..make a nest out of brushwood...silicon the eggs into it... add a couple of fevvers.. push the fuse wire thru the bottom so that you can tie it on to something if you want..great easter decoration!!!

                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    huppy Tooosdy ABeroooos!

                    bit of computer prob but managed to get back on here. Busy but good work day and kicking along pretty well.
                    insanely windy here, dust storms etc are making driving difficult.
                    bad cravings this afternoon but came home and made a spicy maki (sushi roll) and feeling pretty decent again.

                    Pauly, if yer feeling run down you may want to check into something for adrenal support like dandelion root extract.

                    well, back to the salt mines....

                    be well peeps
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Hey Mick - love the nest
                      I have something similar - need to take a pic of it for you. Right now it's in a cabinet, safe behind a glass door, ha ha.

                      Det, glad you are hanging in there. Keep feeding yourself well

                      pauly, you really, really need to get rid of the caffeine girl. Try going without for a week & see if you don't feel better. I went caffeine free for an entire year (several years ago) to see if it made any difference in my B/P (it didn't) but I did feel pretty good!

                      PQ, I hope you don't overextend yourself at work - ain't worth it, am I right? Praying for improved weather for both of us.
                      Chilly & raining here, not very nice.

                      Hi there Pie!
                      You need a trip to the Dollar store for gardening tools. How's that for a plan?
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Lav,noooooo,I'll die haha,that was overboard yesterday but I quit the supplement so hopefully I'll feel better, May go back to insomnia but I'd rather have that,hmm,maybe not,see how it goes, Det,you sound better, I think Nevada is just a wind tunnel, it's really bad here,I can feel dust in my pores
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Evening all that are still awake....thanks for all your words of wisdom with the new job assignment.

                          Pi...and hence the problem...there is nobody else. I would assume that the "new" program coordinator would qualify but she turned down the job when told the salary. Which brings up the issue of salary. He's offering next to nothing and interviewing people with PhD's, MA's, etc...what does he expect.

                          Mick...might just have to copy and paste that response in an email. LOL I did bring up the issue of a raise. Asked him how someone goes about asking their boss for a raise. LOL Don't know if I can last till the GM spot is mine but then salary wouldn't be an issue. Cute presses!

                          Det...winds crazy up here today too. Big grass fire south east of us and they're looking at mandatory evacuations. Good on you for choosing the spicy over the poison. :welldone:

                          Thanks Lav...will keep that in mind. Just have to get over the spring soccer registration, everyone commits on the last day! Weather forecast has worsened...they're actually calling for "real" snow on Sunday. :sad:

                          Pauly...."May go back to insomnia but I'd rather have that,hmm,maybe not"....hmm, maybe I'd give that some thought. :exclaim: With my first In-Treatment trip (there was more than one) we were not allowed caffeine...the withdrawal symptom was headaches. Dust in my pores too!

                          Off to find the sleep fairy. Have a peaceful night.....:smile:PPQP
                          Last edited by porqoui; March 31, 2015, 11:10 PM.

