Pap, again, so sorry regarding the death of your nephew's girlfriend. This is really sad. My daughter's ex-boyfriend was found dead in October 2014, of an overdose of heroin. We were shocked, even though we had not seen him for ~5 years. What a horrible loss and horrible trauma for everyone involved. I couldn't stop thinking about it for the longest time, and still send him positive energy when I do think of him. How they suffer before they die. The guilt, shame, cravings, lies. So horrible. We are here for you so post away if you want support.
Dill, sometimes the best of intentions just don't pan out. I am very busy the next several weekends too, so will finish that book, and hope it gets better.
Lav, we planned a trip to Florida and will see my Dad, in May. I am excited and looking forward to getting away.
Cyn, hope you are doing OK. Give us a hello if you can.
So glad it is April, hope the name is OK. April Fool's day is my least favorite holidays so no tricks here!!!!
