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AF April Abundance

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    AF April Abundance

    Good morning....

    Pap, again, so sorry regarding the death of your nephew's girlfriend. This is really sad. My daughter's ex-boyfriend was found dead in October 2014, of an overdose of heroin. We were shocked, even though we had not seen him for ~5 years. What a horrible loss and horrible trauma for everyone involved. I couldn't stop thinking about it for the longest time, and still send him positive energy when I do think of him. How they suffer before they die. The guilt, shame, cravings, lies. So horrible. We are here for you so post away if you want support.

    Dill, sometimes the best of intentions just don't pan out. I am very busy the next several weekends too, so will finish that book, and hope it gets better.

    Lav, we planned a trip to Florida and will see my Dad, in May. I am excited and looking forward to getting away.

    Cyn, hope you are doing OK. Give us a hello if you can.

    So glad it is April, hope the name is OK. April Fool's day is my least favorite holidays so no tricks here!!!!

    Good morning friends & thanks for the start up Star

    Sunny but still below freezing. I'm still hopeful that spring will arrive eventually.

    Star, glad you've made plans to see your Dad! I hope you make the most of your trip.
    I'm not into April Fool's tricks either, never liked surprises.

    Papmom, I'm very sorry for your loss. This is a hard lesson for your nephew for sure. He has a good family & I'm sure you will all gather to hold him up :hug:
    The war on drugs continues. sad there seems to be no end in sight.

    Greeting Dill! Enjoy your nice weather & please send it here

    Cyn, I hope you are OK & not getting snowed on or anything, ha ha! This extended winter certainly has been no joke.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!
    I'll be watching my grandsons after school so I need to get my day in order now.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Papmom, the quilt idea is so sweet! I'm sure it will help your nephew get thru some dark times that he will surely be facing. I think heroin is so epidemic that I would venture to say that almost everyone these days knows someone who is addicted or who has died from an overdose. It's horrible.

      Lav, today was the first really nice, warm, sunny Spring day that we have had. I went out for a long walk in the woods and actually found the beginings of spring wildflowers, specifically Dutchman's Breeches. It was so nice that I actually took off my jacket and soaked up some sunshine! I'm sending this your way!

      Star, thanks for starting us off and I very much like the title. I have been watching the Killing Jesus movie and I must say that I have not been impressed with it. I have about a third of it left to go. I don't think it is anywhere near as well done as his Killing Lincoln movie was.

      Hi Cyn, hope you are feeling some spring temps out your way!

      Happy AF Hump Day everyone!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Good morning all...

        We had such nice weather yesterday, I went for my first bike ride after work; 60s and sunny. It was so fun. The warmer weather and sunshine make me feel energetic, I loved it!!!!

        Work today, it's like a Friday to me, I took tomorrow off, a three day weekend will be good. Get my taxes done, mailed off, and other little chores that need to be done. Then, family on the weekend again for Easter celebration. Mostly on Saturday, as Sunday has to be shared with other relatives. That's OK, I am grateful for the time I am able to share with my loved ones.

        I found a place to board my cat as I don't have a friend to come over and check on her. Also, she is now the only one and it would be hard for me to leave her by herself for days. This place looks really cute, so I guess it will be OK. I am so excited to get away and swim. I love the water so much. I am really trying to eat less, I want to feel comfortable in my summer clothes. There are some really cute dresses out, but I just don't wear dresses any more. Maybe I need to change up my style. What do you think?

        Have a terrific Thursday!


          Morning all -

          Star, thanks for the start up - I love the title. It's a good word to keep handy, Abundance.

          Sorry to be away - nothing going on of great significance but work and more work at all hours, and then cooking for me, the dogs and HB. And washing up all the cooking dishes! Though I'm glad to be seeing the snow melt, I think that going outside and shoveling was as good for me mentally as it was a physical break. Maybe I'll get my wellies on and start hacking away in the forest, before the ticks show up. Just no time for that at the moment.

          Lav, after Dill sends you that weather, send it on to us, will you?! Actually it was fairly nice yesterday, made it to 40.

          Dill - loved the sound of your walk; it's such a thrill to see the brave spring flowers, isn't it?

          Pap - I'll read back to the end of March and see the quilt; it sounds like you are a great comfort to your nephew.

          Star - a FL trip! Wonderful! So glad that you will be getting away. Yes, finding pet care when you move can be hard - so glad you found a place for kitty.

          I'll be calling our vet today - girl dog has been coughing more and more, and she had a hard night. Tuesday night she had another episode but I caught it early and administered rimadyl (anti-inflam) right away. It worked, and the episode was much less distressing to her and lasted only 2 hours or so. Anyway, good information for the vets, wherever we end up going. I do feel that we need to find out what's causing the cough, no matter what the news is. Better to know.

          In the meantime, the sun is shining and there's a liquid soft light about, so it must be spring. Happy AF Thursday all. To abundance!


            Good morning friends, happy Thursday to all!

            Keeping my fingers crossed that the real spring weather makes an appearance today, yay!
            I ended up with my grandsons here until 9:30 last evening - way too late. My DIL comes in & sits instead of picking them up & going home, ha ha! Tonight I will try to get them all out of here earlier

            Cyn, I'm sorry about your dog. It's starting to sound a lot like maybe chronic bronchitis or even CHF? Remember my Girl Dog? She had similar episodes & I asked the vet for a trial on theophylline & it really helped with the coughing & wheezing.
            I hope you can find some help for her!
            We are supposed to warm up a bit today so I will gladly send you some warmth

            Star, funny that you mentioned dresses. The last one I bought nearly 4 years ago is hanging in my closet with the tags still on, never worn. Somehow I have lost that 'dressed up' feeling, ha ha!! I hope you have a great 3 day weekend & time with your family.

            Dill, if it actually feels like the 65 degrees predicted for today I will be a happy camper!

            Papmom, thinking of you & your family :hug:

            Wishing a great AF Thursday for all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Hi ladies, I always snoop in on your thread just wanted to tell Lav that sometimes when I watch Louie Kell will come in sit down, eat,talk about her day,and if I'm tired or Louie has been grouchy, I have to kick them out haha,so I totally understand the situation, have a great Thursday everybody
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Hi All,

                Paulywogg you are welcome to put your comments in anytime. In fact, we could use a few more voices on this thread, so please feel free!

                Lav, We had the most awesome spring shower here this morning with big dark clouds and thunder and the whole shebang! I loved it. I was outside early holding a sapling fruit tree up straight while Mr. D filled the hole. He wanted to get it in the ground before the rain which is what brought me outside and gave me the opportunity to watch the darkening sky. It was really awesome and it was one of those special moments where I felt so grateful to be alive, AF, HF (hangover free) and able to feel and enjoy the moment.

                Cyn, I'm so sorry girl dog is still having trouble. I hope the vet works something out and she gets better! My daffodils still haven't opened but they are at least 8 inches high. Thing is, all I see are the leaves, no bud. I am beginning to wonder if these will flower this year or if I need to replant new bulbs this fall. Oh well. I have actually made some funky little daffodils out of bright yellow felt and put them in a vase! It's kind of cute.

                Star, I am having to have Easter on Saturday too, but it's not the date that matters. I'm like you, just looking forward to the special time with family.

                Hello Papmom, thinking of you and your family.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  HI Everyone,
                  Thanks for the well wishes and support. The wake is Saturday from 3-7. It's going to be very tough on everyone. Its also quite far away from us-probably 45 min or so-not in her hometown even. Huh. The obit was very sweet. I haven't heard from my nephew since Monday but my sister assures me he's doing as well as can be expected. Cyn-I haven't done the memory mat/quilt yet so don't look too hard for it LOL!! As soon as I find out what her favorite colors were I'll start making it.
                  We hit 60 degrees today!! Whoo hoo! It was wonderful. I walked to and from work and went home for lunch and took the dogs on a short walk. Ahhhhh....... Even saw some crocuses in bloom and heard some song sparrows. I'm putting my boots away for real now!!
                  Star-your 3 day weekend sounds wonderful! Its so great to get together with family on this holiday. No presents, not a big cooking day, easter egg hunts for the wee ones-one of my favorite holidays!! (ok, I love them all actually!!)
                  Welcome Polly-wog! Please feel free to post here anytime!
                  Cyn-I sure hope your vet can figure out what is wrong with girl dog although it does sound like CHF but there are good meds for that really help with making the pup comfortable. Good luck!!
                  Lav-your kids are so lucky to have you!! are all the GKs healthy this week? Loved the pic of the chickens on FB!!
                  Dill-did you stay outside during the storm??? Can't believe you can plant already!!

                  I'm doing really good on getting my 12000+ steps in every day this week and eating better-salads every day with a lower sodium dressing. Not seeing the scale budge tho. Grrrr.
                  April is shaping up to be a very busy month! Easter this weekend plus the wake. 2 agility trials, 2 demos, Muckfest, and a fundraising dog walk, then May comes in hot as well! 2 agility trials, and 2 Rally trials. Not sure about any demos.
                  Work is still going very well. My boss is giving me more and more responsibility-hope I can handle it!!!
                  Have a great day tomorrow everyone!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Good morning...

                    Happy Friday. Of course, when I can sleep I am up at 4 am. Crazy stuff. Why does that always happen? I can always take a nap later. I have lots of chores to do, get a new driver's license, sign our taxes and mail them out, and some other stuff. Plus, laundry, cleaning, but it's not really that much with just the two of us. I remember when I did laundry for four....whew, with sheets, towels, it was a lot of loads.

                    Cyn, sometimes life is like and just living with all the daily duties. Is your husband home for a time? Glad the snow is melting, hopefully all gone soon. We are having storms the next few days, spring rain that washes away the winter muck. I am thinking of getting a pet sitter to come to my home if I can. If I board my cat has to have more shots, flea stuff, and the truth is, she always stays in, and is never exposed to other animals, now. She seems to like it this way. So, I will have to see if I can get that number. Sorry your dog is sick off and on. The poor thing. Any special plans for Easter?

                    Dill, I have daffodils that bloomed in my back yard, so will cut some and put in a vase later today. So good to have them, but my front yard seems to need a spruce up, I am still waiting to see if anything comes up. I like color!!!! The flowers that bloomed are in a protected area, so may have been first to bloom in the area. Nice to hear your family is coming to celebrate Easter and spring!!! I have to buy eggs today and look for my egg dyes and see if I have vinegar. My daughter wants to color eggs tomorrow, and I love to color eggs and eat chocolate and eggs on Easter morning. Ha, I always get a stomach ache, but it is tradition.

                    Lav, I love company, but it sounds like somebody needs to realize when it is time to go home!! Gracefully. I love when they come and I love when they leave. I immediately clean up and then RELAX........ I am used to the quiet now. No phones ringing, people stopping in, doors banging, clothes all over, dirty dishes. I laugh when I think of the time I came home and went to get a glass for water...NO GLASSES! They were all dirty and all over the house. I can laugh now, and could handle it better when I was a bit younger. Ha Ha. I am trying to come up with something meatless today for dinner....any ideas Lav?

                    It is so great to feel good and do my best to live in a healthy way by choosing good food, positive attitude, no alcohol, and exercise. I am very grateful today to have a home, be settled and have a job I love. Have a good one.


                      Good morning friends & happy Friday to all

                      Cloudy with a promise of rain for most of the day, oh well. Sure is better than snow!

                      pauly, I didn't even allow my DIL to sit down when she walked in last night, ha ha!! The boys had their socks, shoes & jackets on ~ she took the hint

                      Dill, enjoy your Easter weekend with your family!

                      papmom, I'm happy to hear you are finally thawing out up there! Geez, what a winter to remember huh?
                      Glad you are finally able to get out & about. I hope Saturday's wake is not too stressful for all involved.

                      Star, you just brought back memories of my having to go through my house, room by room to collect dirty dishes, glasses & coffee cups. I even had to reach under the kid's beds for stuff, ha ha!! You never picture days like that when your first child is born
                      I finally gave up waiting for anything to pop up let alone bloom around here so I bought a bunch of yellow & a bunch of pink tulips yesterday just to add some color in my life!!!
                      I am taking Easter plants to the cemeteries today & stopping to visit daughter & granddaughter. YB decided to take the day off & go along.
                      I haven't even thought of meatless meals for today, probably won't be cooking either.

                      Greetings to Cyn, hope everything is OK!

                      Have a nice AF Friday everyone!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Hello all -

                        Thanks for the suggestions and help for girl dog. Yesterday she was cough-free, and chipper as ever. Honestly! I have believed for a while that it is a chronic bronchitis, brought on mostly by stress. I just don't get the acute pain part, but I'm sure we'll figure it out. When she coughs in the night, it is always 4 am. I know that TCM has hours that correspond to major organs, so last night I looked it up - guess what 4 am is? Lungs. The great benefit of that research was finding a beautiful site Fabulous recipes! Check it out, Star, i think they may have meatless meals. (Lav - lots of great-looking GF and DF recipes, and one to make cultured coconut yogurt!)

                        Pap - it got to 60 yesterday here too! Woo Hoo! I felt like a new life was starting. Still snow-covered here, and only a few blades of grass greening, but I went down the valley, and on the Town Green I saw just the tips of crocus coming. What brave souls they are. Pap, it sounds like you are in a good place in every way this spring - congrats.

                        Star - enjoy your daffodils and family this weekend. What a wonderful circle of life.

                        Lav - maybe walking through the room with your jammies on? Hope tonight is shorter.

                        Dill - loved the picture of you and Mr Dill out in the beginning rain...I could almost smell the fragrant earth! Pictures of your felt daffies, please.

                        Polly Wogg - glad to have you drop by - stay awhile if you'd like.

                        In this household we cover 2 major holidays this weekend; Passover (tonight and tomorrow) and Easter on Sunday. So I'd better get cooking. Wishing all a wonderful, rejuvenating, spring-ing day and weekend.

                        To Abundance!



                          Hi all, here are my little felt daffodils, as requested.

                          Cyn, I didn't stand outside in the rain, just watched the gathering storm and scooted inside before the downpour! But it was unmistakably spring weather!

                          Papmom, it is too early for most planting, but it is the perfect time for transplanting trees. I also saw the local college grounds keepers planting beds of pansies yesterday. Now is the time to plant peas, too. I'll be thinking of you Saturday. Oh, and I am certain you can handle whatever comes your way at work! The supervisor is smart to utilize you to your fullest!

                          Star, We'll be coloring eggs tomorrow too! I have 2 dozen hard boiled eggs waiting in the fridge.

                          Lav, I am old enough that I don't have to fast or abstain from meat according to the church rules. I didn't know there was such a thing as an age limit on that, but I read it the other day. Of course, I like meatless meals so it doesn't make a difference to me, really. But Mr. D is another story! Glad YB decided to spend the day with you. Hope it was pleasant!

                          Peace, hope and love to all of you on this AF Good Friday.
                          Last edited by dill; April 3, 2015, 02:59 PM.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Good morning friends, happy Saturday to all!

                            The rain has moved out, woke up to sun this morning ~ nice Heading up to 50 today so there's still a chill in the air.
                            We had a good day yesterday, visited two cemeteries & went to our daughter's house to see the progress on the updating. They have lots of painting done, carpets to be installed soon, garden beds cleaned out - life is good. My granddaughter is very happy & very busy, ha ha.

                            Dill, love your felt daffs! I'll take a big vase full, LOL
                            My store bought tulips are making me happy at the moment, I have no idea when mine will ever grow.
                            Enjoy your egg coloring activities today

                            Cyn, how lucky are you to have to produce two holidays this weekend? Geez, you are too nice I think
                            I hope the melting continues up your way!
                            Thanks for the new website - it's in my favorites now, yay!!!

                            Papmom, I hope your day goes as well as possible, thinking of you!

                            Star, enjoy your family this weekend!

                            I'm not sure but I think my kids & grandkids are descending on me today. I just heard about this last evening, ha ha! Guess I'd better go get some food to prepare.

                            Have a great AF Saturday everyone!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Happy Holy Saturday!

                              The sun is shining and it is cold today, only getting up to the 50s, but better than snow and cold!

                              Dill loved the picture.

                              Lav, sounds like a wonderful day. So good to hear your daughter's house is coming along. Isn't it funny to remember all the chaos in the house with teens? When they descend on our houses, it goes back to that. Right now I am washing glasses I forgot to put in the dishwasher, I will need every one of them.

                              Cyn, how fun to celebrate two holidays. Have fun. My philosophy this year is: we are going out to eat! Tonight, pizza, tomorrow, everyone leaves early for their respective destinations, so I will cook. Found a really good eggplant recipe. I will check out that link. Thanks.

                              Have a wonderful day.

