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AF April Abundance

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    Originally posted by paulywogg View Post
    Morning ladies, glad your turkey turned out good Lav,I love when the breasts are on sale and I can throw it in the crock pot and it yields enough meat for 4 days always something you can do with turkey/chicken(sorry Stella haha) I tried to look up the site you said to follow on Facebook and I can't find them? Dill,don't think I have patience for origami, I can make a t-shirt out of a dollar bill though haha,that's about as far as my paper folding skills go,as far as fun hmm,I like to walk,interested in nutrition, hanging with Louie, but I really need to get more hobbies, was thinking of some classes such as exercise or a cooking class, something, I feel like even though I quit drinking, I haven't really been putting effort into growing and building a different life if that makes sense, and that's not good! Just lazy maybe, or scared to do anything that jeopardizes my quit, can't do things hubs and I did before,hope everyone has a lovely Monday, hello to all
    Pauly, for some reason I felt the need to go back to this post. I guess 'cause you seemed to be angsting over being 'boring' and not finding new hobbies. I think that by quitting drinking we ARE "putting effort into growing and building a different life". Maybe we don't actually have to change our lives or our habits. By quitting drinking we are reclaiming our lives and including the quality that was lost. That's good enough for me!

    Lav, I wondered how close you are to Baltimore. Too close for comfort, I say! There are many factors contributing to that situation but I think at the heart of it is the breakdown of the family unit.

    Cyn, I know exactly what you mean about not seeing the forest for the vines! I'm the same way about my flower garden. I see the weeds before I see the flowers!

    Star, for me you are one of the most interesting people I know! You are not boring. You read and keep busy making life as good as it can be for your family and what could be more important? You always remind me to keep balanced and I appreciate that.

    Nice day today with lots of sunshine and up in the 60's. I think tomorrow we will put the boat in the water. Mr. D spent today getting it ship-shape! Have a peaceful AF evening.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Dill, I agree that quitting drinking is building a better life but I miss quality time with hubs, it's really hard cuz living in Vegas there's always something going on and I used to love going to comedy shows,seeing live music, going out to eat,etc, but now those memories are tainted and it makes me anxious to even think about going out, so we watch tv together, I need to work on building new memories, I'm thinking Sunday breakfast somewhere, going to our favorite park that has fishing and ducks, peacocks, trees,just clean healthy stuff that I don't associate with stupid ugly alcohol! We'll get it eventually, right now Kellie works so much and we have Louie a lot so that takes up a lot of time, but it's FUN time(unless he's in a mood haha) I'm just glad I'm sober for now,healing, getting my head straight, all else will fall into place
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Good morning friends & happy Hump day to all

        Bright & sunny here - yay!
        I'm watching kids today so I'll be busy with preschool drop off & pick up, meeting the oldest at his bus stop after school then bringing them both back here for dinner. I'm not likely to get a whole lot else done today, ha ha.

        Pauly, I understand the need to move on to healthier, non-drinking activities. I'm confident you will find new things to do. Everyday without AL is a good one

        Greetings Dill, Star, Cyn & Papmom.
        I hope everyone has a great AF Wednesday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Hello All, extremely busy day here. We spent the day putting the boat in and floating around on the lake. I got home just in time to get to my card making class. Nice to be able to do something in the evening, which used to be my isolating time. The cardmaking class was great fun, too.

          Sorry this is so short. Have a peaceful AF evening.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Good morning...

            I missed yesterday, woke up late. Today, woke up early! It's all good!

            Dill, thanks for telling me I am interesting and OK. Sometimes I need to hear that. Your card making sounds fun! Someone else mentioned that to me so it must be a new fun craft. Let me know how it goes, what you make, if it is not too much. I am reading Paris by Rutherford, who also wrote other historical novels, and I LOVE IT! Very interesting, goes back and forth in history, good story. All on my tablet. The only thing is they have a family tree and I can't get it big enough on the tablet, so I am a little confused as to generations. Oh well, I love historical novels. Being on the boat sounds awesome. How fun. Tomorrow is May and we have not though of a name. Help!

            Lav, hope you had fun with the grandkiddies. Thrilled to hear it is getting warm. Us too, but still cold nights.

            Pauly, it's hard to go to places where one of the major focuses is alcohol. Good to stay away, hard to figure out what else to do. LIke I said, I like to read, maybe walk, bikeride, nothing big. I used to like crafts when I was younger. Now, I just don't need that stuff. I do have a creative side, you probably get to be creative doing hair. I have nothing like that in my work. I am still getting used to moving to a new area. Not yet a year. Hope your grandbaby feels better soon.

            Cyn, how fun to get away and do something different. Have fun. Funny enough, I have been seeing things the way you describe in my yard. Just seeing the weeds, which we have done nothing about yet. Ha. Maybe this weekend we will get to it. Have a fun and productive time on your trip.

            Pap, hello, hope your week is going well.

            Have a good Thursday.


              Good morning friends on this last day of April!

              Glad everything is going well Star
              The weeds are coming in here faster than I can pull them, ha ha. I try to do a little each day but it's really a never ending job. Have fun out in your yard this weekend.

              Dill, it is boating season, yay!!
              The card making sounds like fun. One of the Curves members sells her cards at the craft show there each year. They are really nice, unique!

              Greetings to Cyn, Papmom & Pauly! I hope everyone has a good AF Thursday!
              I'm off to Curves this morning, don't start my kid watch until 3 pm today.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Morning ladies, Dill, lazing around on a boat just floating around with the sun on your face sounds like heaven Louie acted better on Tuesday night but yesterday started up again so they took him in and he has an ear infection I think bad ears run in the family, Brady had to get tubes put in when he was nearly 2,he had infection after infection, I have sensitive ears too,always have to put cotton in them if we're at the beach or when it's cool and windy here or they HURT!think I'm just gonna be bad and get fast food for dinner tonight, no Louie and it's only me,hubs and Brady, why cook?it's crazy though cuz even though the kids are mostly gone I always overcook I'm so used to feeding 6 people its hard to change my thinking, it's ok though cuz Brady usually has a friend over and I always insist they eat,anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Greetings all,

                  Star, I'll make a note of that book and look for it when I get caught up on my current books. I'm still reading Map of Heaven and Mr. D bought me another one for my birthday!

                  Lav, the card making was fun indeed but I must say, the instructor was not very good. However, my friends and I stuck with it and each left with a pretty, hand-made card. We had some laughs along the way!

                  PW, Poor, dear Louie! Ear infections are awful. I hope he's better soon. I have a better understanding I think of why you feel you have to make changes in your life in order to be AF. I didn't realize you went out to clubs, etc. when you drank. Of course you would have to stop going to those places! Very triggery, I should think. Staying at home is my regular thing. I quit going out and drinking long ago when I realized I couldn't control how much I would drink and I didn't want to get into any trouble. That's when I began drinking more and more at home, staying home in the evenings and isolating with my wine. I didn't think I had a problem with wine until it just kept getting worse and I realized that I should stop but I had no idea how! That's when I joined MWO.

                  Today is my birthday and it has been very nice. I am about to go out and meet some friends for dinner. Have a peaceful AF Thursday evening.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Happy birthday Dill
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Happy Birthday dear Dill! Sorry this is so late. :balloons::flowerspin:
                      Star-hope the chemo treatments go as well as they can for your dad
                      Lav-is your son in Baltimore or DC? So sad what is going on.
                      Cyn-you are the warrior princess of weed and bittersweet!! Enjoy your lecture time and break from physical exertion!!
                      Lav-the Muckfest your nephew's kids did was the same one I did! It is held at the old Fort Devons, northwest of Boston. Its now just Devons, quite the complex of businesses, rec reational space and housing I think.

                      Muckfest was so much fun! And yes we did get mucking dirty! And wet. And cold!! if you go to this link, you can see pics from last weekend:

                      My team and I were in many of these pics!! We are team The Mr. Beaumont-white shirts with lots of orange. Our captain's dad has MS. It was an incredible experience and I can't wait to do it again. I am so very proud of myself-I overcame a fear of heights and completed obstacles I didn't think I could do. Most importantly, I attempted every single obstacle and completed the course. My dad came with me to be my cheerleader and I think he had fun just watching all the festivities. He got to see us do the last 5 obstacles. I can't say enough about event, organization and volunteers. And my team. I raised $150 and got a pair of Muckfest flipflops!

                      Sunday I did a 3mi hike in support of a local shelter with a friend and our dogs. It was also cold and windy but great fun. Good BBQ afterwards too! I raised $120 for the shelter and just found out they were finally able to purchase the property they had been renting. Good things in the future for them!

                      Thoughts on being boring after going AF: No such thing. It was important to me to just be. I did a lot of retail therapy in the beginning because I couldn't stand being home at cocktail time. I joined a quilting class right before my quit so I pretty much threw myself into that. I did not exercise or change my eating-I ate more in fact. All my activities have come about in the last year after the heart attack. Now I feel like the sky's the limit and I need to get it all done before it's too late! However you protect your sobriety is right for you. Does this make sense?

                      Work is ramping up with graduation around the corner
                      This saturday I have a Rally trial and sunday is a family birthday BBQ
                      Next weekend is an agility trial in NH.
                      Where is the month going already???
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        Glad I checked in again -

                        Happy Birthday Dill
                        Glad you got to go out & celebrate tonight!

                        Papmom, I'm glad you enjoyed the MuckFest. I saw all the pictures last year when my nephew's kids went for the first time - what an event! Their mother has had a rough year dealing with MS but she's doing the best she can do.

                        Time for a new month - what name are we using for May??

                        We shall see!!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

