Dill, thanks for that quote -- what an absolutely remarkable idea that is. It makes me realize how much of what we tell ourselves is linked to the past - hurts, stories we are devoted to even though they serve no purpose. That is a truly radical idea. Recently at a public dinner, I was seated (by chance) next to a writing teacher, and across from a Hospice Chaplain (woman). They are in a book group that reads and discusses spiritually oriented books - Radical Forgiveness, etc. I didn't have the courage to ask them 'can I come'? But I hope to contact them both and build a relationship. I felt that it was serendipity that I sat with them - this spring is producing a growth season for me internally - going back to foundations that I laid in the 1980s and 90s, but then let drop. I'm starting to do dream work again - I had a violent, terrible dream recently; some part of me really wants attention! So back to dream work I go...
So glad that you are having a good time with daughter and Gson. I understand the longing for country when working in a city - I am so glad to be in the country. RE: Wolf Hall. Don't be put off by the length!! She has a marvelous writing style, the chapters fly by (for me at least), and the images are rich and sometimes almost mystical. There are too many names and people to try to keep track of - in the beginning of the book, there's a Who's Who that really helps. If you read it, let me know - there are a few tips I would give you so you get into the writer's style.
Star - hope you are treating yourself well this weekend.
Pap - I'm sure you are busy as always
Pauly - hope you feel better
Lav - you actually got a moment to yourself while babysitting adorable Gdaughter?! Wow!. Thanks for the reminder about the Bach flower use. I do use Rescue Remedy, but haven't for awhile. I also used put Walnut in their drinking water, back when we were moving every 3 months or so - it's good for when there are big changes going on...I think I'll start up with that again.
I managed the city, parking, rolling my supplies to my client's apartment, boxing up things, getting the car from the parking lot, packing it up and heading home. All just as planned! I was very proud of myself. Thank goodness it was a Saturday - I hope I never have to do it on a weekday. Both dogs were just fine when I got home (around 7:30 PM...I had my wonderful neighbor come in and feed them dinner). Girl dog was great, no coughing, nothing. Whew!
Today dogs and I will head back to SD's to give a hand with packing. Hopefully that will be my last trip there to help her. Too much driving this week!!!
Hope all have a great AF Sunday ---