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AF April Abundance

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    Hi All-beautiful day today!! Took advantage by walking to work and home for lunch. On the way chatted with a neighbor and took the dogs for a short walk. Tonite DD and I went to the local rail trail which was FINALLY cleared of all snow and ice and wasn't even that muddy. Unfortunately my asthma acted up as I started running so I had to slow it down to a walk. Not happy. Really need to remember to bring my inhaler with me no matter what!!

    Pauly-I use both the Fitbit Ultra and the Misfit Flash. The flash is a wrist watch type tracker I use to track my sleep as well as my water boot camp activity. The fitbit I wear everyday for my walking and jogging.

    Dill-what sad news about your son's former classmate. Just terrible. How is your son taking the news?

    Cyn-so glad to hear girl dog is responding so well to a diet change! So very important to put good fuel in the body-human or animal!! How is hubby doing?

    Lav-oh the one lb a week curse!! I can't even get to that point so good on ya and keep plugging away!

    Star-did you get out at lunch for a walk? It can be so hard to tear yourself away especially if everyone else is eating at their desks. I've made it a priority to leave for lunch-whether it s to go home or to walk on the treadmill at the school's gym. I'm not successful every day but 80% of the time I am so I think that is a good record.

    Well, as usual, I've run out of time and its late. The boyz still need to be fed and I need to get to bed!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Good morning...

      Rain, rain today. temps i the 60s by afternoon, so spring is staying!!!

      Dill, so sorry to hear about the death/possible suicide of a young person. I was reflecting on how many younger people contemplate suicide. I wonder why. If you think backto the depression, Vietnam War, other difficult times, I don't remember the epidemic of suicide. Maybe I just didn't know about it. It is so sad. The pressure and the social media make so many feel like failures. So sad. I think I mentioned that my kids mentioned to me that several individuals have died of heroin overdoes in the community they grew up in. Wow. We had several people in our class die of alcohol, through driving and falling asleep with cigarettes and starting fires, so I guess every generation has its vices, if that is the right word. Loved your description of the out in the country sounds so sweet and each season has its own sounds.

      Lav, you DIL sounds like such a hard worker. So lucky to have you to take up the slack. I never would have had anyone to watch my kids when they were young. Not at night for sure. Thanks for reminding me of hospice. Hopefully we have some time before that becomes reality. I just wonder if at his age they left it alone if he would live for years. The treatments are so weakening and painful. Yes, alcohol did not help before, weakened me actually. I was out of my mind with grief with my Mom. I am older now, different, hope I handle it better this time. I know what to expect more, due to the first experience. Lav, thanks for sharing how hard it is to lose weight, I am not the only one.

      Cyn, glad spring is finding its way up north. It is even sweeter....I will get the resources in his area researched. Did you live by your Dad when he was sick? That is the hard part, being so far away. Well, one of the hard parts.

      Pap, how nice to walk to work. Hope you can the entire week.

      Pauly, to drink through an illness would be so sad, especially for all of us who have tried to see the light, make changes, know how debilitating it is...I feel like a doughy lady myself and went for a walk last night and it felt good. I have a good eating plan for today, very light and hopefully more walking. We made barbecue chicken and it was soooo good. So tonight, leftover chicken and a salad recipe. 1/4 cup light mayo and cut up tomatoes, that will be the dressing. Let it marinate and get set, then pour over greens, avocados and if you want, bacon. I want. Not alot, just a strip or two. Sounds good to me.

      Have a good one.


        Good morning friends,

        Happy Thursday to all!
        Looking forward to another spring day, rain to return tomorrow.
        My daughter & granddaughter should be here by lunch time, looking forward to a visit

        Dill, that's very sad about the young man, such a violent way to end his life. I keep thinking about YB's brother & his choice to do the same. None of us were totally surprised, we knew of his long term depression & suicide threats. I wonder if that young man had a similar situation.
        I'll never forget waking up one night to a strange sound. It turned out to be a deer giving birth way too close to my bedroom window, ha ha!

        Cyn, I hope you have another nice day to get out & about a bit. Spending even just a little time with nature each day helps keep me balanced!

        Papmom, it's just so unbelievably hard to lose weight at this age & stage. I get frustrated prettily easily BUT have to keep trying, right?

        pauly, I hope your windy weather & dust storms are over so you can get out & about yourself!

        OK, I'm off to Curves soon. Have a great AF day everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Morning ladies, up all night with food poisoning seems to have passed but I had to miss work and I feel tender like I did 1,000 crunches, I cooked some frozen fried chicken from a box and not sure what happened, just got super sick, anyways, Papmom, I use the fitbit flex,I wear it 24/7 to monitor steps, cals/sleep, I love it Dill,so sorry about the young guy, my son's friend hung himself back in December, he was only 18,had threatened in the past but I don't think he had family support and stuff, sometimes I see a young black kid walking around that resembles him,I get a chill down my spine, just makes me sad that someone so young felt so hopeless, Lav,I've definitely been staying indoors, it's calmed down now though, use today to rest up from my exorcist experience from last night and hopefully I'll be hitting the sidewalks in the morning hope everyone has a lovely Thursday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Evening all -

            Star, you sound like you have a good plan in place for self-care, good job. I lived far away from my Dad when he was sick, and I had just started my relationship w/now-HB, so it was a 'pulled-apart' feeling that I remember well. Once we knew he was in grave danger, I made a point to be with him once a month (for 6 months), and I was with him the last week of his life, as he decided to go into hospice. I'm glad that I was there, but it was wrenching just the same. It was a little different for me as my Mom was still alive then, and taking basic care of him. Does your Dad have family close by? Thinking of you every day.

            Lav - a deer giving birth right outside your window. Wow! That's incredible. I know they are destructive to some plants, but I don't care - I love to see their amble through our property anyway. I just put a fence around the little growing plants... I have to laugh about the 30 forsythia - I'm culling as many generation-old scraggy ones here as I can get my hands on! They just don't look attractive any more, even when they're blooming.

            Pauly - so sorry that you've been ill! I hope you felt better and better as the day went on.

            Pap - yes, more than 10 days now since an 'episode' - too soon to call it a success, but looking good so far. Thanks for asking re: HB. He's slowly getting better - I think there's more going on than meets the eye, but he's out of town now for a month, so nothing to be done. Good job on all the walking and the activities - you go girl!

            Dill - I thought of you today. I had to drive 2.5 hours (each way) for a 3 1/2 minute interview having to do with my Passport, which I needed to get done. So I plucked up my courage and drove to Kennedy Airport (the only option for the interview). All was going well, and then I hit a section of the Van Wyck (678) that was torn up with construction. Driving at 3 miles and hour (no kidding) gave me plenty of time to notice that the daffodils were definitely in full bloom on the sides of the road that were untouched. Crazy - ripped up concrete and sweet daffys! So sorry to hear about your son's is your son doing? So much pain in the world, and it seems that we are taught that it isn't a part of life, but of course it is.

            Went out and bush-whacked a little right after I got home...I'm worn out now, so will wish all a great AF night and good Friday AM tomorrow.


              Hello All, thanks to each of you for your thoughtful and supportive comments regarding my son's friend. Pauly, he was also a young black man and he also lacked family support. I hadn't seen him in many years and when I first heard the news and tried to conjure up an image of him, I remembered a beautiful young boy about 8 years old. I had worked in the school back then and that is where my memory took me.

              I wish I had time to address comments to all, but I just don't right now. It's just been a busy day here, I've been out with a girlfriend and have had lots of chores to catch up on here. I will try in the morning. Peaceful and clear AF thoughts being sent out to each of you, Papmom, Cyn, Star, Lav and Pauly.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Up early today so I'll have more time to post! I have been in a different pattern lately where I have been sleeping in an hour longer than I used to. This has affected my posting bc I usually was an early morning poster.

                Papmom, so glad you finally have all snow and ice cleared! My son took the news of his classmate's suicide pretty hard. They weren't close, but it is just simply terrible news in any event. I haven't really seen him since we heard the news so I'm hoping to get to talk with him about it this weekend.

                Lav, what did the deer giving birth sound like? I heard an unusual sound in the night one time, almost like a scream, but sounded like it came from an animal. I wonder if that is what it was. I thought at the time that it was an animal being attacked. I didn't know this young man that crashed his car into a semi on a personal level and really hadn't even seen him in the last 12 years. Sadly, during that time he did 5 years in prison for an aggravated robbery. That never made sense to me bc I had always known him to be quiet and well-behaved as a child. But his mother was a witch. She berated him and his brothers and sisters mercilessly in public and I always assumed they got worse treatment when no one was looking. She was a despicable woman and to beat it all, she was a teacher in the school I worked in. I heard that when she left her employ there she went on to be a principal in another district. I was appalled. She never would have made principal if she had stayed put, I am sure. His father was a soft-spoken and kindly man. I never understood how the two got together. I do believe they divorced in the end. I can't help but think that all that played a part in this young man's troubles.

                Star, I think the suicide rate for this generation is higher than 'normal'. I am going to research that today. I heard a statistic on Dr. Oz yesterday that child kidnap crimes are actually low in our times as compared to the past even tho the news reporting has us all scared to death to let our children out of our sight! He was talking about the topic of that couple in Maryland I think, that have been hassled for letting their 10 and 6 year old children walk to and from a park a mile from their home. I think that that is on the edge of appropriate but I also think children today are being absolutely smothered and not given chances to develop independence because we are all so scared out of our minds by news stories. My point being tho that it is hard to know the truth of things without looking into it, but my sense is that there is more suicide and overdose now than ever. I know the overdose is increased, that I heard statistics about in the news. But what is heroine overdose really but another form of suicide?
                Sorry to start out the day with such heavy hearted thoughts!

                To lighten things up a bit, follow this link. It will take you to an audio of toads in mating season:

                Cyn, I was so tickled to hear you say you thought of me while gazing at the daffodils on the roadside. It's wonderful that you were able to get beyond the frustration of crawling along at 3mph by living in the moment, taking in the beauty and perseverance of Nature. Eckhart Tolle would have been proud of you! LOL!

                Pauly, "Never, never, never give up!" -Winston Churchill I always get frustrated with the difficulty of losing/maintaining weight but I refuse to give up!

                My daughter and grandson arrive tonight for the weekend! I am so excited. Let's all enjoy a clear-headed AF weekend.
                Last edited by dill; April 17, 2015, 05:16 AM.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Good morning ladies...

                  Dill, glad to see you up early!! I could have slept in today, but the alarm woke me up. It seems to me that once people get caught up in drugs, some of them just can't stop, and I agree with you, it is a form of suicide. But, so is drinking alcohol excessively. I was thinking about letting kids walk to a park, and thought about smothering them and not letting them figure some things out for themselves. I was berated by a neighbor in the past when I let my kids ride their bikes to the park, and I just thought, too bad. The woman was a lunatic. Kids need the chance to figure things out and have adventures. Plus, with cell phones, they are able to contact parents easily. Sorry your son is having such a hard time with his classmate dying. It is shocking. Hard to make sense of it. I read a book recently about suicide and it described getting so depressed as in being in a dark tunnel. If you don't reach out for help, you keep going down that dark tunnel. Scary and sad.

                  Cyn, you are so sweet, thanks for the support. What a long trip for your bureaucratic duties. Not sure where it is going with my Dad, just a day by day journey. Treatment starts at the end of the month.

                  Lav, have fun today. We are supposed to get our patio furniture today, it will be nice to sit outside.

                  Pauly, feel better, sorry to hear you are under the weather.

                  Hey Pap, it's Friday.

                  Have a good one.


                    Morning ladies, I have to admit that I've been guilty of letting my kids go to the park by themselves when they were growing up, but I was living in Utah and the park was close, I certainly wouldn't do it in Vegas! I don't know what it's like in Maryland but if it's a nice community where they live and they know their neighbors, I dunno, I had all the freedom in the world growing up, but it was different times and I lived in a very small town, plus my parents were in their own world, interesting about overdose as suicide, I've often been in that pit of drinking, where it's hard to get out and wondering if I was trying to kill myself slowly, cuz really if it goes on long and hard enough that's where it would lead,very scary, and too serious for a Friday morning,ugh,still feeling very weak from this bout of food poisoning, I'm usually so darn careful with what I eat,it's just awful, gonna try and peel myself out of bed and into the shower, hello to all and hope everyone has a nice Friday
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      I hope you feel better fast, Pauly! And I too allowed my kids a good deal of freedom, within what I considered to be safe circumstances. I tend to think the authorities are being heavy handed in that Maryland case. But of course, I only know what has been presented on the media, so I can't say for sure. I do think parents do their children a disservice not allowing them some freedom and responsibility.

                      A sunny and warm day. I've been out turning over flower beds and keeping busy while waiting for my daughter and grandson to arrive from New Orleans. Woo hoo!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Evening greeting friends!

                        I have been busy running around ALL day!
                        I took the girls to my favorite plant farm in Amish country today. We loaded up the trunk of my car, some for me & some for my daughter's new house & yard. I know I'll be going back two or three more times, love their plants.
                        My daughter has gone home but granddaughter is staying again tonight. She's had a bubble bath & is now playing a game on the iPad with Pop.

                        Dill, I hope you have a great visit with your girls
                        Enjoy the decent outside weather too!

                        Pauly, I sure hope you have recovered by now - geez!
                        Don't dwell on past behaviors. We did whatever we did because we felt compelled to, for some reason. Keep your focus on all the good changes you have made & will continue to make. We all know better now!

                        Star, so how's the new patio furniture? I like getting new, useful stuff like that

                        Hi there Papmom & Cyn. I hope you both are getting this nice weather too. Feels good to be outside doing stuff don't you think?

                        Wishing everyone a peaceful night!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Evening all -

                          Dill - have a great weekend with your daughter and Gson! I keep meaning to read Tolle, but never quite get to it. I'm sure if it hadn't been for you I might not have even noticed or appreciated the daffys. It was a good way out of the frustration and terror of trucks bearing down on me like they wanted to squash me like a bug. Sheesh!

                          Lav - getting plants already?! Wow - sounds nice. I might go for a big bowl of pansies at this point. Nothing more if not as hardy - it was 33 this morning, though it got up to 60, and was oddly humid (rain in the morning). No gardening yet, still bush-wacking before everything leafs out.

                          Star - enjoy your new furniture! What a great thing for the coming of spring.

                          Pauly - I agree with Lav. The past is OK to remember when it is a reminder of how far we've come, but when it starts to drag you down, watch out. Sure hope you are feeling better by now.

                          Pap - I'm sure you have a big weekend planned...

                          Well, girl dog started to cough just after I posted last night! But I caught it right away with the homeopathic pills, and it never went into panting or shivering, so that was good. I'm convinced that it is stress-related - I was away most of the day, which I'm not very often. A neighbor came in to give them their lunch treat, so they weren't alone for all the time, but it's still stressful for these 'velcro' dogs.

                          I have to be in NYC to work with a client tomorrow. Driving in so that I can take stuff away from his apartment. Wish me luck! So another long day for the pups, but I've gotta go where the work is. I'll give girly some Rescue Remedy before I go, and Walnut essence in the water. Neighbor's coming by to give them dinner. It's the best I can do...hopefully girl dog will rally.

                          I may not have the energy to post tomorrow night - but please know I am thinking of you all -


                            Good morning friends!

                            Seems I am the first one up in this house today but that's OK. I enjoy some quiet time with my coffee pot before the hullabaloo starts again
                            Granddaughter was exhausted last night so she slept straight thru, yay!

                            Cyn, good luck today! I have never driven into NYC, I can't even imagine.
                            I hope your girl dog has an easy day. Great that you have found something that works for her. My daughter & son-in-law used to recommend Rescue Remedy to their clients when they were dog training.

                            I hope to just spend the day playing outside today - we shall see.
                            Star, Dill, Papmom & Pauly - have a great AF Saturday!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              "The past has no power over the present moment.”
                              ~Eckhart Tolle

                              Yes Lav and Cyn I am enjoying our visit very much! It was a lovely day yesterday, warm and sunny. They arrived toward evening and we had time to get outside and explore the woods and the pond with little grandson. Being in nature seemed to have a restorative affect on my daughter. She has always loved to be outdoors in the woods. Now she lives in the city. I think she wishes she could have both her successful life in New Orleans and the seasons of Ohio.

                              Lav, how exciting about the plants! Isn't it great that the Spring has finally arrived? We always believed it would and that faith got us thru! Here we are at last!

                              Cyn, I've really been enjoying the Wolf Hall series but sometimes it is hard for me to follow. I think I may have to get the book and either read or listen to it to get more of the texture. It's over 500 pages so it's rather a daunting thought!:exclaim: Did you get thru the whole thing?

                              Hello Star, Papmom and Pauly, and all readers as well. Have a beautiful AF weekend!
                              Last edited by dill; April 18, 2015, 08:07 AM.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                Good morning...

                                What a lovely day yesterday, it got up to 80 degrees and was sunny. I took a walk, went into the city, and then the airport to pick up my family. It was nice having the house open, smelling the grass being cut. But, the porch furniture is a fight. It was supposed to be put together, wasn't, and we just can't do it. We tried, so I called and complained, and they are supposed to come out Monday. I just want to get things settled. This was our last big purchase, then we are set.

                                Dill, how fun with your daughter and grandson.

                                Lav, sounds like a lovely time with family too. Your daughter's house is starting to take shape?

                                Cyn, take care of yourself driving. My kitty acts sad and needy if we are gone too long, too. I feel bad but sheesh, need to have a life.

                                Pauly, hope you are felling better. Food poisoning is the worst.

                                Just a lazy day today, so happy I need to relax. Have a good one everyone. Now on to read Mick's jokes.

