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April 4th

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    April 4th

    morning folks ..and how are we today then ?hopefully all good...happy easter to you all..was going to send eggs ..but they would get broken in the post!!..sun is sort of shining ish here today hopefully get into the garden for a wee while to plant up onions etc...planted up the little rose bush this morning ,the one that sam was so fond of chewing to bits!!paying a lot of attention to Sandy at the moment ..but apart from eating anything and everything in sight ..hers aint that good and doing a lot of sniffing she seems ok at the mo,however keeping a diary of her behaviour to see how she fares..its really strange her with no little fella beside her...

    brew time anyone for a cuppa ....?our Amy is home...she was telling us now that she is making all her own soaps,body scrubs ,shampoo conditioner ,laundry softener etc ..she is going into all sorts of things when you make your own it doesnt contain all these ..ols and ads etc ..I aint got a clue it seems its more about the
    at than money saving..good for her...

    morning tt ...was nice to see you back on the fred again...hows down under doing easter weekend?

    hiya molls ..happy easter to ye..any plans for it?shopping praps? :hug:

    hiya bear how are you doing?sounds like yesterday was an ok day for you ..trip to the seaside eh?which seaside would that be?

    hiya pauly ...n hows you today then?all good I for you too then yesterday?..yo any pelans for over the easter wekend?least you wont be cuttin hair ..go enjoy yourself girl!!

    hiya Lav..brew time ...yes you are right lif goes on .and we have all been thru the same sorta becomes a wee bit personal when its yours tho doesnt it delivering plants?what kinda plants are you giving out please remember my address :thumbsup: oh well was worth a try!!have a grand easter

    hiya ppqp..hows you then?well did the sleep fairy land yesterday?also the snow did you get a whack of that some more pallets yesterday...6ft long this one is going to strip them down....Im sure the wood will "come in handy"hope you have a good easter ..take it you are going to your Dads ?hows Cody?

    hiya pie ...and thank you for the rainbow you I believe in the something else too..and whats more I am honoured to have you as friend..hows the drinking thoughts doing? I said you can ad will beat it ..just shows you tho..even for me the thought landed even tho it was for mini time and it wasnt happening..nice haircut too by the way...

    right folks ..hope you all have a happy easter ,each and every one of you ..and all those who arent here...remember you dont need a drink ..have a choccy egg instead my friends x

    I never brag.

    It's just one of my many, many outstanding features.

    A woman is on trial for beating her husband to death with his guitar collection.

    "First offender?" asks the judge.

    "Nope! First the Gibson then the Fender," replies the woman.

    I told my girlfriend I thought her trousers needed taking in.

    "Do you think I've lost weight?" she smiled.

    "No," I said. "It's started raining."

    I turned into a cat earlier.

    Don't ask meow.

    I've finally decided what I want engraved on my tombstone.

    "If you're reading this, please pop over to my house and feed the cat."

    If someone were to ask me to describe myself in 15 words or less, I would say, "lazy".

    Do you drink?" asked the doctor.
    "Only two or three pints a week," I replied.
    "Gave up ten years ago, never looked back."
    "Do you eat healthily?"
    "Mostly vegetables and a little protein twice a week."
    "Then I'm afraid I can confirm your self-diagnosis," he said. "You ARE a self-righteous little sh.t."

    I was speaking to a guy from Liverpool and he didn't understand the political uproar over zero hours contracts.

    He said his family had managed comfortably on zero hours for generations.

    How many bodybuilders does it take to change a lightbulb?
    5 - One to change it and four to stand around yelling 'Looking huge dude, looking fcking huge!'

    pauly....hairdresser joke for you...

    Went to the barbers today and had a no. 2. At first it just seemed like a trump but I ended up following through.

    I missed my meeting with "Commitment Issues Anonymous" this week. I'll try next week - but if I miss that, definitely probably the following Tuesday's meeting for sure maybe.

    I went to the local cinema, and during the adverts it kept popping up a message saying "help us recycle, leave your rubbish by your seat."
    A good idea, but perhaps they should let the cinema staff know their plans, not one of the gits helped me with my old cooker and sofa

    I was never a photogenic person.

    Because when everyone said cheese, I said, "WHERE?"

    'The best things in life are free.'

    Apart from those that aren't.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good Saturday morning Abbers,

    Thanks for the coffee Mick, I'm almost awake, ha ha!
    Yesterday's Easter lily delivery (in the rain) to our parent's grave sites went well. We stopped & picked up our daughter & granddaughter & took them out for lunch, fun, fun
    I hope Sandy is OK during her adjustment period. Enjoy having Amy home for the weekend. My kids & grandkids informed me they may be here for dinner tonight & an impromptu birthday celebration for the youngest (turning 4 on Monday). I guess I need to get to the store for some food, huh? Ha ha!!

    Greetings to all the Abbers checking in today & sending wishes for a wonderful AF day for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Morning Abbers,

      I let the drinking thoughts get out of hand last week. Rather than refusing to entertain them, I slid off into the possible how, when, and wheres of it. Even made a deliberate walk down the wine/beer aisle in the grocery store. So, back on my low-dose AB for now, quarter tab, every other day. It helps me greatly.

      Beautiful, cool morning here. Not sure what I'm up to yet, but I'll be around.


        how do all
        breezy sunny morning here in 'Ol Virginny. Got a few things on the docket that will keep me movin and grovin today. Hived 2 swarms Thursday so will check them out and get their sugar water made up for them. Getting ready for our first market tomorrow. I hope it is not quite as windy, but at least it is not raining!

        Waves to all. Kinda rushed, will look in later. Good on you Pie for being pro-active re booze!
        Have a good one
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Mick, starting reading your post way in the middle, not realizing it was you with the jokes. Can we call it a late April fools joke on me. Fell for the commitment anonymous meeting hook, line and sinker! Thanks for the laugh!!!::happy2:


            MAE ALL....

            Mick...thanks for the kickoff and the coffee. Nice that Amy's home for the weekend, sounds like things are going good for her. Yup the sleep fairy stayed for the night what a treat. There is no sign of snow and it is bright and sunny out there right now. Hopefully will get Dad outside for bit. Forecast is for rain/snow this afternoon turning to straight snow during the evening. We shall see.

            Lav...I think it was raining last year for your annual visit too. Glad you had a good time. You are such a good egg :smile: putting up with these impromptu dinner/parties. Have a good one.

            Pi...good on you for realizing you need a little bit of extra support right now and dealt with it. I just heard that BC is now allowing the sale of beer/wine in some of their grocery stores. That has got to be hard for people like us. At least in Alberta you still have to go into a different shop.

            Sam...if I recall you ended your markets in rain so this could be a good sign. Hope it goes well for you.

   face on the thread, welcome.

            Got a lot of household chores finished yesterday, felt like I'd accomplished a lot. Probably why I had such a great sleep. Full of energy this morning and looking forward to my day. Have a Super Sober Saturday all and all to come....:smile:PPQP


              hey PPQ nice to see you,good on you on the chores - I did a load of washing yesterday!
              Pie - good for recognising the thought patterns and ding what you need to stay sober.

              Mick - sure bunny will be ok, I remember when my cat died last year,other old cat wasn't herself for a bit but she came round. It's a worry - I really found the rainbow bridge really cathartic for me.It was last Easter I lost my boy so almost a year.

              Been out for lunch,took cat for jabs and check up at vets and other than that had a snooze.I feel lethargic like I need to move/eat better food,leftover pizza and chocolate on menu though - I will eat better tomorrow and go to my fave class for my birthday treat.

              Other than that - had drinking thought of ' ooh a glass of wine would be nice with lunch' didn't act on it,or tell anyone(as that makes it worse and the 'you can have one' comments come) and had diet 7up. I thought of what I would be giving up if I did drink/risking going back to. Don't want to get complacent - pushing the thoughts out ASAP rather than going into them seems to work for me.So far.
              one day at a time


                bear had drinking thought of ' ooh a glass of wine would be nice with lunch' didn't act on it,or tell anyone(as that makes it worse and the 'you can have one' comments come) and had diet 7up BRILLIANT...well done you :thumbsup:
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Hey Bear...I concur with Mick :goodjob:

                  :rant: Told the boss on Thursday I was coming in to meet with a bride on Saturday at 9am. He says I'll do that, you take the weekend off. 9:30 call from bride, no-one at the hall and no answer on Gord's cell phone. :rant:

                  Raced over there and then down to Dad's. Took for ever for him to wake up but then had a good visit. Didn't get outside as it was pretty cool and windy. Popped in for a few groceries and when I came out it was snowing! Just light flakes but some areas of Southern Alberta could see 20cm. Not budging till Tuesday.....:smile:PPQP


                    ppqp..had to read that twice and no answer on Gord's cell phone. thought it said no answer on Gods cell phone!!!!!!!!
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Originally posted by Mick View Post
                      ppqp..had to read that twice and no answer on Gord's cell phone. thought it said no answer on Gods cell phone!!!!!!!!

                      Was just popping on as I heard a good quote "Today's decisions are tomorrow's reality"


                        I'm enjoying the humorous image of PQ calling God's cell phone. Good one, Mick!


                          Someone named "Mick" needs to empty his message box Tried to reply, but said your box is full. Mick I feel for you on losing the bunny. Animals are just so hard because they love you no matter what. We do not have any pets now due to allergies, which is sad and ok. My dog was the the only one who ever came rushing to the door when I got home (after the kids passed that stage)......but, losing him was so hard. I hope at some point Amy decides to sell her stuff on-line....I think you have an on-line group that would almost support her financially for the rest of her life

                          Sam what ever happened with the Post Office? It is a good job, but there are some downsides in the beginning. I am so sorry that you had to close your business.

                          PPQ....todays decisions make your tomorrow. Yes, ma'am....hear that.

                          Lav I hope that dinner went well. I have learned so much from you.

                          In 2013 when I stopped drinking.....I had a semi-plan in place that worked. When all when to Hell....even though it was for the good.....I did not have the skills to process it. This was new territory for me. And I hung on for a REALLY long time. Going to my support group and all. But, at the end of the day this was not something they could help me with. And I finally broke. And when I broke I kind of left the group, going back time and time again.....because after all this had worked before.

                          Recently, I realized I was on a new plane.....and needed a new plan. Plan one worked for level 1......but, plan two really has to work on this new plane I found myself one. So I am working on that....and was quite relieved when a friend in that group recognized and validated that "this" was no longer working for me.

                          I have never taken well to 12 step or "Bible" stuff. And I don't know why.....I just don't. But, yoga I can ingest 24/7 and never become bored. I am working on "Ahimsa"....which is -non-voilence. Seems easy....but, when I truly examine what shifts through my mind.....I am fairly violent with my thoughts about myself. So no I do not need to work on being non-violent in society, but being non-violent towards myself.

                          Case in point (Mick here is me being open).....I went off to a meditation. Which is usually casual and serene. Sitting there in my minds eye came up a slithering snake. Who at first seemed to come up in my spine relaxing me (which I thought was a bit of Kundalini).....great and wonderful. But this snake got in my face and let me know that HE always wins. I knew instantly it was Al. I sent him off, but he promised to be back. This image has not left me. He always wins. Maybe not all the time, but certainly in most cases. Most people I see succumb to this.

                          I don't know how to fight off the snake in my mind.....I know its all woo-woo.....but, at some point I feel like I tapped into something deeper. I have to kill that snake.
                          Last edited by TheSunFlower97; April 4, 2015, 09:12 PM.

