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april the 13th

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    april the 13th

    mornin folks...dashing about like a loony this a ton of stuff to do ,so best get on....out early doors tomorrow,so need to get a lot of stuff done today...need to increase the number of hours in the day!!

    firstly..brew time ...brews all round

    secondly ...well done Narilly on reaching one year af ..thats brilll.....a massive milestone in your life really big effort by you and it paid off!also,no less important...bear well done to you...see you can do it ,even when we could tell that little niggling in your post...Det welcome comes you can go through a hospitality job like that with all that Jock falling down juice no problems ...and yet????there has got to be another trigger in there somewhere..

    hey pauly ...aka the giant cookie maker!!!how are you this fine day today?hopefully good....

    good morning Lav..and hows you then today?brew time?its 710 am..just had some apple cider vinegar ..a spoonful..Julie bought some..supposed to be good for lowering cholesterol...def be checking that one it is vile!!reckon it wold be good as floor cleaner!!!have you any plans today?all in all reckon I will be travelling about 100 miles today in bitz and at least 4 different destinations to go to!!

    hiya Sam was the market mate?any bargains?

    ppqp..good mornin manager!!hows you today?gives a new meaning to prying eyes!!hope all is well with you today...yep thinning out plants and repotting up seeds!!...

    hiya pie hows you today then ?another one that needs a brew as a kickstart ?here you go then .....any plans for today or is it work?have a good one ....

    hiya sf..thinking of you...

    right peeps gotta dash..have great day yawl..........

    I heard tonight that Hillary Clinton is going to run for the White House.

    I hope it's no more than a 20 meter dash, or she's got no chance!

    "Are you good at deceiving people?"


    "Are you ready to sit idly at work?"


    "Will you leave for home 2 hours early than everyone else?"


    "Finally, is your IQ less than 100?"


    "Congratulations! You have been selected in the Human Resources department of our organisation."

    I was walking back from my weekly shop earlier when I noticed a homeless man minding his own business sitting at the side of the pavement. I was in a fairly good mood and so I reached into my pockets to find a couple of coins; as I approached the man I noticed his cup next to him and so reached over and dropped the money in.

    I looked him in the eye and smiled, the man looked back, furious.

    'That was my coffee, you muppet

    The person who invented the 'save' feature in video games did an excellent job.

    He should be given a big round of a pause.

    think about it......

    I stopped at the cash machine on the way to work.

    I listened to 'Ring Of Fire' then got back in the car.

    It is said that brushing your teeth with the opposite hand stimulates brain activity in the morning.

    I tried it and stabbed myself in the back of the throat. Yes, I'm wide awake now.

    What's the most spoken phrase in China?

    "Sorry, thought you were someone else."

    A farmer is in the middle of plowing his field when his tractor runs out of gas. He needs to get back to the farm, but it's too far for him and his dog, Old Joe, to walk.

    He wanders out to the road and flags down a sports car. The driver says, "I'll give you a ride, but that dog can't get in my car."

    The farmer says, "Don't worry. Old Joe will keep up."

    The driver decides to show off and open up the engine for max speed. Just as he's going into fifth gear, he looks out the window and sees Old Joe right beside him. In amazement, he slams on the brakes and Old Joe comes to a halt.

    The driver jumps out, exclaiming, "He's the most incredible dog I've ever seen! Is there something special about that collar he's wearing?"

    The farmer shakes his head and says, "That's not a collar. That's his a**hole. He's not used to stopping that fast."

    Q: What do you get when you cross a centipide with a parrot?
    A: A walkie-talkie.

    A lawyer is standing in a long line at the box office. Suddenly, he feels a pair of hands kneading his shoulders, back, and neck. The lawyer turns around.
    "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
    "I'm a chiropractor, and I'm just keeping in practice while I'm waiting in line."
    "Well, I'm a lawyer, but you don't see me screwing the guy in front of me, do you?"

    What do you call a man with no arms and no legs in the water? Bob.
    On the wall? Art.
    On the floor? Matt.

    Two ducks go on their honeymoon and stay in a hotel. As they are about to make love, the male duck says, ''Oh, we haven't got any condoms. I'll ring down to room service.'' He calls and asks for some condoms.
    The woman says, ''OK sir, would you like to put them on your bill?''
    ''No,'' he says, ''I'll suffocate!''

    A Kentucky redneck and an Ohio buckeye are night fishing on their respective sides of the Ohio River.

    As soon as the redneck puts his line in the water, he slings a fish onto the bank. The buckeye isn't catching anything, so he yells across to the redneck, "Buddy, I'd sure like to be on your side of the river!"

    "Alright, tell ya what -- I'll shine my flashlight 'cross this river, and you can walk across this little beam of light!" the redneck yells back.

    The buckeye replies, "Ain't no way, buddy. You must think I'm a fool. I know when I get halfway 'cross, you'll turn your flashlight off!"
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    morning - been stressing myself out about rollerderby bullying in old league,I feel I'm getting pulled into other people's issues and I walked away because I didn't need the drama.I'm torn between right thing to do/speaking up re what i saw as bullying but I'm also aware that there is a possible backlash against person i feel is a bully,potentially being bullied herself!Ridiculous.

    I didn't speak up at the time,and I want to see myself as this strong honest person - at the time I wasn't because I was scared.Now others need to do it as they are still in the team,rather than me feel like I need to rush in and try to fix it.

    'Give me the strength to accept the things i cannot change,the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference'. I think I need to not over think on this.I'm allowing myself to fall into a spiral of worry and beating myself up and am now thinking like that about my work performance...

    BREATHE - I'm not perfect and I'm not bloody superwoman.
    one day at a time


      hey Mick! Happy Monday, pretty great weather here... am feeling rather good as I am quickly approaching 12 months AF, feels pretty great!
      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


        Good Monday morning Abbers

        Waiting for the sun & warm-ish temps to make an appearance as promised

        Mick, I'm on coffee #2, thanks!
        Just so you know - you can mix that spoonful of ACV in a glass of water, put it on a salad, etc. You don't have to swallow it straight up, ha ha!! Be sure you're using an unfiltered brand, it's disgusting looking but has good stuff in it for you

        bear, if it's not your fight then just back away. Seriously!!!
        You are dealing with a group of adults, let them figure it out & keep yourself calm.

        Eloise, yes you are approaching your 1 year AF anniversary, good for you!

        Greetings to everyone, I'll check in later.
        Have a great AF Monday everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Mae everybody, Mick I was trying apple cider vinegar for my sinuses but it felt like it dropped my blood sugar, I googled it and it says it's supposed to stabilize it,so who knows for sure, like Lav says make sure it's the unfiltered kind and shake it up,you may get a piece of that mucousy piece called"the mother" I got a big chunk of that one morning and just about puked!Bear,take it easy on the worrying, I did that to myself this morning on my walk, started worrying about the past, present and future, no bueno cuz it made me feel kinda hopeless, sad,and out of control, I don't like that feeling, hi Eloise and hello to everyone else, I'm gonna try and get through this Monday, have a good one peeps
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Hi Mick, Bear, Eloise, Lav, Pauly, Det, and all to come.

            Thanks for the brew, Mick. Sounds like you've got a good and busy day ahead. Have fun Loony One!

            Congrats on your AF time, Eloise. 10 months is it?

            Lav, love the advice you offered to Bear. Reminds me of that "Not my circus, not my monkeys" saying.

            Pauly, I give serious consideration to a lot of suggestions on here, but gonna draw the line with drinking vinegar.

            Det, how you get through those tradeshow booze-fests is amazing. Think I'd have to find another line of work.

            Speaking of work, none for me today. Actually have a piece of furniture to move. Fingers crossed it fits in my car.


              Morning everyone!
              Pauly, that would have made me puke too. Ewww...gross!

              El, you are kicking butt! Pretty soon we will be in the year club together. We are kinda like quit buddies really.

              Lav, Hope it warms up for you. It was -5C this am and is supposed to warm up here too. I would really like that.

              Hi Mick, thanks for the congrats. Dashing around like a loony eh? That is what we call our dollar coins a Loonie. You probably know that already!

              Det, that is a tough one, being around all that booze. Its a good thing you found the cheese board.
              Have a great sober Monday everyone.

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                MAE ALL....

                Checking in to stay accountable. Crazy day at work after 3 days off last week due to eye. Could hardly read the computer screen by the end of day.
                Will check back in the morning with a proper post......:smile:PPQP


                  whew! hidy ho ABerooos!

                  AF though another insanely booze-infested day at the show and only just now back from a loooong dinner with the corporate bigwigs. Mick you raise a good question, how can i get through these things and then unexpectedly relapse out of the blue....
                  there must be something I'm not consciously aware of at work.

                  Eloise, superb job!

                  PPQ, have you seen the doc about your eyes?

                  well, big day tomorrow at the range, which will be much better as there's no boozing on the firing range! yay!
                  then after breaking down the show tomorrow afternoon I have to drive all the way down to Fresno. oh well, another
                  glorious day in the salt mine.

                  missing Sam today?

                  be well my loves. zzzzzzzzzzzzz
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

