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april 14

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    april 14

    morn folks..hows we all today then?all 90%of what I needed to do done yesterday...and Im off out in a minute to Stockport ..deep joy ..get stuck in the traffic! out today and Thursday so going to be of things I had to do yesterday was get some more of my plants into pots ..and did it...and finally finished the conservatory....all that remains is the door to go on ..and the skirting board..that is when the growing season is over..

    brew time...

    morning bear....dont really know how to say this ..but here we go....bullying.....its your perception has anyone been hurt,injured or anything?why cause yourself the grief ..for what?whats the outcome going to be..perhaps make an enemy for no reason...dont get me wrong,if I saw something in the street or anything like that then Im certainly happy to discuss nose to nose..but the scenario you paint isnt convincing could always say in convo to the alleged perp.."you know what..maybes you should look at what you are doing..think about it could be construed as bullying"" but that would be it...not worth getting het up over.

    hiya Det hows you squire...not being smart here..but maybe you should sit down and examine minutely in detail all the scenarios where you drank recently...write it down..and be totally honest with yourself no one else needs to see it..your feelings,boredom, confidence,dont ant to be the odd one out by not drinking, insecurities? something from the past raised itself up at that partickler do that..your answer is def in there will find it ..and then you can nail it...there is no way on this earth that you could be presented with a load of booze and not snaffle some...its not like you are sneaking booze and lying etc..its stay off it ..then for some mad reason bang you smash it big time!!

    hiya ppqp ..hows the eye today my mate is over from Calgary...he reckons its freezing here..obviously you get spoiled out there!!

    hiya Narilly...learnt something new....never knew you had dollar coins in Canuckyland...all I remember is note with the Queens head on them..mind you it is about 30 yrs since I was there!!hows it feel to have a year in ?have a good day ...from the dollar loonie!!

    hi pie...well did the furniture fit in the car?hopefully so ..without any fine adjustment!!you can help me if you arent doing anything...think I might be building another rabbit hutch soon ..or a bit of planting out?Ive been told to clean the garage out ..geez I wont be able to find anything if I do that!!

    hi El ..your doing well..just sheer poetry there!!yes soon be at the 12 months mark...did you ever get your head round learning Dutch?

    hiy Lav ..hows you today then?all good I hope brew for you?acv in coffee isnt so clever me on that one!!

    pauly..hows you today then dudette?feeling ok?past is gone,you can control the present and to a certain extent the future...I think we all think like that sometimes..I know I do ...and get scared and anxious about what will happen between now and the big offski and I bet everyone else does live for today..the rest belongs in the too hard to understand drawer!glad I aint sittin in that chair waiting for a harry haircut this mornin!! :congratulatory:

    right folks gottashift......

    Nothing embarrasses a psychic more than throwing them a surprise party

    I see the Pope and David Cameron disagree about contraception.

    I didn't even know they were dating.

    There was an interesting article in the news today about boredom being the biggest killer of men under 50 in the UK. I would have read it in full but my wife said I still had to do the hoovering, clean the dishes, tidy my clothes from the bedroom floor, mow the lawn, fix the broken fence panel, empty the bins, change the bathroom lightbulb, pay the gas bill, walk the dog and collect the kids from football practice before going round her mother's house for dinner.

    A robber hijacked a bus full of Japanese tourists and stole all of their jewelry, but the police say they could catch him fairly quickly as they have three thousand photos of him.

    Don't ever question the value of volunteers.

    Noah's Ark was made by volunteers; the Titanic was made by professionals.

    I can't believe I've failed my maths GCSE for the 12th time now.

    Oh well, third time lucky.

    I don't think I'm very popular at work.

    I got one of those "You're leaving" cards on my first day.

    We've had to move the 'panic' button further away from the 'picnic' button at the bank.

    That last robbery we had was a complete farce.

    At my age "Getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for.


    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Mae everybody, Mick,it turned out lovely such a relaxing looking spot, sat for 2 hours at the doctors yesterday just to be seen, I was so pissed!!when they took my bp it was a few points higher cuz I was so mad,especially cuz Brady had to watch Louie and I needed to get home as quick as I could, all that for another prescription for an antidepressants,that makes 4 that they've tried throwing at me,for pms,alcoholism, anxiety, doctors have a hard on for prescribing ad's I swear!(sorry about the language) I'm just annoyed, if I was depressed a lot then I'd take some, but I can't see being on a med for the occasional blues,or maybe I'm just in denial?any opinions?meh,off to find food, hello to all and hope everyone has a super Tuesday, back later
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      morning all
      a nice rain day, just what the doctor ordered to make the grass come on...
      not a bad day at market Sunday. Just getting known that we are there. The market day wipes me out, I come and continued doing stuff and by the time night comes along, I'm seeing crosseyed.

      Thanks for the brew Mick, what a great shot of your room!

      Pauly, got no suggestions, hope you can find time to relax, perhaps if there was a way to find time to be quiet, it may help. I realize that it is pretty hard to do with kids running around!

      Be well good folks
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Thanks Sam,I've read that it's perfectly normal for people to have "the blues" when quitting al,not cuz of missing the grog,but the brain regaining equilibrium, mines probably more messed up cuz of the start/stop pattern, never really gets balanced
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Morning all, and hi to PQ and Det from yesterday.

          Looks like I'm free to help out with your projects today, Mick. Another rabbit hutch, you say? I'll just grab my tool belt and garden gloves, and head your way. Will be good practice working together for when we go to build PQ's pergola. Conservatory looks like a very plant-and-people-friendly place.

          Hi Pauly, thinking I may have asked you this question before, but have you had your hormone levels checked? That aside, anti-depressants can be mighty helpful, but so very hard to find the right one.

          Furniture did fit in my car yesterday, except couldn't close the back hatch. It was a slow drive home, but made it with no problem.

          Hi Sam, I'm hearing thunder in the distance, so likely rainy day here too. How far do you have to travel to get to market?

          Lav, you doing okay today?
          Last edited by Pie; April 14, 2015, 09:54 AM.


            Good morning Abbers,

            Home from Curves & thought I'd better stop in to say hello before I get buried in dust & dog hair here, ha ha! Yes, a rain day is good for catching up with house work

            Greetings Mick, your conservatory looks very nice, relaxing!
            I hope the traffic wasn't too bad you today

            pauly, doctors tend to write Rxs because it's the fastest & easiest way to get people out of their office, honestly.
            If someone truly needs an AD then they should take it & hope it helps. I did take one for 2 years but it left me feeling numb & didn't stop me from drinking. We're all different but I can tell you that I responded much better to a self-prescribed plan of meditation, increased mindfulness, herbal support & mostly a strong commitment to be the best I can be. Have you ever taken a look at this website?
            The Japanese alternative therapies, Naikon & Morita helped me to find my balance again. You can do a lot of free reading there or you can become a member like I am. You can even take a trip there for a week long program which I would love to do someday. Just some things to think about.

            Hey Sam, YB just cut grass on Sunday so today's rain will have him growling I'm sure, ha ha! It is nice to finally see some green outside. I can imagine how tiring the market days are for you, take it easy.

            PQ, I hope your poor little eye is OK :hug:

            Greetings Pie, bear, Det, SF, narilly, Eloise & everyone!
            Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Dad passed yesterday. Everyone at his side, except his wife who he loved so much. She decided that since all the kids made it in at some point that there is not going to be a funeral. The kids kind of overtook her and are having a graveside service in his hometown. And no, she is not going.

              I am glad that Dad is a peace and doesn't have to take anymore of her BS.....but, I am left with the living. I hope to never see her again. I can't stomach it....not today anyways.

     a recent relapser....I know everyone has the best of of intentions asking your triggers.....was it Monday....Tuesday....Thursday Did the day end in day? I'm much like you.....I can get through the's almost like holding your breath....and then you inhale a bunch of alcohol.
              Last edited by TheSunFlower97; April 14, 2015, 08:52 PM.

