mornin Lav ..and hows you today then?what kind of plants did you buy?go on take the risk ..get em in the ground can always cover them with frost fleece!!think about with this brew just ordered some PURPLE tomato seeds..anyone ever grown them before?
and here you go.....
hiya pauly ..hows you today?feelin any better.. I am !!as for that dog thingy???not convinced thats just somebodys take on it!you doing anything today then?
hiya ppqp ..glad the eyes ok...but whats a hutterite chicken?
hiya narilly..hows you then?22 degrees ?not bad at all...was 98 in our sunroom yesterday..even the plants were gagging for a drink!!
hiya pie...hope the wee dog mission went well..good for you!
hiya Sam..eNjoy NC....pop in and see byrdie..thats where she is......enjoy your toons mate.......
notta lotta peeps here so big shout to those missing........let us know you are ok
and have a great weekend
I can't believe my best friend has died doing what he loved. He was a respected and popular skydiver.
Really down to earth guy.
Finally last night a bloke came into the pub with an eye for the ladies.
for the last 2 months the sign on that toilet door had read, 'Lad es'.
If there's one thing I'll take from that Kleptomania therapy session, it's my chair.
My Mum always used to say, "Leave things exactly how you found them."
Probably why she made such a sht cleaner.
"Have a cigar boys, we're celebrating," I said to my mates outside the pub.
"What's the occasion?" asked Dave.
"I finally managed to steal that box of cigars from behind the bar," I said.
You've never been truly drunk until you've had to use a barstool as a walker to get home.