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april 19th
hi folks just got back ..wasnt out too long this morning so here we go...
brew time pour moi....
hiya Lav..well were you up early doors again today?if so you wont need a brew ..if not then here you go.. got to agree with you the early mornings..Julie prefers evenings but thats just because she only knows one five o clock in the day!!put my plants in the greeenhouse last night ..their first time out...wasnt as warm as I thought it would be more plan thinking going on!! you got anything on the go today?
hiya pie .. hola ..como estas ? nope no mission today..nor yestrday as such one out is Tues,and thurs...on Wed down at my brothers helping him with his canal doing anything today?
hiya are you?how did your vist with your dad go?hope all s well..was spposed to be a lazee day ..but not quite as lazee as I thought!!!hope your sister is ok...did she not quit before?think I remember you saying she for the lawyer..jeez thats been trundling on...golden goose springs to mind!! you have a good day....
hiya Sf...hows you today then.....thhat was pretty good of that person to let you know about treatment being escapism for me in my little opinion,she is right ...30 days out of the system aint going to do anything..its like taking a headache tablet for repeat headaches..yeh you get relief at the time,but the best thin g to do is sort the root problemo whatever cheeses you now will do exactly the same in 30 days..think yours is more about getting the tools together to deal with the issues that crop up ..and lets be fair you have had some pretty crap scenarios to deal with recently, so you need to reinforce your have done it before and can do it for not being on here and going on the newbies ...wherever you feel most one says you cant be in both clubs!!!!you can do this!! why do you think you dont you fit in here??
hiya ok mate?and you Pauly,Eloise Molls and everyone else that is regularily on here...
take it easy n have good un..
I was in Hospital and asked an porter,
"Excuse me, what is the raffle going on between the doctors for? "
"Oh, that, " he said, "David Cameron has to come here for an emergency rectal exam this afternoon and it's only fair every doctor gets the same chance to hurt him. "
Give a man a fish...
...and he'll probably give it to his wife for cooking, which would then lead him to face questions such as, 'Where did you get the fish?', 'Couldn't you get a bigger one?', 'Why didn't you get more?'.
Two sheep were standing in a field the first sheep said baa! The second sheep said moo! The first sheep said moo? What's that all about? The second sheep said I'm learning a foreign language.
House training my puppy reminds me of the government.
Starts to get it right and then goes and craps on me when I least expect it.
I did some DIY with my step-ladder the other night.
I never really got along with my real ladder.
People think I'm cheap but that's not true, I love spending money.
It's just that the amount of money happens to be "fck all".
I just needed somewhere to crash for the night....
Said the wife as she reversed the car into the garage doors.
"Polly put the kettle on,
Polly put the kettle on,
Polly put the kettle on,
We'll all have some tea."
"Look, for the last time; I can't put the kettle on, I'm a fecking parrot."
I for one, can't wait for self driving cars.
It will make shaving on the way to work that little bit since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Good morning Abbers!
I take the coffee Mick ~ thanks
Did sleep great last night due to allergy driven sneezing & sniffling, yuck. I really did spend all day outside yesterday with the family, cooked chicken, burgers & corn on the grill so I likely OD'd on pollen, ha ha.
I am going to hang onto my new veggie & herb plants until maybe later next week. I hear a cool down is on the way starting tomorrow, I don't want them to freeze.
SF, you know I hang out in the Newbies Nest & here & elsewhere & there's absolutely nothing wrong with that!
Life is an adventure so do what ever works for you :hug:
I really believe in the premise 'you are what you think'. That's why it was so helpful for me to work on changing my thinking. I had dwelled in darkness & self-inflicted pain & injury for too long. One day I just decided I deserved better - we all do! Keeping myself ultra distracted & busy in those early days helped me tremendously. I refused to let drinking thoughts take up any more of my precious life. You can do the same & we all hope you do!
Pauly, are you OK?
How about you Det??
Greetings PQ, how did your Dad visit go?
Sorry about the legal stuff. So essentially, your lawyer quit the process? What's up with that?
Pie, what's on your day plan?
Hi Sam - nice weather huh? (Except for the pollens).
OK, I think I'm going to spend less time outside today to give my sinuses a rest. Besides I need to vacuum out all the crud the family left behind yesterday.
Have a great AF day everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Mae everybody, yes Lav I'm ok(know that's code word for are you drinking haha) Mick was kind enough to pm me and I explained that my belly was still acting beastlythis was a terrible bout!! Unlike the other time a few months ago when I ate the "off" tasting strawberry jelly and it was gone the next day, this one decided it would dig in its claws for a few days, had to work yesterday totally dizzy and headachey but at least my guts were intact, then last night had back spasms from all the stomach havoc so went to bed at 7 pm and watched a lifetime movie,just didn't have energy to post, and I complain about people not posting daily, even if it's just a weather report haha,SF,you do belong here,these guys are long term sober people but I'd rather have the support of people who are doing well and loving it
look at me,Bear,Det etc,we're all welcome back after a relapse with open arms, advice on a new plan and a swift kick!! I'm like Lav in that I post wherever I want, if you feel like posting in NN,I'm sure it could help some people in there as well as you, I don't post much there cuz I get ran over haha,plus when there's a new group of newbies, they seem to bind together for support and lean on Lav,Byrdie,etc for guidance, maybe a week or 10 days on a cruise or a resort would help you get your mind in the right place? Something to consider anyways, if I had the time and money, I'd go to the Caribbean
PPQP, gonna try the diaper soil trick on my hanging flowers, they are ALWAYS under/over watered,dying as we speak, hello to Sam,Pie,Bear,Det and everyone else, off for more java and an Advil,have a wonderful Sunday, I will
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
hey everyone, i've drank last 3 days - not majorly but I feel rubbish.Major lesson - I need to put me first and not try to fit with others,focus on now.
SF I think post wherever you like to,sometimes i need the successful old timers on here(no offence) sometimes people who are newer into sobriety, ladies on a mission has more discussions about that if that is what you need.I also go to and smart recovery for inspiration at the start.Good day at a time
Aww Bear, what's going on?you were doing so well and loving it((hugs))I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Glad you hopped back on the bus Bear, I've been reading about relapse prevention, and they stress not staying in the first step towards a relapse ie,the thinking of drinking for too long,nip the thoughts in the bud before we actually act on them, letting them fester makes us squirrely and uncomfortable in our skin so we seek out our favorite escape, I understand what you were feeling to a tee,glad you're not beating yourself up,it's pointless and only makes you feel useless, a failure and may as well drink, I've been in that pit toooo many times,forget those thoughts, onward we goI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hi Pauly and Bear. Nice to see you back on the sober bus, Bear. I agree with Pauly that nipping drinking thoughts in the bud is a great strategy. If I allow those thoughts free rein, they take me places that I don't want to go. I figure it's my mind, and I'm in charge of what it focuses on. A simple and consistent reminder to myself that, "I don't drink", frees me from the chatter.
bear...what happened? you were so determined and positive..and then bam! oh well kinda like knowing a knew the words but didnt know how they fitted into the tune.....make sure you learn them both before you sing :thumbsup:af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12