Pauly, I am quite sure that your crabby attitude is a outgrowth of those meds, on top of feeling lousy to begin with! Hope you start feeling tiptop really soon.
Star, I will read Misty some time this summer. You know, I never read National Velvet and I think it is because I saw the movie instead. I imagine you saw it too, did you?
Lav, I hope your DIL made it home safely and with out a hitch. You do sound busy with all those animals! My grandkids just left and I am in recovery mode: feet up, Ipad on my lap, tall glass of ice water by my side.
Greetings Cyn and Papmom.
My son was here for the grill out today. We took a moment in honor of the memory of his friend and two other soldiers who died in the IED explosion that my son thankfully survived in October 2006 just before their tour was to end. I feel deeply grateful and at the same time, saddened for the loss of so many young heroes. May their families and loved ones find peace.