Other than that off to body balance and then to see some newborn lambs,you can buy tickets or nearby farms.
Sam your calf looks so cute,I always worry they won't make it as they look so wobbly.Beautiful.
Mick - so so chuffed about Sandy,pets are family.
TT - always good to see you, glad you feeling on the up
PPQ and Pie hello there,I'd like to adopt another cat to keep mine company(he was a stray) but he's very submissive so would need to be totally soppy.I'd love a dog but working full time would feel really unfair on them.
Det - good to hear you sounding so good,sober life is the best isn't it?
It feels like things are clicking for me now, in general,not complacent though as that is usually when I fall.I feel I'm getting more grounded and confident in myself and my views.
hello Pauly and Lav and anyone else I've missed - good to see you
Have a great day all
