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sunday May 3 af daily

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    sunday May 3 af daily

    hey everyone,up early as went to bed early and slept really well, final edits to do today - then will be done Can't wait!

    Other than that off to body balance and then to see some newborn lambs,you can buy tickets or nearby farms.
    Sam your calf looks so cute,I always worry they won't make it as they look so wobbly.Beautiful.

    Mick - so so chuffed about Sandy,pets are family.

    TT - always good to see you, glad you feeling on the up

    PPQ and Pie hello there,I'd like to adopt another cat to keep mine company(he was a stray) but he's very submissive so would need to be totally soppy.I'd love a dog but working full time would feel really unfair on them.

    Det - good to hear you sounding so good,sober life is the best isn't it?
    It feels like things are clicking for me now, in general,not complacent though as that is usually when I fall.I feel I'm getting more grounded and confident in myself and my views.

    hello Pauly and Lav and anyone else I've missed - good to see you

    Have a great day all
    one day at a time

    Good morning Abbers, happy Sunday to all

    Thanks for the startup bear, glad things are going well for you!
    I love seeing all the baby animals too & all I have to do is take a walk down my road. That's one plus for living in a rural area.

    Det & SF, you both sound good & that makes me happy

    SF, I remember the pool pee situation you had to deal with previously. Glad that's not the case this time, ha ha! Feeling strong, comfortable, accepting & proud in your quit is what you want - screw the pink cloud. I still try to stay away from negative people, negative TV shows & basically anything negative. Keeping myself & my mood balanced allows me to really enjoy my life, my quit

    Greetings to Sam, Pie, NS, Pauly, PQ, TT & of course Mick! Take care of those bunny ears Mick!

    Have a great AF Sunday everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Mae everybody, yeah screw the pink cloud!when it dissipates you're so let down you don't know how to deal with the sudden crash, better just to have a nice, even keel Lav, I hate negative people too,unfortunately sometimes I feel myself being/ thinking negative, most of the time I can shake it off, sometimes it's hard, how's Sandy Mick? SF,I agree with the diet soda,after not drinking any for 2 weeks I decided to have one,I got all anxious and shakey almost immediately seems real stuff makes me feel weird too though, but I still like it,that's a hard one to quit, hello to all and I'll probably check in later to see what everyone is up to,enjoy your Sunday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Morning all, Quick check in with some cooking humor from jacqrabbit:

        Here is a chicken recipe that also includes the use of popcorn
        as a stuffing -- imagine that. When I found this recipe, I thought it
        was perfect for people like me, who are not sure how to tell when
        poultry is thoroughly cooked, but not dried out. Give this a try.

        1 chicken
        1 cup melted butter
        1 cup stuffing
        1 cup uncooked popcorn
        Salt/pepper to taste

        Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
        Brush chicken well with melted butter salt and pepper.
        Fill cavity with stuffing mixed with popcorn.
        Place in baking pan with the neck end toward the back of the oven.
        Listen for the popping sounds. When the chicken's arse blows the
        oven door open and the chicken flies across the room and lands on the
        table, it's done and ready to eat.

        And you thought I couldn't cook ...


          love it!!
          one day at a time


            hiya folks...hows you all..?good I hope ..was pouring down with rain,so had to bring madam in this morning to give her her meds...she was all over the house not a bit frightened..her ears must be healing ..seems like they are itching a lot..and after putting her in the new hutch...she doesnt likre it ..and so we have swopped back to the old hutch..going to extend it in length by about 20 inches..not long back from a bib and tucker on!!wasnt actuaslly that bad ..the christening was in a ..not being derogatory here.."happy clapper " was brill comared to the sombre stuff you usually get in church!!been raining today... big hello to you all...

            right lets have some jokes folks...

            mirrors are crap...

            what do people see in them?

            As a divorced man, the news of the new Royal baby brought a tear to my eye.

            It's another one I'll never actually get to see, but will be paying for my whole fecking life.

            Remember when everyone had diaries got pissed off when someone read them?

            Now they put everything on Facebook and get pissed off when they don't.

            Floyd Mayweather retains undefeated hugging record.

            The headlines today all said, "First pictures of Royal baby number two!"

            For fks sake who wants a pic of a dirty nappy.

            My wife asked, "Would you love me more if I was really smart or really beautiful?"

            I replied, "Yes, I probably would."

            My wife told me that all her friends had complimented her on her new hair do,

            I complimented her for having such polite friends.

            Floyd Mayweather should know he's meant to hug his girlfriend and punch his opponent...not the other way around

            Prince William has been pictured successfully fitting a car seat for the new princess.

            I'm going to chase him on a motorbike to see if he's done it right.

            My mum and I both agreed it was time I had my own place.

            So I kicked her out.

            I went to apply for a job as a street sweeper.

            "You previously worked as an accountant," the bloke said, "This job role is completely different."

            "Don't worry," I replied, "I'm good at picking things up."

            I did enjoy the ballet from Las Vegas last nite

            Walmart online shop sucks, I ordered some dates and they sent me a bloody calendar

            I was having a go at my son when he burst into tears.

            "If you don't stop crying I'll give you something to cry about!" I shouted at my son, but he just kept crying, so I made him chop up some onions.

            BBC NEWS:

            Salt in hospitals 'too high'

            That's hardly news worthy, surely just put it on a lower shelf?

            A young man from the city goes to visit his farmer uncle

            For the first few days, the uncle shows him the usual things; chickens, cows, crops, etc. however, it's obvious the nephew is getting bored so the uncle suggests he goes on a hunt.

            'Why don't you grab a gun, take the dogs, and go shooting?"

            This cheers up the nephew and off he goes with the dogs in trail.
            after a few hours, the nephew returns

            "Did you enjoy it?" asks the uncle

            "It was great! got any more dogs?"

            A blonde takes her broken down car for repair. The mechanic fixes it in two minutes.

            "Just crap in the air filter," he says.

            "How often do I have to do that?" the blonde replies.

            All of these are companies that didn't spend quite enough time considering how their online names might appear - and be misread...

            Who Represents is where you can find the name of the agent that represents any celebrity. Their Web site is

            Experts Exchange is a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views at

            Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at

            Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at

            There's the Italian Power Generator company,

            And don't forget the Mole Station Native Nursery in New South Wales,

            If you're looking for IP computer software, there's always

            And the designers at Speed of Art await you at their wacky Web site,
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Mick,one of my favorite churches was when we lived in Idaho for a bit,it was a clappy,happy church with a band,donuts and coffee woo-hoo!normally at church I keep checking the time, not at that one, who was being christened?or did I miss it mentioned?
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                hidy ho ABerooooos!

                Bear, thanks for the loverly kickstart. you sound fab!

                a glorious sleep-in and now I'm just putzing around the house getting ready to make some guacamole.

                Pie, popcorn-powered chicken sounds crazy fun.

                arritey then, off to continue the putzing.

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  pauly ..was Julies nephews son...Julie was her nephews godmother when he was christened...heres my little hero this morning 20150503_071322(5).jpg
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Aww, she's so cute looks like she's enjoying being a house bunny(watch your cords!)
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Glad to see Mick back with the jokes. Today was such a lovely day.....the perfect weather always helps. We had such a long period of rain and dreary days it was really wearing on me.

                      I agree on the "pink cloud" really can be harmful to many. Sometimes I am irritated that I even think about the stuff. Not in a way of wanting to drink it or white knuckle it......just yearn to get the days back when you realize you haven't thought about it in awhile.

                      Today I went to a yoga class and the feeling in Warrior 1 was a reminder of how good I feel ending everyday without booze vs those days of kicking yourself in the butt. Even when I was drinking it I was already kicking my butt.

                      But, I recognized that feeling inside of a job well's one I plan to explore more. I always seem to see what hasn't been done vs what has.

                      I got to talk with another yoga therapist today and "corporate America" came up. She said it took her a full year to unravel her nerves. I think in a way I thought as soon as I got away from it, I'd be magically healed from the damage it had done to my nervous system. Typical alkie....wanting instant results and beating myself up over it.

             drove me nuts watching someone down 4 beers and never get out of the pool! This is very family oriented. That "spring break" atmosphere was not good for me.

                      Hope everyone had a great day!
                      Last edited by TheSunFlower97; May 3, 2015, 10:17 PM.


                        Hey SF I think I may be a bit pink cloudy at the moment,or maybe just levelling out a bit. I know what you mean about corporate America - well corporate NHS for me.I left two years ago and still expect some of the bonkers work culture to pop up where I am now.Thankfully we have a very healthy,valuing people and work life balance culture.I know how incredibly lucky I am with that.It takes time - i love the warrior poses in body balance,thinking I may need to investigate yoga a bit as I'm loving it so much.
                        one day at a time

