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may 5

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    may 5

    morn all..out early again and its pouring!!well yesterday was something!!..decided that if madam was staying in her old hutch then needed to extend it ..and put it back in the original do this had to lose 24 inches off the veg thats what happened..ripped the panelling out,dug all the earth out,laid 2 paving of which I dropped n broke!!..then remade new panelling...aching today....this rabbit runs my life!!she is actually a lot chirpier now that its all moved back..anyway how are yizall..quick brew then orf..

    hi bear ..good for you ...glad its gettin there for you....dont do it all at once ...and yes the reality of life moving on does kinda focus you a bit...have a grand af day!!

    hiya Lav...brew time...hows you then?what did you and the grandson get up to then?thomas the tank springs to mind!!you need to teach them embroidery...then you can have more time off!!

    hiya pie..hows you then?did you get work yustuday?..yes madam prefers her own old hutch..with an extension for the newcomer when that happens....interesting shopping list whats that all about?have a gerate day...update just read back..glad you got work :thumbsup: despite the fact that ou couldnt get flypapers..hey every cloud has a silver them round the house with a newspaper ..great exercise plan!!

    hiya Det ..hows you ?glad the booze bees aint buzzing around in yer head..well done...get back into routine fencing etc etc..enjoy San Jose

    hiya pauly ..hows your Kell? monday blues gone?..just remember work to live not the other way around..its a means to an end to do whatcha want..mind you just as well you werent relying on cutting my hair!!

    hiya ppqp...hows you today then?done your tax returns?glad your weather is better than ours just cant make its mind up!!

    hey sam the man hows you then?

    right folks ..meds for madam then off out..even earlier a vets appt at 0840..about 2 hrs in traffic drive away!!

    have a great day...

    Muhammad Ali in 1974: Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee

    Floyd Mayweather in 2015: Run like a chicken, hug like a bear

    My blonde girlfriend has three hours of footage of raw chicken on her iPhone.

    The cooking instructions said remove sleeve and film.

    Why is it that the girls those tampon adverts are always always laughing and dancing and swimming?

    In real life they'd be revving chainsaws, and screaming and burning shit down ...

    Apparently there is a new TV show starting next week, about a hospital that specialises in treatment for conditions caused by overweight, its going to be called O.B.City

    "He's been a massive bond fan since he was a kid. Got the perfect job now. "

    "Oh, is he a spy or something? "

    "Oh no, nothing like that, got a job in a glue factory. "

    "The new Royal baby weighs 3.7kg"

    "What's that in pounds?"

    "About £3 million per year for the taxpayer"

    A twenty five million pound study into why pointless studies are conducted has yielded no conclusive results.

    Head researcher Dave Williams was unavailable for comment as he fcked off in his new Ferrari.





    THE CAUSE OF IT ALL!!!!!!!

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    haha - I think your rabbit is a tiny furry emperor,rather like my cat!
    Day off today - stressy dreams about cat getting out onto road/lost at night and big boozy party at my house where I threw people out for letting the cat out.OH's friend staying at weekend so think it may be about that,I worry about people letting the cat out when they stay unnecessarily - everyone knows not to and is pretty sensible.

    Random. Woke with headache and feels like beginnings of a cold.I started planning to do too much today and feeling anxious and miserable,pedi,eye test,check out new gym,cleaning and gym,then out for dinner.

    I stopped myself - so it's been pedi,DOING NOTHING FOR 6 HOURS - food with friend tonight,maybe one hour of cleaning and putting washing away(mainly cos I spilt bottle of sticky cough medicine and need a quick whisk round.

    Now I'm on my second coffee headache is going,maybe time to cut down again.So happy to be sober,otherwise would have hangover on top of what is probably partly PMT. It's very much in my head that I don't drink now and I'm not going to compromise that for anyone else.
    Have a great day everyone,watching Vera on catch up TV today and maybe a bit of reading - bliss
    one day at a time


      Morning all. Heading out soon to prep a neighbor's condo for leasing. Happy for the work, and for the physical activity.

      Looks like you got more than your share of physical activity yesterday, Mick!

      Pauly, thanks for your answer. I was wondering if any of my requests for salon services were annoying. Based on your list, so far, I'm good.

      PQ and Det, your DoC comments from yesterday sure had me laughing. Hope you have an easy time in San Jose.

      Bear, I think you nailed it with the furry emperor title.

      Happy Cinco de Mayo, y'all!


        MAE ALL...

        Mick...thanks for kicking us off this morning. Wow, one busy man there yesterday. Great work on the renovations, I'm sure his highness appreciates it. Don't forget to take your hat today.

        Bear...sorry your night was stressful. You could be right about OH's friend bringing those dreams out. Very pleased to see you stopped yourself. You've come a long way. there anything you don't do? Enjoy the prepping.

        Det...had to laugh at your reference to DoC too. Glad to hear you're back on track, we can do this.

        I had a much better sleep last night and feel energized this morning. Going to need it as I called a meeting with the web designer for this morning. Another gardener has been making assumptions for the web content and my plates have now tripled. Putting a stop to that right away. Another warm day today then the change ending with frost for Thursday morning. Our weather can't make up it's mind either Mick.

        Have a Terrific AF Tuesday all and all to come......:smile:PPQP


          Good Tuesday morning Abbers!

          I made it through an extra long day yesterday, I survived, ha ha!
          Thanks for the startup Mick. Your Sandy is looking rather well & apparently very, very spoiled
          I hope you have an easier day today!

          bear, stay focused & take a little time to just 'be'. I spent my life overdoing everyday, day after day & eventually lost myself. I learned my lesson the hard way! It has to be ME first from now on.

          Pie, I hope your day goes well, happy prepping!

          I have to go for a quick B/P check this morning then expect a visit from my daughter & granddaughter later.
          I hear it's heading up to 85 degrees this afternoon - summerlike for sure!

          Greetings to Sam, Pauly, PQ, Det, SF, NS & anyone I've missed.
          Have a terrific AF Tuesday one & all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Mae everybody, Mick that was a lot of work! I'd be sore,Kell is better, I kept telling her that maybe the full moon was giving her a pessimistic attitude as I've been reading up on it,she said I read the internet too much, but I still think there's a connection Pi e,it's only cuz the kind of shop I work at that I have that way of thinking, it's a cheap express cut kinda place, nothing fancy and that's how I like it, get them in and out no frills! I'm nice to everyone and some of my customers I really love, but there's a lot of assholes too of course, that's why I used to love staying topped up at work, nothing bugged me, now not drinking I find other ways to distract myself, still thinking of that shopping list haha,tostadas for cinco de mayo maybe?? Took a quick walk to deposit money into the atm this morning and I decided that I love the hour between 5 and 6, feel a connection to God,or the earth or something, it was peaceful hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday, much love to all
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              evening all
              been a good day of this and that.... mostly this and less of that.
              Mick, quite the gallery, enjoyed looking at them. Sandy is looking good and I know how relieved you are that she is.

              Bear, hope the headaches go away, caffeine can surely do it. That's one habit of mine I wouldn't mind scaling back.

              Pie, "prepping a condo" sounds like cleaning house to me... hope you enjoyed!

              PQ, it interesting to read you are still looking at frost possibilities. It has warmed up a bit here. 85° today. I'm truly glad we keep getting weekly showers.

              How do Lav, if my memory serves me, you asked if I usually find calves already born, and the answer is yes, but I keep an eye on them daily to see if anything is amiss, especially with some heifers having their first. You all done dog sitting??

              Pauly, early morning really is a pretty time of day, usually the coolest in the summer. Best time of day for photos I think. Hope your day was a good one.

              Det, you are sounding very well these days, glad you're here.

              well off to play some tunes; oh I forgot, suppose to go for my second interview tomorrow, pee in a cup and all that kind of thing. Sounds like a pretty "exciting time"

              greetings to all
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                Originally posted by Samstone View Post
                PQ, it interesting to read you are still looking at frost possibilities. It has warmed up a bit here. 85° today. I'm truly glad we keep getting weekly showers.
                New forecast...rain changing to snow tonight with more snow developing in the morning. :egad: Snowfall warning in effect about 3 hours north of us.

                Pauly...totally agree with that time of the day. Everything is so peaceful. " not drinking I find other ways to distract myself" powerful statement there.

      's the B/P? Especially after your extra long day yesterday!

                Det...hoping your day was not too long.

                Black clouds rolling in and I swear I can hear thunder. Curling up to watch the hockey game and the election results.
                Have a re-energizing sleep all......:smile:PPQP


                  Ahhh, finally a peaceful moment & it's nearly 11 pm! Geez!!!

                  My B/P check was good - real good considering I was two days off my medicine. My heart rate didn't cooperate though, my NP said she heard the beginnings of a murmur SO I'm back on the med. I really just wanted to be done with the med but I don't want to be stupid about it either. Oh well.
                  My granddaughter was NOT in a good mood today - but I'm happy she came for a visit, ha ha! She is running her mother ragged lately. 4 year olds can be quite bossy!!! It did hit 85 degrees here today & now I'm seeing some distant lightning in the sky.

                  Better than snow, huh PQ? I hope your forecast is completely wrong!

                  Sam, thanks for filling me in on the calves. I suspected that just from riding around & observing all those tiny babies out in the fields. I hope your pee in the cup testing is everything it's supposed to be tomorrow

                  Pauly, the full moon does indeed have some powerful effects. You should work a night shift in a hospital when there's a full moon - OMG! I rather like the express cut hair salons, I go to one all the time. The last old fashioned full service salon I went to was owned & operated by an old high school friend. She got pissed when I had to bring my young son along one day (because the babysitter didn't show up). He was a bit annoying but not that bad - geez!

                  OK, bedtime now for sure!
                  Peace to everyone!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Yes, Sam. Best time to do a detail cleaning is when a condo is empty, as they are just prior to leasing. After 7 straight hours of scrubbing and polishing, my right hand had gone on strike, refusing to go near the computer for any posting earlier. Has me wondering what my left hand was doing all day, as it's not tired at all. I know it was with me the entire time. As a spectator, maybe?

                    Pauly, I'm with you on the early morning hours; best time of the day. Tostadas covered with refried beans and cheese are are go-to dinner for me. Probably eat them at least twice a week , so I don't like to run out. So easy, so tasty, and I think, on the healthy side? Occasionally I'll make the beans from scratch in my crock pot. Can top them with salsa, or fresh tomatoes, and always add some chopped oregano from my mini-garden.

                    PQ, it pleases me to be able to tackle household maintenance/repairs. I can do most basic things as long as instructions or a youtube how-to video are available. Still much that is beyond me though. For example, have a door guy coming next week to re-mortise the hinges on my bedroom door as it won't close properly. Not such a big deal for now, but surely want it working for when my summer guest arrives.

                    You'll have to let us know if you actually get snow! What election are you tracking?


                      As always...a late check in.

                      Bear the only thing about the "pink cloud" was when you came off of it. I've been checking out "body balance"....seems like a lot of gyms offer it. Its the physical side of yoga, which is great. I hope you are enjoying it.

                      Pauly----I have a confession. I have been "eyeing" up this one woman's hair at yoga. I finally asked....and she gets it done at a "chain"....and offered to do my highlights at her house with "Walmart" color. Then I go out to my car after she zooms away in her Mercedes with the top down. I am still trying to figure out who owns a Mercedes, gets "chain" haircuts, Walmart color.....and seems to living the life the luxury. I am tempted to have her do my hair just so I can get her freaking story.....end of story....I went to the chain and loved the cut and color.

                      Anyways...I spent a lovely night with MS patients. Apparently all the drug companies have these "information" things....with free awesome food.....and now I am part of the group. They were amazed at how much knowledge I had.

                      That a yogi I am seeing a pattern with me. My teacher has said that there is no such thing as tri-dosha. But, all my quizzes came up that. Then I went to a "professional", because I wanted to know what I was. She comes to me so sweetly an are "tri-dosha"...WTF.....which means you have great power and you have use that wisely. Personally, it scared me....because at the time I was still in corporate America. So WTF do I do with that? It scared me, because ALL my bosses said when you speak people listen. WTF.

                      Anyways I am seeing my days lay out like this:
                      Pitta: I work away......I literally do a weeks worth of work in 12 hours.....or until its over
                      Vatta: I am all over the place....just whatever needs done gets done
                      Kalpha: Day on the couch zoning out

                      to do it all over again. Tomorrow is my Kalpha was my Vatta Day....and my Pitta day....WELL...that is why I was at an MS event making connections I could never makes on my own. Pittas are highly regarded in our society.

                      However, I have to find balance. Pitta days....I run like fire on 3 hours of sleep. Vatta...I rest throughout the day.....Kalpha...peel me away from the couch I dare you

                      Anyways....I am hanging in there. No actual drinking thoughts.....just the back of my mind stuff that irritates me.
                      Last edited by TheSunFlower97; May 6, 2015, 12:16 AM.


                        whew! to use SF's terminology this has been a super Pitta day, but here I am AF and happy my dear ABerooos.

                        Mick, at least you didn't drop that stone on your foot. Sounds like your getting a fine workout in.

                        Lav, I'm pretty sure looking after a 4yo will raise your resting pulse!

                        Pie, i've certainly seen much worse than bean/cheese tortillas for snack/comfort foods. especially if you can find 'real' cheese. I get raw gourmet cheese when I stop in Truckee CA at 'new moon' foods. really a fun treat.

                        got so stressed out with work today that I was shaking for hours. Didn't even have time to realize I went the entire day on one cup of coffee which is rare for me. I used to drink TONS of coffee but after this last AF restart i just haven't wanted as much... dunno why. I certainly notice some brands give me headaches and some don't. pretty sure that's due to mycotoxin content in the way the beans are harvested.

                        anyway, the long drive back up to the north bay allowed me to clear my head.

                        then I had a heck of a time finding a hotel room. even the Motel 6's were all sold out. I've finally settled down into a genuine rat-trap of a flop-house. the kind of place you certainly wouldn't take your spouse. it smells, it's nasty, but I'm too tired to care. I'm AF, healthy and loved. What more does a human really need?

                        stay tuned for next broadcast when I return to San Jose tomorrow night.....

                        be well everyone
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)

