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    mae folks...another early one today...supposed to not be raining today..thats what the weather forecast says..skies dont say that to me!!got to go and vote...general election today...its a guess really ..all the parties and their policies...its a case of picking the one that lies the least,and aint gonna do too much dammage!!then off to help my friend load some pigs for market and then go and pick sandy up..tomorrow Im building a shed for about variety how are we all?ok lts see...

    hi det ..hows you ?did you go for the Italian? sound a lot cheerier well done trip home today

    hiya ppqp.....oops whats going on at work then?somethin gettin on your wick that youve got to re invent the sweary fred!!! glad the eye is getting better anyway....

    hey nana p....hows you today then?smiley head on??gooooood..just for you ..your own speshul hairdresser jokes

    A blonde is sick of being labled a 'dumb blonde' so goes to the hairdressers to buy a brunette wig.
    "How much are they?" she asks.
    "£30 plus the tax"' replies the hairdresser.
    "Fck the tax," she replies, "I'll use glue.."

    The other day I asked my hairdresser if I could have highlights,and he showed me a video of past haircuts.

    Granny goes to the hairdresser and gets her hair cut really short. When she gets home, Little Johnny, her grandson, says:

    "Granny, that's marvellous! You don't look like an old woman any more!"

    "Thank you, Johnny," says Granny. "That was a lovely thing to say. What do I look like now?"

    "Like a fecking old man."

    A hairdresser asked me out today. I'd never go out with a hairdresser though - they always talk about you behind your back.

    I've always wanted to be a hairdresser and one day when I was cutting a guys hair he turned round and asked,"What are you doing?". I replied,"What's the matter?" "Am I doing it wrong?"

    He replied,"No,I'm waiting for the bus, fck off"

    have a great day.....

    hiya bear ...hows you feeling today then?hopefully better..hey just cos youve stopped drinkin...doesnt necessarily mean the world is all a beautiful place...what it does do enable you to make balanced unclouded judgements on a specific course of action to take in addressing particular take yours for not going too well..things starting to build up...Tada solution time...easy ..."feck it ...cant be arsed ...wheres me jammies" :hahaha: have a great day...

    hiya pie...hows you today then? condo all gleamy shiny then??time for white glove inspection then is it?top of door frame,corner of window sill ,corner of bedframe,under the sink basin behind the tap....Not too late for lillies to split them yet........and just for you Don McClean (get it??)

    A snail comes across a leprechaun in the forest. The leprechaun takes pity on the snail, slithering on its belly, and decides to grant it a wish. The snail can’t believe its luck. ‘I’d like a sports car,’ it says, ‘with a giant golden “S” painted on the doors and bonnet.’ The leprechaun waves his hand, and the car magically appears. The snail is beside itself with excitement and climbs in. It revs the engine up, puts the car into gear and speeds off through the forest. All the other animals gather to watch him career through the trees. ‘Look at that crazy “S” car go.’

    How do snails keep their shells shiny? Snail varnish.

    How do you know your kitchen floor is dirty? The slugs leave a trail on the floor that reads ‘clean me’!

    What did the slug say as he slipped down the wall? How slime flies!

    What did the slug say to the other slug who had hit him and run off? I’ll get you next slime!

    The Council road sweeper did our street last Tuesday. As I came back from town I caught him stamping on a snail.

    "Whatever did that poor defenseless creature do to harm you?" I asked.

    "You what?" He said, "that bugger's been following me about all day."

    What did the snail say while riding on the turtle’s back? Weeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

    What do you do when two snails have a fight? Leave them to slug it out!

    What sort of animal is a slug? A snail with a housing problem!

    What was the snail doing on the motorway? About one mile a day!

    Where do you find monster snails? On the end of its fingers.

    A snail is returning home late at night and has to cut though a dark alley. As he is passing though, he is mugged by two slugs.
    Later on at the police station, the officer asks him, "Can you give me a description of the assailants?"
    The snail ponders this for a moment and then replies, "Gee, I'm not sure... it all happened so fast."

    hiya Lav are you today?big brew for you....hope all is well your end ...

    hey are you mate ..hopefullly working away....

    right folks offski I go..

    have a good one..

    lets start the day in the right direction.
    off to vote in the general election
    then after that I ll be dancin jigs,
    as I load the trailer full of pigs,
    then keepin busy ..thats my habit
    as off I go to get me wabbit
    and after this ,if I aint dead ,
    its up tomorrow to build a shed

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    morning all
    long day yesterday. I did the in traffic thing around DC. Took 2 1/2 hours to drive 35 miles. We had quite the lightning show in the evening. off to work this morning so just a quick look see. Good blonde joke Mick!
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Dang, Mick! You're on fire today! Nailed it with the hairdresser jokes, then the slug funnies, and your POEM! Thanks for the brilliant kick off.

      Not sure what I'm up to today. Gonna visit Dad first, then who knows.

      Greetings to all.


        Mae everybody, I agree with Pie and Sam,jokes are funny and I love the poem Sam,that traffic sounds like fricken L.A!!what a mess,luckily Vegas traffic isn't too bad,depending on where your at, it only takes me 15-20 minutes to get to work so that's good, hubs bought me a new bouganvillia for mothers day, we thought the other one was coming back but nope watermelon plants shriveled up and died as soon as I put them in the ground, grr,hope everyone has a nice Thursday, I'll be back later
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Good morning Abbers

          Snail varnish - good one Mick!!
          Glad to hear Sandy is doing well which means you are doing well too! Hope you have fun today with everything you have planned.

          Sam, my son works in DC, drives fire trucks in DC so I have heard all about the insane traffic! Hope you have a good day

          Pie, have a great visit with your Dad!

          Pauly, I'll just go ahead & grow some of those personal sized, round watermelons for you & ship them to you, LOL
          The kids really enjoyed them last summer! I think you need to figure out how to garden in the shade perhaps.

          I'm running late, time to get to Curves so I'll check in later.
          Have a great AF day everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            hi everyone, back after long day including evening meeting,feeling shattered, happy though and much calmer today.Had one to one with boss,we discussed my lack of confidence,I don't know what to do tbh - had counselling, cbt, not sure what the answer is.I know I'm my own worst enemy and stress myself out for no reason.
            Any answers,please let me know
            Off to bed in a bit and gym in morning before very short working day
            one day at a time


              I caved on day 58 just emotions getting to me! You are all so wonderful, it's just me,I feel like I'm never gonna get better, it's ALWAYS gonna be a struggle, sheesh been thinking about booze for 2 weeks straight, thought it would ease,it got bloody worse,almost an obsession, I don't want to bring anybody down, I know I'm a wreck, bleh
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Hey Pauly, I was just listening to a Bubble Hour podcast; NS posted a link in another thread. You might find it really interesting right about now, I sure did. Guy talks about how long it takes people to get a sustained, continuous year of remission. He says on average, it takes 8 years, from the first time a person seeks help to stop drinking. He says we don't lose the experience of being sober that we had before a relapse. Let me go find the link, and add it here for you, before I start paraphrasing incorrectly.

                Here it is: The BubbleHour

                Doesn't look like I did that right. Try this
                Last edited by Pie; May 7, 2015, 04:29 PM.


                  You're such a sweetheart Pie I've been here for too long to be struggling like this, think I need to resort to antidepressants which kills me inside but it's better than drinking I guess, I've tried SO hard this time, and I wonder if I just would have napped and blew it off,if the thought would have gone away, this really blows
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Aw Pauly :hug: It may help if you start journaling. "sheesh been thinking about booze for 2 weeks straight......" When I went through this phase (and it is a phase - while you're retraining your brain, which takes time!) I would just write down the talking that was going on in my head. It didn't have to make sense or be organized, just a list of the talk. It would wear me out and get me over the craving that was threatening to move me to action. But what I found was when the talking started up again a lot of what was on my list wasn't there anymore. Never quit quitting!

                    Pi...had a quick peek at the link and intend on going back. Thanks for sharing.

                    Mick...our printing company goofed on the May's edition of our Newsletter and the backlash from residents has been unreal. Good time for Boss #1 to be on holidays don't you think. All's good though and I'm sure you're glad to have Sandy home.

                    Waves to all I haven't addressed but this puppy is going to bed. Have a peaceful evening all and all to check in......:smile:PPQP


                      Hey Pauly, just start again ~ please do not drag this out longer than one day.
                      Try the Bubble Hour podcast, I've listened to some of them & they are really good.
                      It's important for all of us to remember that thoughts are just thoughts & we don't have to believe them or act on them. Simply recognize for what they are & then push them out of your head. It helped me to stop whatever I was doing & go do something completely different. Distracting myself that way worked. Just keep trying :hug:

                      bear, this book was a big help to me 5 years ago when YB did his unexpected runner. Take a look at the website, it may be of help to you as well.

                      PQ, how come you can't keep the printing company under control while standing on your head with your hands tied behind your back?? Ha ha!!! Hope you have a peaceful night!

                      Hi there Pie
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

