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may 8

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    may 8

    here we are then folks ...general election on over here...and boy let me tell you people are danin i n the streets ,parties everywhere ..cant see for ticker tape everywhere..(do they still do that?)...ok ok so Im lying!!looks like Camerons gang are gonna get in ..not that theres much tween any of them..

    more important hows us today?tis Friday...and Im off shed building ..tbh wish I hadnt volunteered rather spend the day with Sandy in the garden!!

    brew time... tuppence worth..Lav has nailed it..dont dwell on it dont drama it happened ...end happened cos you let it...

    now then lets get to the nutz n boltz of it...

    shove the anti depressants...they aint worth jack.....all they are doing is masking summat else!! the one thing you havent done thru all this is quit quitting...which tells me that you can do it!!!ok it may be slower..people get the wrong idea about quitting ..whether they think ..ok Ive quit ..and all of a sudden you will never think of booze again..boll..s...when you quit give yourself tools to address the challenge...the reaction to the action of thinking about booze..and thats where you aint quite got it..and we are gonna do it understand ma'am?if you want to go for it lets sign up now...

    ppqp is need to write it all you feel what you did..etc going out in a wee while ,but if you want I will write the strategy I used..not that its any bigger better braver than anyone elses ..its just the one I know...

    the other things are ,,find something to do ..a hobby... anything..when thoughts appear,then you get into that....also treat yourself...I dont know your social standing,but no matter how rich or not so rich you are...the money you would have spent on booze..use it on you not the kidz not hubby you!!be positive are gonna do this..we will help you as much as we can but its you thats gotta sign up...hope she doesnt mind but look at bear now,SL also somewhere it clicked that was it..runnin out of time now,but pm me or fb, on here whatever,we will do this ..but its down to you...and be totally honest..there are instances on here (not this fred )where people have said yep not drinking now..and they are actually as bad if not worse than before !!ffs whats that about?? :hug::hug:

    hi ppqp..hows you today?feelin less tired? hope so ..nice boss ..nice timing..sure he aint a politician?

    hi bear...hows you?deep breathe n chill...just be you know what a swot analysis is?its usually applied to business and strategic planning...why not do one on yourself...again gotta be honest bout it....

    hiya pie hows you today?Friday work today??

    Hiya Lav ..what are you up to?big brew here for you....

    Sam did i see you mensh work ?is that on the job front?

    gotta go folks time has run away ..sorry bout that...but Pauly ..think you deserve the extra!!will try and put coupla jokes up,

    I went for a job interview yesterday.

    The interviewer said, "After looking at your CV, it seems that you like to eat a lot."

    "I haven't written anything about it," I said, "How did you know?"

    "Well," he replied, "There are ketchup and mayonnaise stains all over your fcking CV."

    I've got some seriously multi-talented friends on my Facebook.

    Last week they were boxing pundits, this week they're accomplished politicians.

    Hopefully, next week, they will be experts in shutting the fck up.

    A woman saying "I'm not mad at you" is like a dentist saying "You won't feel a thing."

    This bloke started choking in the queue at McDonald's today.

    Luckily the manager was quick-thinking, and swiftly opened another till.

    I didn't vote today.

    I don't want the government to get in.

    I've just changed my wireless broadband provider.

    From Bill at number 8 Campbell Road to Jack at number 12.

    Just voted for PTO. They were at the bottom of the form so felt sorry for them.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Abbers & happy Friday to all!

    Thanks for the startup Mick, good coffee too
    I watched our news coverage of your elections. They had predicted a Cameron win all along, no surprise huh?
    Have fun with the shed building & watch your thumbs!

    Pauly, I woke up thinking about you. I hope you know we all truly care & believe you can succeed. It took me years to finally understand & believe that drinking is NEVER the answer, never the solution to what ails us! At best it is a short term band aid but one that robs us of heart & soul in the long run. I hope you are back on board with us today so we can continue this journey together :hug:

    Greetings to all, I'll check in later. I'm off to Curves now then I don't know what!
    Have a terrific AF Friday one & all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Morning all
      looks like another beauty out there, tick season has officially began, found 2 tiny ones on my feet, and they can move fast! Biting freckles!

      Pauly, while I wish I had the magic wand, I don't. Any person you know in your area that has quit? I'm not an AA person yet I know they provide a lot of support. I found Allan Carr's book "Easy way to stop drinking" very helpful in the beginning for me. Mick, PQ, and Lav are point on. I, too, am a PM away.

      Mick, did surveying work yesterday, day before went to a second interview with the post office, filling out lots of paper work, so that is looking better. Trying to get our dangling "veying jobs complete. Music tonight!

      Hope everyone has a great Friday!
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Mae everybody, thanks for all of your input/advice, sheesh just don't know how to beat this just kept avoiding the thoughts day after day and yesterday I just hit my boiling point,could have been smart and took a antabuse but I was tired of doing that, tired of avoiding, I can't explain what I mean, I feel like I've put my life on hold just to stay sober, I avoid people, places, etc,grrrr, this is really hard especially cuz I had been coasting along really good, I was proud of myself but also scared of drinking again, I just don't know how to live sober maybe, I always miss the short lived euphoria, stupid cuz in the end drinking just makes me sick, hope everyone has a good Friday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          pauly I said you want any help tips..tell do know how to beat it.....keep trying thats the answer....mebbes one of the secrets is youre avoiding everywhere too much..its like ..I cant go there cos people drink ,cant do this cos people drink,cant see this cos people drink ...youre isolating yourself...Id be pretty pissed off with that..the problem is you and drink..not you going places ,doing things, meeting people and drink...after cutting hair all day ,watching kidz etc you need some escape time..mebbes you do go out but make everyone awre you dont drink ..invent some mad excuse why if you have to...drink soft drinks,or even af should be proud of the fact that you dont drink...not that you dont do anything...the day will come when I need turns into actually I dont want!!

          shed built..job was quite funny really..I was doing it for my ex boss in the prison service...both good mates now..he was no1 gov..I was no2/ it was quite good to tell him go make a brew etc..its pouring down now it done just in time!!
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Keep posting Pauly! When did the way you are feeling seem to peak?
            AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


              Last Friday Jane, I imagined just drinking my whole day off away, listening to music, cleaning the house,just being carefree for a bit, I didn't though, I was able to put it out of my mind, and I do isolate myself out of fear ,I avoided one of my brothers when he was in town last weekend I knew he'd be drinking, that's what they all do,I've avoided my dad's phone calls cuz he's coming down at the end of the month, again a drinker,not crazy but still, my mom only texts me when she's drinking, everyone just sucks! I have no friends anymore cuz they were just drinking buddies, meh,think I have a hormonal imbalance too,I feel as nutty as I did on birth control pills or when pregnant, just emotional wreck
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Pauly, That sounds like a page right out of my past, and not too long ago. I responded to another of your posts on the Anyone on their first week of their umpteenth quit. See if it resonates at all for you. xo
                AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                  hey everyone,

                  Pauly some good advice there - I'd say consider anti depressants though, they have made a huge difference to me,sometimes it is chemical and not masking feelings - it doesn't stop you feeling feelings anyway.Just means it's all more balanced.Diabetics take diabetic medication right?

                  That said I feel very sad and want to isolate today, went out for work lunch where most people(not everyone)was drinking,had lovely time,lots of laughs and nice people.
                  Then all of a sudden i felt really tired,quiet and self conscious.

                  I left soon after, someone said they'd like to go out for drinks with me as we were having a real giggle and I was sober, my mind jumped straight to the BS 'I'm missing out and isolating by not drinking' I know it's BS,I've got PMT and feeling sad,over analysing everything,wasted years drinking, not being assertive and this lack of faith in my abilities/self worth.Need to tackle that - had counselling - seriously thinking about hypno,can't afford to see anyone so may see what CDs/downloads I can get.

                  Bah humbug but yeah for progress and doing what I want to do - been bit mad really,evening event with work last night, stress of build up, assignment last weekend,maybe getting sucked back into others' roller derby drama a bit.I am going to go back - but having a good six months off and going back more low key.

                  Meh - was meant to be out watching OH band but after long day,socialising at lunch and long drive I am wiped and not in mood for socialising,so even tho i feel shitty - I put myself first.Progress. OH has friends staying this weekend,one is great,one is self obsessed and patronising,and a bit smelly.
                  Up really early for hair appt tomorrow.
                  Bit of TV,maybe a bath and bed early for me with cat and kindle
                  one day at a time


                    Howdy all. Working with choir students today. What's not to like about talented young uns? Got another 1.5 hours to go.


                      Pie,my girls were all in choir,tbh I hated the concerts, they all did back up and I could barely see them anyways, Bear,don't be too stressed out, I know part of my prob is PMS too,I appreciate everybody here,I never meant to seem like an attention seeker,I just wanted to be honest and talk this out,back to the drawing board yet again but it's ok, stupid alcohol, such a stupid thing, all I can say is it's not all its cracked up to be, and I'm gonna beat this
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        talking it out here helps,there isn't really anyone in real life that I'd feel comfortable going into this detail.It's good to have people who understand,and some ahead to offer advice.
                        one day at a time


                          Pauly....glad to see the chit chat with the posts....keep it up. I have had a very stressful week ending with leaks in the roof of the hall where there is currently a windup banquet going on. Just back now and exhausted but wanted to check in on you.

                          Will check in with everyone in the morning......:smile:PPQP


                            Oh, good grief PQ. Is there anything they don't want you to take responsibility for?

