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May 9 VE day

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    May 9 VE day

    mornin are we all today then?all good..?weather over here is pretty rubbish today....thankfully not rainnig as yet but blowin a real hooley!!today is VE day..when the lights went on in Europe some 70 years ago...lot of celebrations over here to remember it,but of course people from all nations gave their all ..thank you

    brew time....

    hiya Lav..hows things with you today then?all good ..have you got the kids this weekend?or is it a kfc for you not the Colonel ..kid free community!!

    hey music man ..hows it going ?looks promising with the post office then doesnt often do you have to do the surveying or is it an ongoing thing?good job them ticks dont speak..imagine..tick talkin!!!!ok ok get ma coat!!

    hey pauly hows today day outlook..mebbes time to step back and look at everything and plan it all out..theres loads of advice its justa case of seeing what works for will win!!!:thumbsup: as for centre of attention ..hey if we all focus on you mebbe we can do this quicker than its gonna ..because gonna be done it is

    hiya all of your post got one bit right first!!!..all your friends SEEMED to be having a good time, or maybe they were ,but after that couple of hours what happens?. you say you jumped to the bs about missing out etc etc...fine but your next action was better...not giving in,and as time goes on that reaction becomes almost if not second for the self confidence..go on to you tube and type in how to boost your self confidence there are tons of vids on there maybe one of them will help you..

    hiya did choir practice go ?choir practice...jeez now that takes me back millions of years!!shed built yesterday..need to get some new posidrive bits for my drill ..mine are rounding off....whats your weekend got?

    ppqp....they are taking the pee!!!does no one else do anything there?youre boss has a pretty good number ..gets all the graft done for the price of a meal now and then!!nice strategy!!what plans have you for the weekend?they havent got you rebuilding Calgary or anything??????

    well folks big mouth here got it wrong is now raining!!!

    So I've decided to give up on online dating

    My wife's idea

    So today my 4 year old was struggling with a stubborn yoghurt lid and muttered to himself 'Stupid fcking lid'

    With that, my wife turned to me and said 'I wonder where he got that from?'

    I replied 'From the fcking fridge you stupid git'

    I'm very thankful to the person who invented the 'save' feature in video games.

    He should be given a big round of a pause.

    When asked by journalists how he would be celebrating the Tories' surprise majority in the General Election, David Cameron replied "I intend to go out and get absolutely Cleggless".

    David Cameron has vowed to create a million new jobs during his new term as Prime Minister.

    Too right.

    Those food banks won't run themselves, will they?

    A bus load of politicians was traveling down a country road when, all of a sudden, the bus ran off the road and crashed into a tree in an old farmer's field. The old farmer, after seeing what happened, went over to investigate. He then proceeded to dig a hole and bury the politicians.

    A few days later the local sheriff came out, saw the crashed bus, and asked the farmer where all the politicians had gone. The old farmer said he had buried them.

    The sheriff then asked the old farmer, "Were they ALL dead?"

    The old farmer replied, "Well, some of them said they weren't, but you know how them politicians lie."

    I saw this guy in an Italian restaurant ordering pizza in fluent Italian. The waiter seemed to appreciate his willingness to accept their culture.

    So, I tried the same thing in our local Chinese restaurant.

    I squinted my eyes and shouted, "Harro! Spesha frah raice prease!" But instead of showing appreciation, they took the upturned prawn-cracker basket from my head and told me to get out.

    I'm not calling my wife a food addict, but she woke me up at 3am this morning saying that she thought there were some burgers downstairs.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Morning all,

    Sleep was elusive last night; still awake at 2am. Feeling sharp as a marble today.

    Bet your friend was mighty appreciative of your help with his shed, Mick. Did you take any photos?


      Good morning Abbers,

      Thanks for the startup Mick!
      I'm doing nothing but drinking coffee this morning. This afternoon I should be energized enough to actually get some things done
      No big plans this weekend, will see what happens. Tomorrow is Mother's Day around here. I usually end up feeding the crowd. No such thing as a day off for this mother, ha ha!!!

      Pie, I go thru dry spells with sleep as well. it seems the sleep fairy has been kind to me the past two nights. I hope she finds her way back to you soon

      PQ, I'm sure you don't get any OT pay, do you? So did you grab a ladder & get up there & fix the leaking roof? GEEZ

      Pauly, here's a little something to ponder.....
      Success finally came for me when I stopped looking for answers outside of myself. I finally got the message that the answers are within all of us. When we quiet the damn monkey mind & listen to our own inner wisdom & spirit we know what to do. Give that some thought.

      Bear, I think the same message applies to you as well. Spend more time listening to your own spirit & less time comparing yourself to others. Learn to be yourself & treat yourself with loving kindness.

      OK, I need to get in motion!
      Wishing everyone a fabulous AF Saturday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        MAE ALL....

        Mick...thanks for the kickstart. Was going to complain about no brew but then I spotted it. Good job on the shed, I'm sure it was greatly appreciated. The Calgary rebuild will have to wait because I'm taking today for me. Outbreak at Dad's, he's fine but they discourage visitors and that's just fine for me today.

        Pi...bummer about the sleep but at least it's Saturday!

        Lav...correct, no OT just time in lieu, like that'll happen. Nope grabbed the phone instead and called the cavalry. LOL

        Pauly....Bear....lots of great advice today. Hope your day's are peaceful. Will check in later to see if you've posted.

        Been up for a bit and escaped into a computer game, keeps my mind too busy to think about work. Growling tummy is winning so off to make breakie.
        Have a Super Sober Saturday all and all to come.....:PPQP


          hey everyone,thanks for your posts feel a bit better today,haircut and dye and new skin stuff,it's good to be deep Booze money spent in another way,but a positive way!

          Thanks Lav - wise words,it's HOW I develop that faith and trust in me and what I want/abilities,I think meditation may help.I've done affirmations,counselling I think maybe it's just taking that leap of faith and trusting my feelings and thoughts.

          Mick - weird - I was looking at just those sorts of downloads last night!Much cheaper than paying to see someone/also fits in with Lav's idea of developing listening to myself.

          i also think simply - i need to get off my ass and to the gym

          PPQ - hope you get abreak soon xx

          Pie - hey there nice to see you

          Pauly - hope you're on the up too
          one day at a time


            Mae everybody, I was wondering about pics of the shed too Mick?how's Sandy doing? Lav, I guess I just don't know how to do that, the piece of mind that I'm striving for eludes me,I feel overwhelmed with work, bills,running a household, watching Louie, yet I know it's good to be busy, but sometimes I don't want to do anything, on Thursday while I was walking, I prayed to God to give me strength, I kept repeating to myself that I don't need to be superwoman what I'm doing is enough,I just want to be positive and stay that way,today I would have been 60 days, longest stretch in the 10 years that I started drinking, I'm tired of picking up the pieces after drinking!each day sober is truly a blessing, unfortunately I don't realize that until it's gone this should not be this hard, I was looking cuter,younger, my sleep was getting better, my bills are paid, sheesh I have a good hubs, family, what am I missing? I'll get this, really think I need to exercise more, I love my walks but I think something in the afternoon would be a nice routine change instead of watching tv,hello to Sam,PPQP, Pie,Bear, Det,SF,hope everyone has a nice Saturday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              hiya pauly.....nope never took any pics of the started raining so it was mad rush to get the felt on the time Im at micks will take some pics...mics it ok ok...Sandy seems a lot better ..definitely think that she is missing sam tho...her ears are starting to heal..getting meds into her by hiding it in her food...

              Pauly..take it easy on do a great job in life so stop putting yourself down,and yep I would bin the afternoon something for you,the non drinking money something for for the 58 days thats history ..theres bigger and better targets comin up!!just be strong!!
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Hi PQ, Normally I'd have the ability to sleep in on a Saturday. Turns out, I got a new pup care gig that has me up at 5:30 the next few mornings. Not complaining, because I'm thrilled to have this work, and plan to catch up on sleep tonight if Lav, will send the good fairy my way. Actually got a second new client today for two dogs that starts next week. Ironic that I've gone six months in this new location without any calls at all, and then get two in the same week. Funny how things work, eh?

                Mick pics? Oy :happy2:

                Hi Bear and Pauly.
                Last edited by Pie; May 9, 2015, 06:00 PM.


                  I muffed it up again! I'm so exhausted and burnt out,I knew if I let this into my life again it would be a mess,I feel like an embarrassment to everyone, God I'm a mess to myself, not posting again until I get it straight, broken promises, lying, I'm NOT OK,I'm just an alcoholic idiot
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Pauly, don't you quit posting! (please)
                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      Pauly, I truly hope you stick with us :hug:
                      Don't let these past few days define you or negate all the progress you have made these past few months.
                      It seems to me that you are leaving the door open & in effect allowing AL to reenter your life when you're feeling a little off. It's a default behavior that we all used until we decided not to anymore. Have you tried writing a list of healthier behaviors that you can use in place of drinking? Increasing exercise, as you mentioned may just be the ticket. Changing the negative thoughts into positive thoughts is a big one. Completely removing drinking as a possible solution to a bad day is a must!
                      I know you can do this, we all know :hug:

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

