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May 10

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    May 10

    Morning all
    a quick note, off to market, got to go pack my stuff! Not sure how the weather's going to hold up. Happy mudders day to all you mudders out there.
    Liberated 5/11/2013

    hey mr music man ...hows you this mornin?all good mate hopefully...happy moms yiz the moment up building the extension to rabbit towers ..have been since sparrows fart this mornin ..tho did get told to shut the noise up at 6.30...whats up with people ..thats the middle of the day!!!!..also been bodging thins,inventing recycling call it what you to follow...laters today so watch this space!!Pauly happy moms day means you cmon..we all want you to do toothless budgie impressions..(go on work it out!!!!)
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Good Sunday morning Abbers & Happy Mother's day

      Cloudy, warm & humid here & feeling a lot like summer. I gifted myself yesterday by turning on the AC

      Have a fun & profitable market day Sam!

      Mick, are you installing an elevator in the rabbit tower? Ha ha!!
      So you've been disturbing the neighbors with your early morning antics? Uh oh! Where we used to live there was a township ordinance that said no outside noise making before 8 am. That apparently didn't apply to the trash collectors with their big noisy trucks

      Greetings pauly! I hope you have a nice Mother's day!
      Be kind to yourself today, please.

      Greetings PQ, Pie, NS, SF, Det, bear & everyone popping in today!
      Haave a wonderful AF Sunday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Morning glories!

        Good thing I brought my own coffee! Got a full pot if anyone wants. Off to do this and that. Back later.


          hey everyone,nice to see you - hey Samstone,hope market day is good.
          Hey Lav - you get a lot of hot and humid,it's bit cold and grey here.

          Hey Pie - ta for coffee - big part of my day atm

          hey Mick - I hope your bunny appreciates all of this,they really are furry emperors!

          Pauly - keep posting,there is no shame in struggling,we all have and do, look at me!!It always helps me to post through the bad stuff and it gives people a chance to support you and you to learn.Don't cut yourself off from that and you stayed sober for 58 days, that is great - I lapsed at about that time and am really glad I got straight back on it.Pour it away.
          I like the idea of you doing something for you, daytime tv depresses me (I'm choosing what I watch today,but have just zoned out for hours before and it makes me feel low/lethargic) how about nice bath,pedicure,manicure,exercise DVD, reading some uplifting books or watching some classic films?
          Take care and you can do this, it's learning from the low points.
          I smoked 3 cigs last night - basically should have gone to bed at 1am not 2am - major learning,stick to my agenda and do what I want.

          In a shocking move I'm having a lazy day, been to body balance,food shop, washing on,changed bedding - now PJS and sofa/kindle/TV.
          Bought myself lots of yummy ice cream on offer in ASDA.
          one day at a time


            Bear, your lazy days look pretty busy to me!
            In a shocking move I'm having a lazy day, been to body balance,food shop, washing on,changed bedding - now PJS and sofa/kindle/TV.
            Pauly, you seem to have been carrying on regular old conversations here at the same time you were struggling with drinking the other day. Please if this happens again, talk about what is really going on, ok? To me, that is the only way a site like this can work.
            Have a great day, Abbers!


              haha, I know NS thought that as I wrote it,love body balance and food shopping (I know,what a weirdo) and rest took less than an hour, now definitely on strike!
              one day at a time


                MAE ALL....

                Sam...thanks for kicking us off and hope your market day is a huge success.

                Mick...non early risers just don't get it do they. "Furry Towers" I like that idea. Could be a new sitcom over there for you guys. LOL

                Lav...happy mothers day. Are you cooking up a storm today? (What's wrong with that picture?)

                Pi...I'll take you up on that coffee. Will check back to see what this and that developed into.

                Bear...I agree with NS. Good advice to Pauly.

                Pauly...hang in there and stick with us. When one of us is struggling it helps all of us to remember just how tricky the beast can be.

                NS...totally agree with being honest about what's REALLY going on. I will heed your advice to Pauly as well. I know I've chatted in the past without revealing struggles I'm having so no more.

                Well my strike day was yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. Today is chores and going to cook up a pile of spaghetti sauce for dinner and future meals.
                Have a Super Sober Sunday all and all to come.....:smile:PPQP


                  hi folks tis I ..hows yall been ?weather over here has been blowy today,but pretty warm..donr quite a few bits today..made a flower tube..with a bit of luck it will turn out ok..all it is was the cover they put round young trees,they discard them after the trees outgrow them...upturned flower pot in the bottom as a plug to stop it all falling out...and then just cut the holes ..petunias in it we shall see ..also did the framing out for the extension to rabbit towers!!jusr under an extra 2ft long ,3ft deep and 4 high...need to get some more wood to finish it..not even finished yet,and the squatter got into it..then went for a run...out early door in the morning..think this is the last week.for
                  a wee while.....big hello to everyone..couple of jokes..normal service resumed in the morning

                  After losing my home due to conservative cuts I sarcastically wrote to my Tory MP informing them that my wife and I were very comfortable sleeping in the front seats of our car but if we were to have a child in the future we could probably accommodate them in the boot.

                  We are now paying bedroom tax.

                  The VE day commemorations are a bit like the next Lib Dem conference.

                  People getting together to remember a party that they once had.

                  I wanted to go to college to be a farmer.
                  But, they didn't have a degree in that field.

                  A Chinese company has paid for 6,400 of their employees to be rewarded with a 4 day trip to France.

                  The French hosts waved flags and treated them much the same as they did 75 years ago while welcoming the Germans, British, Americans, Canadians and anyone else in no particular order. Mind you, the French expect their economy to benefit from over £6 million from this latest invasion.

                  10 years ago my British firm cancelled their Christmas party treat for 6, their total staff, at the local Chinese restaurant as the cost was unaffordable.

                  Who's a superpower now, then?

                  News: New York police arrest 500-pound gang member named "Wobbles" for gun-smuggling.

                  The strip search should finish by tomorrow.
                  My hair was really wavy once.

                  Looking back I think it was trying to say, "Goodbye." to my head.

                  I took my wife out for tea and biscuits yesterday.

                  She really enjoyed it, she had never given blood before

                  So I was in my car, and I was driving along, and my boss rang up, and he said, "You've been promoted."

                  And I swerved.

                  And then he rang up a second time and said, "You've been promoted again."

                  And I swerved again.

                  He rang up a third time and said, "You're managing director."

                  And I went into a tree.

                  And a policeman came up and said, "What happened to you?"

                  And I said, "I careered off the road."

                  I've just been kicked off Jeremy Kyle for ruining his show.

                  I told the truth.



                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Mick....."the squatter".... love it! Great pic's. Enjoy tomorrow and oooh is that a clue Pi?


                      dammt. same stupid cycle. made it through the hardest part of my week then blew it Friday and Sat.
                      something is broken in my brain and I don't have the tools to figure it out so I'm going to see a CBT therapist if I can get an appointment this week. just now 24 hours sober again.
                      hope your all doing better than I.
                      be well
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Originally posted by porqoui View Post
                        Mick....."the squatter".... love it! Great pic's. Enjoy tomorrow and oooh is that a clue Pi?
                        Sure could be a clue, PQ. Out early on a Monday, eh? And last week for a wee while? Hmm... Have we ever heard Mick complain about heavy traffic on his jaunts?


                          Sorry to hear, Det. Sounds like you got right back on track, though. Always a pleasure to see you.


                            the important thing is that you keep trying, the other thing is to figure why it keeps happening.
                            Liberated 5/11/2013


                              Love the bunny condo pics Mick

                              Det, whatever it was on Friday that triggered your drinking.....
                              Identify it & remove AL as an option to handle it the next time. Plan NOW before that moment happens again. What can you do in place of reaching for a bottle? Glad you put the brakes on sooner rather than later!

                              Hi there Pie & PQ!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

