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may 12

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    may 12

    hi folks ..another early start today...aching like mad from yesterday..but hey ho..!! brews all round this morning....was interested in the replies yesterday....seems like most peeps were/are the same as me..its not necessarily the site,but the support and friendship we give to each other..ok sometimes there are fallouts ,we dont all get on ,people leave the site/threads for various reasons and some sulks,some downright nasty gits...but that would happen in any community far less an NS and Byrdie said,its actually getting to the "meeting place"which is kinda sad..its pretty hard to find now....

    firstly big congrats to Sam......:welldone: double hit for you mate 2 years in and a job well done to you...see if you can get international...I use ups a lot..Ill make you a brew when you get here!!!

    hiya did the day of beauty go?hope you had an enjoyable day....your comment . For me it's the connections I've made with other people here that hold the power for me, .........yes you addressed it..exactly my thoughts too...Ive made some good connections here too...and some good friends beware you peeps out there..the traveller might just land on your doorstep one day!!! like the didnt list..

    hiya ppqp....hows you today?sometimes it is nice to see that when you put time and effort into something it is recognised...we all need a pat on the head now and fanx..I started with Mick's advise to "make a list". its not medal hunting ..just yooman how was work today thenany more "just"jobs?glad the latin impressed you..!!!aha mystery tours coming to an end?nope think not...they fall into 2 parts tho....

    hi bear hows you today then?all good I hope...go for it..go to Aldi...extra distance extra calories used getting ther ...more calories to take in...more ice cream seemples!!!!

    hiya Lav..hows you today?...1505pm sigh of relief ..kidzgone!!big brew here for o manage to get any work (embroidery) done when they are there?your ideas on the site are very similar to mine...thought I had found a new series of amish mafia last night...twas a repeat!!wouldnt say it was old ...but Levi was jotting about in a pram!!

    hey AB...tis nice to see...your turn now!!:thumbsup:

    hiya Det..glad things are coming togevver for you......

    hiya ns....thanks for the reply..summed it up well ..and the parallel with nursies..yes they arent for the financial..hmm ...hows life treating you all good I hope..

    hiya SF.......firstly your husband mad??????? a woman being wrong :congratulatory: thats defo a non starter...the most he would get is "ok mebbe it isnt wasnt right.....BUT IF YOU HAD done such and the first place it would never have happened!!!

    as for the getting bladdered when they were out...hmm ..probably not the best move in the world on a quit drinking strategy...dust yourself off..and on we go ..rethink did it before and can again....

    right good people time to take it ezee it to them before they do it to you..who remembers that??

    This hand sanitizer says it kills 99.99% of all germs, which leaves me to believe that the .01% is rich enough to have armed security protecting them.

    As I walked up to the counter in Asda with a full trolley full of ice cream, the shop assistant said to me.*

    "Wow, Is that all for you? where the hell do you put it all?"*

    "In the freezer, mate," I replied.

    I've just got a job at a factory making loudhailers.

    It's nothing to shout about.

    If you want 3 square meals a day, plenty of TLC and the touch of a good, honest woman.

    Try this little ditty on your wife next time she asks which of your clothes need washing.

    "If it's on the chair, one more wear.... If it's on the floor, wash it ya whore...!!"

    John: Bed 7,Ward H, City General Hospital.

    "The greatest thing about the internet, is that you can quote something and totally make up the source." - George Washington.

    At 82 years old man applied for his first passport. He was told he'd need a birth certificate, but his birth
    had never been officially registered.

    When he explained his dilemma the response was. "In lieu of a birth certificate," the official said, "you can bring a notarized
    affidavit from the doctor who delivered you."

    Billy used to love tractors. He had tractor wallpaper, model tractors, posters of tractors: if it came with tractors he had it. He would play with his toy tractors whenever he possibly could, and would stay up late into the night to spend extra time with his tractors. However, as he grew up, his interest in tractors faded.

    Billy settled down with a woman and eventually got married to her. She became pregnant and before he knew it he had two beautiful twin daughters. A few years passed. After arriving home from a long day at work he sees his kitchen on fire. He rushes inside to see his wife and kids trapped in a corner, screaming for help. Billy, remembering his past, knew what he had to do. He took a huge breath, sucking up all of the fire, and blew it outside.

    His wife was gobsmacked: "How on earth did you do that?"

    Billy replied, with a smile on his face: "I'm an ex-tractor fan."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    hey Mick,think I've missed all the chat on other threads,it still pops up fine on my search.I think groups evolve,but yes it's the people that have kept me coming back.This site has totally changed my thinking/life,no one around me thinking in this way/would get it.

    Sam - congrats on the job as well,all going on for you!
    Ok - moan alert!
    My anxiety is back,chest pain,feeling jittery and overwhelmed again,feeling I'm missing out by being sober.I think I'm going to see a hypnotherapist as i'm stuck in this loop and have been for years - had counselling on and off. Low self esteem,confidence,self doubt,anxiety about everything and nothing - then feeling overwhelmed and then drinking/eating badly/not exercising.

    Think my never ending to do list is a distraction/attempt to get better at same time,plus i get very demotivated so can literally do nothing,last night napped for hour,bed two hours later.

    Friend reckons me making space by stopping doing too much has allowed it to come out.

    I need to also keep it simple,walk more,exercise more and eat better/do basic housework
    one day at a time


      Morning all,

      Two-part mystery tours, Mick? Drop by anytime you're in the neighborhood; I always keep a to-do list handy. Love the George Washington quote!

      Bear, sounds like you're looking for some middle ground between doing too much, and doing too little?

      PQ, raising my hand for the Latin T-shirt. One in each color, please.


        morning all
        had a lovely day yesterday, thanks to all of you. Gonna be a hot day today, need to get a motorcycle inspected and build on another fence, looks like a good day for lots of water.

        Mick, thanks for the morning brew, the ex-tractor joke..... bad, oh so bad, but I like it!

        Bear, hope you do find that middle ground, sometimes the harder we try, the more entangled it becomes. Setting routines and keeping things simple may at least help.

        Morning Pie, what's on your to do list today? Hope you have a good one whatever your endeavors may be.

        Off to see if my bike will make it into town! Greetings to everyone
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Mae everybody, didn't mean to drop off the face of the world these past few days, just dealing with how I feel about letting Thursday get to me and drinking because of it,and how will I handle the emotions and discomfort next time, took me a couple of days to lay off the booze, I HATE withdrawal, feels horrible, anyways hope everyone is doing good and congrats to Sam on the post job and 2 years af
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            MAE ALL....Late check in for me. Home from a somewhat less exhausting day.

            Mick...thanks for the kickstart and the brew. Should have thanked you earlier but I too headed out early. Hope your day was successful. Now about the 2 part mystery tours, can you finish the sentence that starts with "nope think not...they fall into 2 parts tho...." please?

            Bear...sorry you're going through this but I think you got it right at the end of your post...."I need to also keep it simple,walk more,exercise more and eat better/do basic housework"

            Pi...Tshirts in the mail. What did you get up to today?

            Sam...agree with you on the ex-tractor joke. LOL Did your bike make it into town?

            Pauly....glad you popped in was worried about you. Have you come up with any ideas about how to handle the emotions/discomfort yet? You know if you type those words into the search at the top of the page you'll get a list of posts that may be of some help. Keep posting as this is a safe place for you to be. :hug:

            Off to figure out what to throw in the microwave because that's the extent of cooking tonight! Have a peaceful evening all......:smile:PPQP
            Last edited by porqoui; May 12, 2015, 07:14 PM.


              Hey PQ, For me it was a shamefully lazy, stress-free day listening to the rainfall, and reading.

              Looking forward to Mick's reply to your question.


                Seriously late check in for me

                I have been super busy all day, just no time to sit down with my laptop.

                Mick, I generally don't try to get any work done when the kids are here. I'm still afraid to take my eyes off the younger ones for too long. I either try to get done before they arrive or wait until they leave. Sometimes that means I'm in my shop at midnight - oh well.

                bear, it's not easy finding balance but once you do you will be more comfortable with everything. I totally believe in the hypnotherapy approach

                Hi there Pie - hope you had a good day.

                Pauly, glad you dropped by today. No more beating yourself up, heal & stay on the AF journey with us :hug:

                So did your bike pass inspection Sam? I need to get my car in soon too.

                PQ, people can do amazing things with a microwave, ha ha!!!
                Wouldn't it be nice to come home to a freshly cooked meal every night? We can always dream

                SF, Det, hope you are both OK.

                Greetings to anyone I've missed. Have a peaceful night everyone!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

