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may 14th...5 am!!

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    may 14th...5 am!!

    mornin all are we today then ?couldnt sleep so thought Id get up and do a bit...(obviously not making too much noise!!) hows everyone today then?all good?out early again this morn and tomorrow..and thats it for a wee while....

    tea n coffee all round

    hiya pauly..hows you today then?all good? good positive start for you there..3 days in ..but its my last!!well for your list..its things that you are going to do ....not should /could/ might ..BE POSITIVE!!...youve already got your told us how pissed off you were at seeing the smiley face at that smiley face is you focal point!!as for can do anything....sitting here I can think of at least 15 separate interests that I have..its so easy to get into something!!the biggest thing ..and we are all guilty of it to say do it later ,too hard,not got time etc...give yourself little when you get up ..write down,or tap into your fone...i aint drinking today cos I dont drink...then just look at at it during the day or anytime you feel pissed off....trick is write it every time..each day or time....dont do it on monday and just read it every day rewrite it every day or time you feel on a downer....go for it girl!!thats 4 days worth of booze money in your pauly fund now....put something in it daily for you..heres a wee saying for you


    hi did you get on with the door men...did they fit the mouldings?more to the point...did you work the cloose out?

    hi Sam...nice bike mate...a beemer..did you get it fixed ok?you must be wheely tired after that journey..ok ok......

    hiya det ..hows you mate....glad to see your doing ok despite the cbt being cancelled!! as for that food....nice quality,but the quantity wouldnt do me much good!!struggling with my food at the mo...well thats not quite true..not struggling with it ..thats a dawdle..its not eating it thats the struggle!!

    hi ppqp..hows you then ...whens the head honcho back then?take it you are getting dumped with all the kerap and just jobs at work?remember the latin!!

    hiya Lav..well did you get the weeding done?Ive got 39 seedlings to pot up here this morn before I go out!!Sandy at vets yesterday...its getting better,but in her words still got a bit to go..she is on antibiotics twice a day till next Wednesday..that crash was a bit heavy duty wasnt come they were going so fast??
    you any plans for today?after this brew that is?

    hiya ns ..hows you today then?ok I hope..any room on the boat?aint gotta bikini tho :congratulatory:

    right folks time to go...have a great day...

    I've taught my parrot to wake me up with a morning alarm.

    He gets a headache when I use the snooze button.

    There's nothing sadder than the look on my dogs face when I drop food from the table and he realises it's lettuce.

    I was called a 'stupid reckless halfwit' today.

    I replied with, "Don't keep me in suspense. Have I passed?".

    Words cannot describe how limited my vocabulary is.

    After Little Johnny learned about fire safety in school one day, his teacher asked him what he would do if his clothes
    were on fire.

    Little Johnny answered, " I wouldn't put them on! "

    I know a bloke with a speech impediment.

    Every time he opens his mouth his wife interrupts.

    This fisherman goes to the river to check an illegal fish trap that he owns. He looks around to make sure there are no Fishing Inspectors about and proceeds to pull the fish trap out to check it.

    An Inspector steps out of the bushes, “Ahha!” he said and the fisherman spun around and yelled “Shiiiit!”. The Inspector, who wasn’t expecting such a response said “Settle down, I’m the Fishing Inspector”. “Thank God for that” said the fisherman, “I thought you were the bugger who owned this fish trap”.

    A young man and his date were parked on a back road some distance from town. After sex the girl said, "I really should have mentioned this earlier, but I'am actually a hooker, and I charge $100 for what we just did."
    The man retorted, "And I should have mentioned this before, but I'am actually a taxi driver, and the fare back to town is $200."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    morning Mick,just realised I didn't check in yesterday.I went to the gym before work yesterday,and guess what - feel a million times better already.I'm a simple creature,booked myself a hypno session for when I'm back from holiday.

    Other than that - two days to go at work before two weeks off - circuit training tonight,not done that before so looking forward to that one. Few bits to sort out for holiday,currency,insurance,where the hell are my travel bags,clean underwear etc etc.
    Off to New York for a week on Monday!

    Awful to read about the train crash,really awful,good thing it's not terrorist related though.

    Completely randomly woman I used to work with is doing a year without alcohol,need to meet up for lunch with her soon.
    one day at a time


      sorry - trailed off there in semi sleep state,up at 6am very early for me!

      Mick glad Sandy is on the mend,

      Det your food looks AMAZING,

      Pauly good for you,be kind to yourself.For me it's going really back to real basics with looking after myself,food,exercise and decluttering and cleaning my house.

      Love to everyone else and have a great AF day everyone.
      one day at a time


        Hi Abbers,

        Thought I would drop by and say hi. Sorry to have been missing so just took over with house/business sales and weddings and all sorts.

        Still alcohol and smoke free....piled on some weight after quitting the fags though....ho hum

        Things seem calmer now so I hope to pop in more regularly.


          KUYA :smile: - What a great surprise to wake up to!!!


            Good Thursday morning Abbers

            I was up with one of the dogs at 5:30 this morning. Then, instead of starting the coffee pot I just went back to bed - lazy!

            Mick, another week of antibiotics for Sandy sounds good. Better to get her completely healed than risk a relapse.
            Enjoying the coffee now, thanks!

            bear, I don't live all that far from NYC but haven't been there in probably 20 years! It's a hectic but fun place. I hope you have a great trip

            Kuya, is that really you??
            Great to see you & hope you can hang out with us again!
            Congrats on your longtime quits, great job
            I gained 13 pounds when I quit smoking, ugh. I've lost all but 5. Those 5 pounds on top of my menopause 15 (that I can't shake off) have me feeling large BUT happy, ha ha!! I've decided to just not worry about it anymore.

            NS, that is one awesome looking raft

            Det, I've planted beets in my garden again this year. That dish looks delicious! Glad you are doing well.

            Pauly, hang in there with us!
            Greetings to the overworked PQ & everyone else. I'll check in later.

            Have a great AF day one & all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Mae everybody, Kuya, I'm so happy to see you,glad you're still af/sf,I knew you would bethough Mick, the joke about the dogs face when something drops is right on Lav,the first thing I do when I wake is beeline for the coffee maker and hit the button, no matter what, sheesh 15 lbs?makes me scared to quit, but I also hate smokey hair, buying the stupid things, the need for one, etc, Det,the food looks good but I'm with Mick,need more on the plate Bear, you sound good, what will you do with the time off?hello to NS,SM,Pie, PPQP,SF,let's have a productive Thursday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                morning all!
                wow busy here this morning. What a totally worthless 1/2 day I spent yesterday. Went to the motorcycle dealer for a new tire, the guy told me it would be an hour and finally 2 hours later I went back and it was still sitting the hallway. I fussed and waited another hour, went back and told them I was leaving and parts guy went back and I watched him pulled it out from behind a counter, done. I told the guy I needed a new watch because my hours are in 60 minute increments, bastards.Yep, venting... and yes by the end I was wheely tired!! Thank goodness I didn't let it spoil the rest of the day.

                Hey Kuya, nice to see you back, hope you're well.

                Hey Pauly, glad see you posting. I wish my wife would stop smoking! for all the reason you gave, smokey hair etc. She's a health EXCEPT for this one little bad habit.

                Be well all, off to enjoy a beautiful day, perfect temps, clear sky.
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  Morning all,

                  Mick, I had no better luck getting the mouldings up yesterday than I did sorting your cloose, which is to say, none at all. Glad to hear that Sandy's getting better.

                  Hi Bear, Lav, Pauly. Welcome back, Kuya. NS, I'd like to go for a cruise on your magical abber raft. Sam, hope you have a wheely good Thursday.

                  Dog care, grocery shopping, and a trip to the library for me today.


                    Just got off the phone with Michelle, meh,that girl drives me crazy, she's living at a weekly motel place with some guy,her phone is turned off, keeps trying for these stupid work from home jobs cuz she's too lazy to quit smoking weed and get rid of those ugly dreadlocks, sheesh, if I'd have known kids would be such a pain in the ass,I'd have just raised dogs!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Pauly, how old is Michelle? If she's legal & out on her own, making her own choices then there's not much you can do. I'm sorry, I know that must be a big worry for you :hug:
                      I hope you can show her by example that she can & should be making better choices. Does she have job skills? What else is she interested in besides pot? Ha ha! I know even the grown kids sometimes make you lose sleep - believe me, I know
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        She's 24 Lav,used to work security for 2 years but now her only interest is weed,getting pierced and tattooed,funny cuz she used to be security, now she looks like someone who'd you'd call security on Hahahaha!
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

