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may15th........the weekend starts now.....

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    may15th........the weekend starts now.....

    mae everyone..well weekend is here...poets day yet again..s whats on the books for today then?...for me ..its the last day of getting up early ..yeah right,ok going out early for a wee while...get some work done in the house n garden ..the year seems to be marching through!!

    right ..quck brew ,wee look at yesterdays scribings..then offski....

    firstly are you doing?great to "see you"back on here again...glad you are doing the smokes and the booze still..well done mate ..knew the booze wouldn't be a problemo for I recall you found givin up the smokes whats been happenin with you ?still at the same job/vocation?..your sales and weddings and all sorts. :thumbsup:
    you cant just leave it like that!!
    bear ..when in heck did you decide you were off to noo york??cant remember that one!!enjoy it for life ..yep the old saying keep it simple is what you gotta do,do what you want to do..and thats did you get on with your meet with the random woman?(sounds like the invisible man or along those lines!)any tips ,cloose?

    mornin no sugar how are you today then?all good?

    mornin Lav....well were you up early this morning?heres your brew ...coulndt smell you brewin..!any plans for today?Ive planted beetroot too,got a variety pack,just to see what turns out this year...boltardy,candy stripe,detroit cylindria..grew some one year ..they were lovely..trouble is cant remember what they were!!so far I have these tomatoes on the go...sweet millions,angell, holzfeur,purple ones,marmande,roma,vilma and ailsa craig....I like tommys!!

    hey the run around or what?hows you today mate ..things improved?get in the big outdoors then you can mutter and rant as much as you want...same one listens!! get a t shirt from ppqp.. illegitemi nil carborundum !!

    hi pie..hows you today then?looks like you are going to have to put the mouldings case is packed ..spare coupla days next door saga continues.....its an old Victorian door stripped back polished and waxed..two etched glass panels in the has got to be made...just got an email from the company that stripped it back ..door ready to be fitted how about next week??ermmm how about you tell me what size the glass panels are that that have got to be made ..bearing in mind you have got the article they fit into..Ive only asked 3 times now..hopefully finish the rabbit hutch next week too...

    hiya are you today then?you know what ?reckon half your battle is other peoples battles ..if that makes sense..appreciate that yep she is your daughter and I aint getting into that one,the mother daughter relationship...been thru that one here in the past..but mebbes give yourself a break...look after you...Michelle will do what what she is gonna do no matter what...Lav got it with lead by example..but apart from that..think back to 24 and you...I know for me shot it shit it read the book,got the t shirt..bring it on life.......and boy did it!!!anyways today sez to me that there are now 4 days worth in your alk free fund!!!good for you..

    right good people of the wureld..thats me to give wabbit her meds..bit of a fuss then offski..have a great day

    If a woman watches a movie alone, who answers all of her questions?

    I went to the inventor of Optrex's funeral today.

    There wasn't a dry eye in the house.

    My bank manager said to me, "Do you have a retirement plan?"

    I said, "Yes, I'm going to spend all my money on coke and prostitutes before my kids get their fcking hands on it."

    My sat nav just told me to turn around.

    Now I can't see where I'm driving.

    Went to the doctor's this morning for a prostate examination.

    "Don't be embarrassed", He said, "Taking trousers off is normal for this type of procedure."

    "Erm...Ok", I replied, "Should I take mine off as well?"

    A suspect was arrested recently for attacking a man in a rice field with a small ceramic figurine.

    It's the first case on record of a knick-knack paddy whack.

    After years of study I can finally use the letters BSc at the end of my name.

    I'm that proud of my bronze swimming certificate.

    Ever notice how it's a penny for your thoughts, yet you put in your two-cents?

    Someone is making a penny on the deal.

    I paid a website £2000 for a baldness cure.

    The bastards sent me a hat.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Abbers & happy Friday to all!

    Mick, thanks for the coffee & yes I have made more
    I did something a little different this year & purchased seed tapes for carrots & beets. Easy to just lay the tapes down, cover with a bit of loose soil & water. I can see so tiny green things popping thru already - nice. And I won't have to go thru that thinning process needed when you plants seeds too close together. We shall see.

    Pauly, I didn't have much of a childhood, I started my adulthood pretty damn early. By 24 I was an RN, married, in our first house & caring for our first born. I skipped the wild partying & tattooing phase that Michelle is going thru now. But if it's only a phase for her then there's still hope for her, right? I still think showing her by example is the best thing you can do now. Possibly you could steer her in another direction?

    I'm pasting a bit I just wrote on another thread. Not AL related but of human interest to all - life is precious:
    Yesterday there was an intense situation that makes you stop in your tracks & pay attention.
    My son arrived home from work early enough to walk EB to his school bus stop at the corner of a very busy street. The bus arrived, turned on it's red flashing lights then lowered it giant STOP sign. The children gathered at the corner started to proceed across the street to board the bus & suddenly a car blew right thru the stop, hitting one of the kids hard. The child was tossed up, broke the windshield & tossed over on the corner lawn. I'm grateful that my son was there to render assistance until the ambulance arrived. I haven't heard of the extent of the child's injuries yet but I think he will be OK. Needless to say that every child waiting on that corner, every parent that was present & every child already on the bus witnessed this event & were traumatized. The driver was an 18 year old with a car full of kids & the ink still wet on his brand new license of two weeks. Thank goodness he stopped & didn't run. This was not an AL related incident but nonetheless one that makes you stop & realize how precious life is!!! Hug your kids & grandkids

    Greetings to all, I'll be back later. I have to run to Curves then be back by 11 for some kid watching.
    Have a great AF day one & all.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Mae everybody, jeez Lav,that's a sad story, hope the kid is ok,I'm with you,was already married and had 4 kids by 24,the stupid party phase didn't hit until I was in my early 30's,so maybe it's best Michelle is getting it out of her system now,I've tried steering her into another direction but like we've all said she's grown and will figure it out sometime, I hope, good jokes today Mick off for more coffee, post more later
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Good Morning, and Knick-Knack Paddy Whack to all.

        I'm in the middle of a week long pet care gig that has me up and out before 6am. Keep thinking I'll bump into you out there in the pre-dawn, Mick.

        Scored two lovely pieces of furniture off craigslist yesterday, a desk and bookshelf for my summer student to use. Now just need to arrange things, and will be ready.

        I'm in good shape on my AFness. Cravings that come are usually fleeting. I do think about whether or not occasional drinks might be possible after the one year mark. It's still a couple of months away, so will see what the world looks like to me at that point. It's not so easy to admit these thoughts here, but NS is 100% right that being less than honest is pointless.

        Incredible story, Lav! How fortunate for the child that your son was on the scene. Hi Pauly!


          When I've had those thoughts about the future, Pie, I've done sort of a risk/benefit analysis of drinking the "recommended" 1 unit of alcohol.

          The benefits would be "fitting in" and enjoying the taste (although I'm not sure if I would anymore and sometimes I wonder if I really ever did). I would like the mellow feeling I remember but I'm not sure whether I'd get it from a single 5oz glass of wine. So that leaves fitting in as the main benefit and frankly, I don't really care about that anymore.

          As to the risks:
          One glass might lower my inhibitions and I'd drink much more to achieve that remembered feeling.
          It might activate my brain and the peace I now enjoy of never craving will be lost.
          It's never wise to drink poison.
          I'd be giving up my non drinker identity of which I'm proud.
          Quitting again sounds really hard.

          For me, the risks far outweigh any potential benefits.

          Lav, your story helps put what is truly important into perspective.

          Happy sober Friday, Abbers!


            NS, you're right on all counts, and the fitting-in part is not on my radar. I do love the taste, and the mellow buzz. All true on the risk assessment; serious concerns, every one.

            Thank you!!


              Originally posted by Lavande View Post
              Good morning Abbers & happy Friday to all!

              Mick, thanks for the coffee & yes I have made more
              I did something a little different this year & purchased seed tapes for carrots & beets. Easy to just lay the tapes down, cover with a bit of loose soil & water. I can see so tiny green things popping thru already - nice. And I won't have to go thru that thinning process needed when you plants seeds too close together. We shall see.

              Pauly, I didn't have much of a childhood, I started my adulthood pretty damn early. By 24 I was an RN, married, in our first house & caring for our first born. I skipped the wild partying & tattooing phase that Michelle is going thru now. But if it's only a phase for her then there's still hope for her, right? I still think showing her by example is the best thing you can do now. Possibly you could steer her in another direction?

              I'm pasting a bit I just wrote on another thread. Not AL related but of human interest to all - life is precious:
              Yesterday there was an intense situation that makes you stop in your tracks & pay attention.
              My son arrived home from work early enough to walk EB to his school bus stop at the corner of a very busy street. The bus arrived, turned on it's red flashing lights then lowered it giant STOP sign. The children gathered at the corner started to proceed across the street to board the bus & suddenly a car blew right thru the stop, hitting one of the kids hard. The child was tossed up, broke the windshield & tossed over on the corner lawn. I'm grateful that my son was there to render assistance until the ambulance arrived. I haven't heard of the extent of the child's injuries yet but I think he will be OK. Needless to say that every child waiting on that corner, every parent that was present & every child already on the bus witnessed this event & were traumatized. The driver was an 18 year old with a car full of kids & the ink still wet on his brand new license of two weeks. Thank goodness he stopped & didn't run. This was not an AL related incident but nonetheless one that makes you stop & realize how precious life is!!! Hug your kids & grandkids

              Greetings to all, I'll be back later. I have to run to Curves then be back by 11 for some kid watching.
              Have a great AF day one & all.

              Gosh Lav, that is so scary.... Controls were in place, people were following the rules, and then that car out of nowhere. I hope the child is OK. It must have been frightening to witness! I hope your son and EB are OK too. xoxo
              AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                MAE ALL....

                Mick...did you send the rain over here? You can have it back. I agree this year is flying by.

                Lav...Pauly...I was the opposite. By 24 I had been partying for 9 years. It was a couple of years later that marriage and kids came along. Thanks for sharing the story Lav. Life can change in an instant.

                Pi...thanks for the honesty as it prompted NS's response and I really needed to hear that. Great risk analysis NS.


                Have a thousand things on my mind these days and with all the rain I'm worried about the hall and the wedding we're hosting tomorrow. Heading out to check on the roof. Have a great AF Friday all.....:smile:PPQP


                  Haha, that proctologist joke gets me every time, been a busy but lazy day off today, got everything I needed to do early, now just surfing around here,hope everyone is enjoying their evening
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Hi Pauly! I'm about to settle in to watch Weeds season 6, which I just picked up at the library. This series cracks me up, and can't believe I'm so many years behind in finding it.


                      hidy ho ABeroooos!

                      Back from hotel-world happily AF and feeling super marvy I'm happy to report

                      I did something different this week. I absolutely would NOT allow myself to get stressed about work
                      no matter what they threw at me. Completely zero cravings. just so nice.

                      Lav, that's pretty freaky! glad your son is fine.

                      getting my gear all prepped for the biggest and most challenging shooting competition I've ever done. I depart Tue or Wed morn (not sure yet) and drive 900 freaking miles. egad! not going to attempt that in one day, so I have a stop somewhere near Laramie WY, then finish the trip Wed. Should be some cool photography opportunities along the way I hope, so bringing my good camera.

                      wishing you all a mighty fine AF Sat

                      be well
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

