Today is packing,buying travel insurance,booking cab to the airport for tomorrow,last load of washing in the machine and few lat minute bits and pieces.
Sooo excited,can't wait to see NY and our lovely friends,bringing them tonnes of English t bags and Cadburys (doesn't taste the same there apparently).
I feel good because I am sober,and I am focusing on this ' I don't drink' is my new internal mantra. Plus leaves more room for yummy NY food

Off to gym class this morning,didn't go yesterday but walked nearly 5 miles so I think that's good enough.
Hope you're all well, SF good to see you, I think more people than we can ever know have a problem with booze,it is a drug after all,just it's legal.I remember from my previous work that alcohol was always being at the root of more illness,violence and mental health than some illegal substances. People used to be paid in beer years ago too, keep em dependent,keep em in line,the water wasn't drinkable then so it was the better option.
anyway hope you all have a lovely day - Pauly I want a taco now,a nice seafood one.
Hope you're all well and see you all in a week,can't posy on my phone but will be reading if I can.
Sober holiday number 1!