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sunday 17 May AF daily

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    sunday 17 May AF daily

    morning everyone,woke up at 730 this morning,stressing it was too early and I should be having a lie in,then realised I felt awake and had gone to bed/asleep at 11.

    Today is packing,buying travel insurance,booking cab to the airport for tomorrow,last load of washing in the machine and few lat minute bits and pieces.

    Sooo excited,can't wait to see NY and our lovely friends,bringing them tonnes of English t bags and Cadburys (doesn't taste the same there apparently).

    I feel good because I am sober,and I am focusing on this ' I don't drink' is my new internal mantra. Plus leaves more room for yummy NY food

    Off to gym class this morning,didn't go yesterday but walked nearly 5 miles so I think that's good enough.
    Hope you're all well, SF good to see you, I think more people than we can ever know have a problem with booze,it is a drug after all,just it's legal.I remember from my previous work that alcohol was always being at the root of more illness,violence and mental health than some illegal substances. People used to be paid in beer years ago too, keep em dependent,keep em in line,the water wasn't drinkable then so it was the better option.

    anyway hope you all have a lovely day - Pauly I want a taco now,a nice seafood one.
    Hope you're all well and see you all in a week,can't posy on my phone but will be reading if I can.
    Sober holiday number 1!
    one day at a time

    eeek ..bear mornin t you..just jumped on here ..been in the garden digging!!hows you then? for the holiday ...look forward to it..just enjoy it ...and stop worrying about booze..the more you worry about it the more chance you have of it happening..just embed it in your mind...I am not drinking nor do I wish to..evn write it down,and if you ever feel like it, then read the bit of the end of the day,no one is going to hold you down and pour it down your basically its down to your choice I want it enough or not??so go n get packing and enjoy noo york!!

    right peeps tea n coffee on the go...

    hiya Lav..hows you then?all good..absolutely shattered after yesterday and promised myself a lazy day..but failed already!!been digging the garden this morning..did you enjoy the zoo yesterday?big brew here before you go out into the garden!looks like its going to rain here.

    hiya pauly hows you today then?all good hopefully ...what are you planning for today?hows the no booze fund going?

    ppqp....thanx for the rain.....def keep the aint welcome here!!glad your visit went ok with our dad...rain just started now....need to give madam her medication!how did the chicken meal go?

    hi pie..hows you then?never seen that craiglist before...thanx for the bunny our eye on a couple already..but its down to her really
    as for the etched glass.....not happening now....for 2 pices just etched ..not too fancy 9 inches wide 37 long....£280 plus vat...takes it to over 300 notes...instead inserts with stained glass and leaded design 200 ..all in that out ..stained is cheaper!!

    hiya SF...well done to your son firstly...and secondly to you too...well done on kicking the booze monster can do this...yes we try and minimise it dont we ...Im not as bad least I dont..its all bs...lad the pharma business is footing the bill for your what you need to do is "yoga in cardio fitness ..get the gyms interested..job done ...big fat lunch followed by gym work out thank you very much!!

    right folks rains on Im off ..big shout to those not here ,sam det et al...

    Notice on entry gate of an Apple Store in NY:

    "Don't ever fart here;
    the smell will stay for ages.
    We don't have Windows."

    And tit for tat from Microsoft:

    "Anyone visiting us is free to use Windows in case of need to release stale gas from yesterday's half eaten apple.

    We have been providing open window system to the world since ages.

    I've spent most of the day doing weights.

    I had to wait for my chips, my pint and then my taxi home.

    I saw an advert for handmade shoes.

    Fck that, it's my feet I want them for.

    Ben E King, BB King...hmm if I was you id be be pretty smart if you want to get a Burger
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Good Sunday morning friends!

      Grateful for the AC because the heat & humidity have returned, ugh. We had some rain storms last night that just made it worse.
      The zoo trip was fine. I enjoyed it, my daughter & son-in-law enjoyed it as well. Granddaughter was a grump, ha ha. Who knows when a 4 year old is involved, huh?

      Greetings bear!
      Wishing you a safe trip tomorrow into the land of heat & humidity - be prepared
      NYC is usually a bit cooler than the Philly/Baltimore area where I am, ha ha!

      Mick, we saw lots of bunnies yesterday, fat bunnies too
      The zoo is in the process of building a new house for the giraffe & it's big! Jimi the giraffe is out growing his digs!!
      I love stained glass when used in small amounts - it can get too churchy looking, if you know what I mean.

      PQ, snow? I am so sorry!!!

      SF, I'm glad to hear that your son is doing so well, good for him! I guess the other son has some competition now, hmm.
      My nephew's wife is looking for a yoga therapy class for herself up in the Boston area. I hope she finds something.
      There is no denying AL has wrecked so many lives, careers & families. I am annoyed with the booze guzzling on TV these days, it's just so wrong. Remember when smoking on TV shows was acceptable? How bad was that?

      Greetings Pie, Pauly, Det, Sam, NS & anyone else dropping in today!
      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Greetings friends,

        PQ, I may try that pennies in water method, just to see. Guess your snowfall will minimize any garden pest problems for you.

        Hi SF, and Lav. Bear, glad we can keep you company on your trip even if you can't post.

        Mick, stained glass sounds like a good option. Where did you say you were off to this morning?

        I'm going to try to add a tv cable connection in the bedroom where summer guest will be staying. Seems a straightforward enough project. Famous last words...


          haha - good luck Pie,hope it goes ok!
          can't wait to see NY,see the sights,buy some cheap high end cosmetics and see the sights - most of all - catch up with my lovely friends....bliss!
          I just need to pack and book the taxi then I'm done,insurance,currency,online check in all done and seat booking.Have a great sober week everyone
          one day at a time


            Mae everybody, I was stunned for a minute when I read"slept til 7:30" I'm thinking, uh oh is Mick sick?then I realized it was Bear that started the thread haha,need to head to the grocery store and get it over before Louie comes over, he's at that age where I can't handle him in any store, he wants everything, wants to stand up in the cart,etc,too mucho for me to deal with, so I go alone hello to all and hope everyone has a lovely Sunday, I'll post more later
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Morning all
              been to a weekend music festival but I cheated... I didn't sleep there but came home to my nice comfy bed and sleep!. I had gotten there late Friday so I didn't set up camp, decided to sleep in my truck... yeah right, about 2:30 AM decided I couldn't sleep so home I went, bed and glorious sleep. Rain the next day, but went and enjoyed playing toones with Maryland folks, all in all a very good weekend, enjoyed being un-hungover each morning!

              Bear, hope you have a great time in the states! The switch in being concerned about drinking is really well put by Mick. If you're not a drinker, you have nothing to worry about. You put that worry to sleep once you embrace the wonderful feeling that you're never hungover. You're not anxious whether to drink or not cause you just don't . Simplistic but works. Enjoy your stay!! We gotta have pics you know!

              Howdy Mick, what kind of soil you got there? We are "blessed" with red clay that is great for bricks but sometimes difficult to coax into being dry enough to work and plant. You dig you beds by hand I presume? I've thought of one these, you use one?

              Morning Lav, daughter decided not to go toDC farmers market cause of rain but next weekend for sure! Our new chicks arrive the 27th. Trying a new bred: Wellsummer, ever heard of them?

              Greetings Pav, no easy project ever goes unpunished? that sound right? Good luck! Still looking for those hints of Mick's jaunts, eh?

              Morning Pauly, hope your shopping excursion is a solo adventure. All that crap that's placed (candy, of course) at the check out counters are all within reach of grabbing hands!

              PQ, I've seen water bags in chicken houses but never saw the pennies in them. I can't believe you had snow!

              off to enjoy the rest of the day, rain and all. Be well good friends
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                Gee, Sam. Thought I was being subtle.


                  thanks Sam/Mick - just logging on as was having BS thinking about prosecco at the airport/beers with friends/cocktails, and you're right,simple is good - I don't drink - end of.
                  one day at a time


                    What's prosseco?sounds like ham haha, Bear,I think I over think too goddam much too! It's the same with food, if I focus too much on calories and such, I get obsessed in my thinking and overeat of course, I really think my thoughts did me in this last time, I should have just been content and enjoying sobriety instead of focusing so much on the days, grrrr, at least I learned something, the hard way but still Det,that's a lot of mud! I let Louie play in some mud in the backyard, at first he was happy but then decided he didn't like being dirty haha
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      The dirtier my grandsons are Pauly the happier the are, really! Give Louie a little time, he'll get into it, ha ha!!

                      For what it's worth - A few years ago I tried the pennies in the bag of water, hung a few of them in the doorway of the chicken house. My grandsons thought they were pinnattas & managed to knock them down with sticks. I don't think the flies ever saw them!!!

                      Sam, I've heard of the Wellsummer breed, hope to get a few some day. The buff Orpingtons have been the mainstay at Lav's eggery for the past 11 years!!

                      bear, you DON"T DRINK!!!
                      Have a great AF vacation

                      Pie, I bet there's a youtube video on cable installation
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

