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thurs 21

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    thurs 21

    morn folks ..and how arewe today then? all good hopefully...was at the vets yesterday...good news ...she is healing well ..only a little bit of infection left,which fingers xd will clear with anti also said that she was healthy enough to bond and if she was sad to do it now...well she is sad,so Im on the case ...just phoned the rescue ..looking at a few now...

    also transplanting plants into bigger pots now so its all soon as the rain cover comes then the hutches will be getting put together....

    brew time and on we go ....

    hiya Lav..hows you today?enjoying the seaside?take it you are getting brews there then?hope the weather is good for you.......have a great time....

    hey Sam goes it my friend..all still good in carrier land?is it regular hours this?

    hi pie hows you then?glad youve got your happy heed on again!!what are you up to then?you know..Im my worst enemy...said to Julie last know we could do with a little step to put plants on in the conservatory..what a good idea says she....and wouldnt it look nice tiled??what a muppet I am!!

    ppqp...hows you then? glad you are feeling better too...nope no elevator in the hutch..just steps at pres...we will see when she gets wise she is fine ..mentally wise she is def missing Sam....yep me and you ..a mere six oh next year...spring chickens!! ...have a great day.....

    hiya pauly....well sounds like a bit of a rollercoaster of a day for you yesterday.....families can be the best...but also the worst too...glad you get on well...why the nerves going to the airport?so your dad doesnt drink?..good example for what youre achieving too!!!have a great time with your family....

    hi det hope all is well with you too.....

    right folks for the offski..have a great day everyone....

    One of the best benefits of eating healthier is that you never have to ask questions like, "Who the fck ate my kale?"

    I've stolen a load of airbeds from my employer.

    I'm going to have to li-low for a while.

    I don't give a toss what my wife says.

    I do what she tells me anyway.

    I was stopped in the street by a woman collecting for Guide Dogs.

    If I'm honest it was a bit of a struggle trying to fit the bone through the little slot in the tin

    "I spend my days chasing down leads, cleaning up the streets and protecting the vulnerable."

    Sounds a lot better than "I'm a professional dog walker."

    I made a new car by using only raw cotton.

    Now I am taking it out for a spin.
    Last edited by Mick; May 21, 2015, 04:40 AM.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Morning Mick and MAE ALL.....

    Thanks for kicking us off this morning. Glad Sandy is on the mend. Looking for a few now... more than just one companion? Looks like we'll be able to get some serious planting done this weekend. Can't wait as you know what your garden looks like after the winter thaw.

    Sleep has returned, what a relief. Need to be refreshed to deal with growing issues at work. Regardless if I take the gm job or not everyone is just waiting for a change in management. One day at a time.

    Sorry this post was all about me. Will check in later to chat with everyone else. Have a Terrific AF Thursday all......:smile:PPQP


      Hi everyone,

      Can't wait to hear what you decide about a companion for Sandy, Mick. It'll be one lucky wabbit that ends up at your place.

      PQ, for how long have you worked at the community center?

      Got the crown moulding up yesterday. Had I paid myself for the job, I'd be giving a refund today. Def a first-timer's result. Planning on much caulk and paint today to smooth things over. Happy that it's no longer stacked on the floor, though.


        Lets see how this early morning posting goes......I've been trying to keep up reading the posts.....I'll have to do a better job of putting this into my am schedule as well.....because now I can only remember bits and pieces of what I read yesterday.....squeezing this in before I run out the door to yoga, back home for the kids (last day of school) and then out to meet with the MS and Parkinson's Foundations.

        I am making serious time to reorganize my schedule which seems to have gotten out of hand. Running on the fly isn't good for my sobriety. Although it may keep me too busy to drink.....but, I know if I am not careful.....the first little window of time will sneak in and I'll be holding a Miller Lite glad that Sandy is on the mend. I can't believe you have to drive so far for a vet.

        Lav....your comment about getting irritated with how TV portrays AL. It's always been there, but I do find myself wondering how the doctors on Grey's can be slamming down 4 shots after their late shift.....and then be all ready for surgery in the am

        I did return to my support group last night. Right now I just want everything in my arsenal. I can't make the "lesson" time, which is what I gained the most benefit from. Of course I missed the one on "relapse" last night. But, I go to group and listen to comments.

        One thing I like about here vs. there is this. In those groups they still tend to think that they are abnormal and people who can drink 1-2 are normal. Here what I that for the most part we will not judge drinkers....but, in the same sense we really don't think that putting poison in one's body is normal. it "normal" to ingest addictive substances and not get get addicted in some fashion? I know people who have the 1-2, but it is always for the drug like effect....they can just stop earlier than I can. I even have yoga teachers tell me about their glass of wine to unwind.....isn't that what the yoga is for

        Have a great day....I've gotta get in a shower!


          Mae everybody, Mick,can't wait to see Sandy's new partner when you get it woke up feeling nauseous, wonder what that's all about?ear kinda hurts on the left side too,great, I think all of my relapses has really weakened my immune system, I'm chronically ill it seems I'll post more later,just wanted to say hi,much love to all
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Morning all
            Mick, so glad Sandy's on the mend... I'm sure she'd like some company!

            PQ, there's nothing wrong about being "me", not that I really got that sense. Glad you are taking care of yourself. Sleep is a definite must.

            SF, good morning to you, I don't remember too well what I've read either from the previous day's thread. Sometimes I miss a post altogether, especially your's and Det's posts, so I'm glad you're doing the AM thing, if you can. My schedule has been all messed up lately. I can't wait for this raining to be over. I had an incident yesterday which may have jeopardized my job. Something I'm not going to post about it but yesterday was not one of my more stellar days! (If there was ever a time for me to drink, that was it!)

            Pauly, my wife has trouble with vertigo at times. Sometimes it is weather related, she went years ago to a specialist and he gave a diet to try which was basically a low salt diet. Quick weather changes (air pressure) will sometimes knock her down badly. Room spins and all that sort of thing.

            Pie, I need you to come over and re-side my house, need a couple replacement windows, when can expect you??!!

            Lav, hope you're enjoying your time!

            be well good friends
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              SF, interesting observation you make about yoga teachers using wine to unwind. Seems at cross-purposes to do yoga for nourishment of mind and body, then pour toxic ethanol in.

              Sam, sorry about your bumpy yesterday. Hope it has no lasting implications for your job. I've never tried either siding or windows, but would be happy to learn about windows at your place, then come back here and replace mine properly.

              Just put the pretty little chop saw up for sale. Hope somebody nice buys it.


                Sam hopefully everything is ok with the job. My husband started working there in January and they definitely have you on eggshells for awhile. For the most part his part time position runs about 50-60 hours per week. Plus, he hates not knowing his days off. But, he likes the overtime pay. Most people don't realize they have the amazon deal, so he was out delivering packages on Easter! But, if you have any questions feel free to Pm me.


                  Part-time is 50 to 60 hours SF? I'd die! Sam,hope everything is gonna be OK with the job,feel totally exhausted today, think its just been a long week, I'm so used to my regular routine and this weeks been kinda out of my element, off tomorrow so hopefully I gain some equilibrium
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    MAE ALL....

                    Pi...I am in my 4th year. Feels like I've been there forever. So did you get the crown molding up to code?

                    SF...I agree that getting your schedule sorted out is a good idea. Good for you going back to your support group. All positive steps and you're right we've come to understand that putting poison in our body is not normal. Hope you made it to work on time. LOL

                    Pauly...hope you're feeling better and take tomorrow to regroup.

                    Sam...thanks. Isn't it a good thing that "you don't drink anymore!" Hope the incident blows over and everything is fine.

                    Well it was another hectic day but all was managed. Looking at taking some time off, a week here and there. Told my boss I was just going to forward my emails to him. He'll get an eye opener. Weather has heated up and we'll be in the mid 70's for awhile, so must deal with the non-functioning irrigation setup at the community garden. Hope you all have a peaceful evening......:smile:PPQP


                      Thinking of you, Sam, and hoping all is well :hug:.


                        Greetings Abbers,

                        Bedtime but wanted to say hello.
                        Had to change plans a little to dealnwith rain today but we had fun anyway. Should be home by dinnertime tomorrow.
                        Hope everyone is OK. I'll check in again tomorrow night.
                        Be well everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

