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sunday the 24th

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    sunday the 24th

    mae all and how are we today then?all good...obviously no sunday early jaunt for me......thats because the doofrys arent thingummyjiggin at the moment...possibly another month...thats for the weekend tours ..weekday ones probably July..well busy day yesterday..what with madams "speed date"and then da da.......finished the hutch...all assembled new rain cover fitted ,flashbanded the full shebang,..Sandy looks tiny in it!!
    anyways,she wet to the rescue,put in a neutral pen,then "zeus "the other rabbit put in with her...Julie has already had name change thoughts for him...Danny..any takers on why? anyways started with ignoring then the sniffing etc..and then he started licking her ears..then doing rabbit things...him and her bit of chasing around,but no major aggression,so hopefully it will work...rescue is only about 15 minutes away from me so going to take her up there daily until we can get a definite yeah or nay..then came home and did the rabbit hutch...managed to cut my of those wee cuts that bleeds like mad..was cutting the old outer walls out once I had attached the new bit on..was in the hutch (I can lie in it!!) on my back and bang.."oh dear ,I seemed to have bumped my head....or words similar says I!!!!!all good tho ..job done

    right brew number2 ...anyone else?

    hiya Lav for a brew?did you get the chicken run cleaned out?saw the insanity twins on fb...they look pretty chilled lying in the that you are back from the beach ....any plans? oh by the way ..look what Ive got growing too!!


    hiya pie,hows you today then?all good bookcase built..well done instructions in 30 languages...does it say anything about banging your head???

    hiya are you today then?all good?glad that Cody has got it together......Colt,Cody....any more children perchance?how did the visit go with your dad?was it good..certainly dont need a coolshade here today...defo a shade long as it is waterproof!!

    well pauly...did you end up with a cat??how are you feeling today then? hows the Pauly af fund doing??

    hey Sam..hope the shindig went well mate..

    right folks for the offski..have a great day...

    old hutch


    updated one

    20150523_191105 - Copy.jpg

    madam in residence


    complete with rain to change the white wind break...that was a roadsign once!!now a temp windbreak


    I hate grass snakes.

    Little bstards, snitching on all the other snakes.

    Just joined a band called 'The Tarpaulins'. Let me know if you have any requests.

    We'll cover pretty much anything.

    Watching Eurovision it looks like the rest of Europe have already voted they want the UK out,don't understand it what as a country have we done to upset them

    People always deride the story of Adam and Eve, citing that the idea of a talking snake as an absurd impossibility.

    Rupert Murdoch?

    The night before their wedding, do Hindu's do Hen do's?

    The Met Office is predicting that next summer will be hotter and drier than average.

    Unfortunately, they are also predicting that next summer will be in 2019.

    British people never win the Eurovision.
    So we made Britain’s Got Talent.
    British people don’t win that either

    Saw my mate Jim yesterday, he's only got one arm.
    "Where you off then, Jim?" I shouted
    "I'm going to change a light bulb," he said.
    "That's going to be awkward, isn't it?" I asked.
    "No.....I've still got the receipt."

    This woman knocked at the door this morning collecting for charity.
    "It's for homeless dwarfs," she explained, rattling her bucket, "we're building them a shelter in the town".
    So I gave her some Lego.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    "oh dear ,I seemed to have bumped my head....or words similar says I!!!!! Best joke of the day right there, Mick! What kind of plants are those in your first pic?


      Good Sunday morning Abbers

      Sunny & cool so far this morning, nice!
      YB just left for a fishing trip off the coast of New England. He's to return Tuesday, I think, ha ha.
      So it's just me today with 24 hens, 4 dogs & 1 cat.

      Sorry about the head wound Mick
      I'll send Stella with her First Aid kit, you'll be OK!!!!
      Sandy is looking very happy & healthy. I hope things work out with her new friend
      I can't believe how big the Scottish broom has gotten in just one year - must like it here. The IT's do like to relax in the sun but just for a few minutes at a time, ha ha!

      Hi there Pie, what are you up to today?

      Guess I'll just take it easy today since everyone else is away or otherwise busy. Sounds good to me
      Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        MAE ALL...

        Mick...thanks for kicking us off this morning...
        Originally posted by Mick View Post
        obviously no sunday early jaunt for me......thats because the doofrys arent thingummyjiggin at the moment...possibly another month...thats for the weekend tours ..weekday ones probably July..
        Once I have a go at all the clues in this quote I'll think about why Julie wants the name Danny. Stumped at the moment. Hope the daily rescue visits are positive. Wow the hutch looks great....and you know what they say "no pain, no gain" LOL Just the 2 boys Mick. Had a great visit with Dad especially being able to head out to the park for awhile with this great weather. got a dictionary that has Mick's words in them? Great job on the bookcase. Don't read too fast I don't have my copy yet.

        Lav...sounds like a great day shaping up for you.

        Not sure what I'm up to today but it'll probably involve a trip to the gardens. Have a great AF Sunday all....:smile:PPQP


          Mae everybody, Mick,I think any name is better than"Zeus"hutch looks great my goodness I can't believe how drained I am!again fitbit probably thinks I'm dead,too tired to wake up on time to walk Lav,the IT are beautiful dogs,Winslow loves to lay in the sun too,guess its a dog thing,they need their vitamin d haha,off to find food, hi PPQP,and others popping in later,much love to all
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Originally posted by porqoui View Post

   got a dictionary that has Mick's words in them?
            Ah, PQ, that would be a Micktionary, no? Let me have a look around... :happy2:


              aha ..the doofry thingymajig..very similar to the doofryferkin and the doofrymabob (male)..pie main plant in the pic is a to the left are montbretia,then the pink flowered one is aqualegia..far right is a poppy....

              no one hit it yet?Sandy and Danny out of grease......

              ppqp...was just askin bout the sons ..kinda thought there was a wild west sorta thing goin on ..Colt,Cody..thought you might have had a younger boy..Billy the Kid? habba great day
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Or a daughter named Annie(oakly)? Sandy and Danny,haven't seen Grease in forever, never would have got it
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  grease.jpg Poifect!


                    That is a good one Mick. I never would have thought of it either
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Checking in.....I had all these big ideas for the weekend.....but, for some reason I have been dead tired. I think my body and brain cells are trying to still work themselves out. Paully for some reason I too think relapses do trip on our systems. Maybe its all the back and forth. So maybe my circuits have no idea which way to go. I so wish I had stayed on course. Because now I am very aware of reoccurring triggers. Ones that had been put to bed......but, now they pop up and get me all tangled up.

                      Lav....I was glad to go back to my group.....but, now they seem to be all over me. I know it is because they care....but, it triggers me like all get out.

                      I think I will go back to plan A that worked last year.....the pool. I need more serenity.....than speeches on the steps. Plus, I think I need to get a better health plan in place.

                      In one of my MS meetings I got the full out on how bad aspartame is for the nervous system. They don't care so much about caffeine.....but artificial sweeteners are. I have been doing my best to refrain....but, dang it is almost worse than coming off of booze. Screaming headache....and I know if I feed it a little bit....the headache goes away. However, I can down a ton of aspirin....and it doesn't put a dent in it. So this may be why I am not feeling my best.

                      In another....I really learned all this stuff this woman has to do to prevent a relapse with MS. It was a sign to me....that I really need to have a plan. One that I freaking follow.

                      I do need to put together my recovery plan. I think I always winged it.....and we can all see how great that turned out. It may not include my support way I think was leveraging my sobriety on them....and know I need to 100% responsible for it day in and day out.....not one freaking hour on Wednesday. And yes, we all would have thought I would have known this by now.

                      Extra slow learner.
                      Last edited by TheSunFlower97; May 24, 2015, 09:26 PM.


                        ooooh roooh ABeroooos!

                        yes, still alive and gratefully AF happy to say. Extremely sore from this competition and the weather was incredibly dreadful, heavy rain and blasting winds were relentless. But I survived. whew! Got stuck in WY for another night as road conditions were too icy and heavy snow, so about a 14 hour drive tomorrow to get back home.

                        Sun, great post. i hope you feel super very soon.

                        I'll try to get caught up on the posts soon, but for now it's bedtime for this tired dude.

                        be well everyone
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          SF, maybe now is finally going to be the 'right time' for you to get the job done. Every quit gives us practice & experience, You now have a full arsenal of tools that you know will work for you. Get that plan together & make the commitment :hug:

                          We certainly can learn a lot from people dealing with life altering illnesses. My niece-in-law has been struggling with her MS diagnosis for nearly two years. New problems keep popping up for her, no real signs of remission so far. She is a determined young woman & that's a good thing!

                          I actually remember reading the research info when aspartame first came on the market. It clearly stated there was no safe amount tested in children. I chose back in the mid-eighties to not let my kids have any & restricted personal use to one or maybe two diet cokes/day. I gave it all up 15 years ago - no soda for me, no sugar in coffee or tea either. I've read a lot about neurotoxins over the past few years. I'm messed up enough - don't need any help!!!! Ha ha!!!

                          Get to work on your plan ~ you won't be sorry & we are here for support, right?
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

