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tuesday 26th

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    tuesday 26th

    mornin all and how are we today then?all good hopefully...well this computer is being a bit of a pain again..I downloaded a programme to download you tube vids and I think there was a virus in it..despite the fact all the alarm bells went off on the machine think it was too back to the shop it will go...
    as you can see the "speed dating with Sandy seems to be going ok.....not that sure ..when they are together in the pen, starts with sniffing ,runnig around(on his part)while she sits there..then humping time on both parts,then snuggle down...not really sure what Im looking for in her ..Ido know that when I put her in her travel box yesterday she went absolutely loopy and stomping and trying to bite the lock off!!in all the times she has been in it never seen her like that!!so I dont know..he is certainly al ot more lively,need to examine my"security arrangements"...ha shades of a past life there!!

    right brewtime lots of planting done yesterday ..more today will follow....

    hiya ppqp.....hows you today?all good ...hows the boss coping with your job...line locators.....take thats for cables hv etc?Ive put some pumpkin seeds in too... tho whether they aare successful and I succeed (Pauly there it is again the toothless budgie!!) is a different have a great day..

    hiya are you today then?well I hope....whats the arty /crafty things that you do?me I just do things art or craft involved!!hopefully finish planting today...because it is a small garden,I have got to use as much space wisely as poss...

    Hi pauly hows you today then?in good land?gotta be honest I drink loads of soda..yep I know its supposed to be bad for you..but in the grand scheme of things??are you working today?whats the latest on your kids?they all doing ok....oh and hows the anti booze fund doing?should be mounting up ....

    hiya pie how are you today then?anything on the cards today?any work or is it handywoman day

    hiya you then?resting after a zoo day at home?yep back chaperoning this pair today.....Ithink ..that Dannyboy/Zeuss is a part Polish rabbit ..didnt realise they were a specific breed..his size and temperament kind of lead me into that...definitely not Nederland dwarf..his head is too long and not rounded enough....what are you up to today ?

    Hiya Det hows you my friend..all good ..hows the shooting going?

    hey Sam best of luck this week....

    right folks off ski pour moi.....

    cyall later

    I got fired earlier due to my 'very poor attention to detail'.

    At least that's what I think he or she said.

    Coming from a family of farmers, I was so proud when my son told me he had taken up farming.

    I was not so happy when I heard the police had raided his house and taken his crops.

    My friend recently read a book called The Process of Digestion . He said the ending was crap

    "I'm worried that those plants are artificial."

    "They're not."

    "Well that's a real leaf."

    The Queen Mary 2, the Queen Victoria and the Queen Elizabeth have sailed together in Liverpool for the first time to mark Cunard's 175th anniversary in the city where Samuel Cunard began his transatlantic line in 1840.
    The three liners were later found propped up on bricks and stripped of anything of value.

    The wife was baking and told me to go to the shop and get some dates.

    So I'm meeting the shelf stacker tonight and the checkout girl on Saturday

    People have been told by o2 who are having problems with their phone signals today, should try re-booting the phone every couple of minutes because that should sort out the problem.

    "Well I've now booted and re-booted mine down the street for over hour, and It's now cracked and still no signal?
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Morning all
    last day before the early morning arisin begins again, commute etc.... so gotta get some stuff done today!

    thanks for the brew, Mick. Hope you get your computer thing straightened out. I never have understood the virus thing for computers, people getting their jollies that way, but there lots of things I don't understand, like the chicken or the egg thing.

    gotta get ready for theses baby chicks coming in this week, got 3 pigs coming this weekend and my wife is leaving for a week, good timing on her part!!!

    Be well good folks
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Good morning Abbers,

      I think I just spent the night in 'corpse pose' - either that or just a plain old coma r/t exhaustion, ha ha!!!
      Damn, I was worn out after yesterday!!

      Greetings Mick, hope you have plenty of coffee toady
      I've seen Polish rabbits exhibited at the Farm Show, cute little guys!
      Look like the heat & humidity are on the way back today which means possible T storms later.
      I'm heading out to Curves now & stopping at the store for some food ideas. Nothing else big on my game plan excepts cleaning up after the dog/kid invasion.

      Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a terrific AF Tuesday for all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Mae everybody, Mick,that computer goes to the doctor more than most humans haha!so the bunnies do get along good though?hopefully cuz he's a cute little guy,Lav,that's a long day! Sam,when you get your pig shipment,take a pic for us if you can have some anxiety cuz hubs is fed up with the landlord for being so cheap and not having stuff fixed around here,and if hubs fixes it he doesn't want to take it off the rent,says his guy will do it cheaper, well yeah,his "people" look like druggies!one guy who came to fix the stove awhile back, came on a fecking bicycle!and he was so weird,I don't want to move, I've been on this street for 10 years,Brady has friends he's grown up with, I used to love moving around, it was an adventure, now it makes me feel out of control and like crying I'll figure it out,it won't be right away anyway, Pie,I have quite a few Facebook friends from MWO,its nice to put a face to the peeps I'm talking to everyday we don't talk about drinkin or this site,I'm treating myself to a donut dunked in coffee, at least its kinda healthy with walnuts on it haha,havea sweet Tuesday eeveryone
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          MAE all,

          Dance card wide open today. No work for sure, as many schools and businesses are closed due to widespread flooding overnight. Power loss around 9pm, but it's back on now. I kept getting up to check that no water was coming into the house, so disturbed sleep, but no other impact.

          Thanks for your Facebook info. Think I'll just stay connected with you all right here on MWO for the time being.


            MAE ALL...

            Mick...thanks for the kickoff this morning. Think I'd use a different antivirus program if that got through. I know the freebies are popular but you get what you pay for. Maybe it's just not configured properly. Interesting Sandy's reaction this morning. Wonder if she's trying to tell you something. Sandy always was the quieter of the two, I believe, but I'm sure the rescue people can evaluate the situation. Yup you are correct about the line locator. He's supposed to show up tomorrow again, we shall see.

   haven't figured out the chicken or the egg thing yet? Maybe Lav can help you. LOL Sounds like the wife planned her get away perfectly. When do you start driving for yourself? By the way, how much money did you make if I can ask.

            Lav...glad you got a good rest, I was tired for you. Hope your day went as planned and no "unexpected" kids showed up.

            Pauly...I believe that anxiety is warranted. A lot to consider if hub's wants to pack up and move. Try to take it one day at a time. We can't control the situation but we can control how we react to it. Sounds like a good breakfast to me.

            Pi...dang, if I'd known your dance card was wide open I would have popped over and we could have gone out somewhere. Been seeing the weather reports on the news, you keep yourself safe eh! Yup temps are up there now and along with that comes the Tstorms. Haven't had one yet but they're threatening to appear any day/night now. Oooo think I just heard some thunder.

   did you manage more than 1 task yesterday? I have not connected with anyone on facebook. I find I hardly go on it anymore, got enough to keep up with as it is.

            SF...I am so thankful that myself and my boys are not allergic to anything. That just adds a lot of stress to your day to day living. Hope they can sort something out for your oldest. Did you have fun watching the home movies?

            Garden meeting tonight so must be off and make dindin. Have a peaceful evening all......:smile:PPQP


              Got a lot done yesterday PPQO, and pretty much nothing today (other than work). I've tried so many projects over the years, Mick. I like seeing things and trying to figure out how to make them. The ones I've stuck with are sewing, quilting, wire work, and making various types of jewelry. I should start on more useful projects like you and Pie. I tend to make things we all can live without - but they're fun to do.

              SF, I tested allergic to just about everything with the skin test (my back was nothing but bumps!) but don't really have any problems with most of them, I hope you're able to identify your son's real triggers soon.

              Hope you all ended up having a good day, Abbers!


                Whatever keeps you busy and happy NS,who cares how big or smallWas thinking of the Facebook convo and I realize that I don't go on much either, mostly just to post pics of Louie,a few months ago someone who used to post here added me as a friend then unfriended me the next day,I was upset and I just never felt the same about them after that so maybe in some cases it's best to just hang here,hope everyone had a good day,Louie is acting up so I'll see you manana
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Well "corpse pose" is a real pose The fancy sanskrit way of saying it is "savansana". I tend to use English vs. sanskrit.

                  I hope that Sandy is getting along ok. I wish someone watched out for my well being the way you do for Sandy

                  I have found that if I drink "diet pepsi" early in the day......I tend to get short fused and angry easier. But, if I drink "tea" I am fine. I am also ok if I drink "diet pepsi" later in the day. But, if it's my "brew" of the am....then I tend to have a short fuse the rest of the day. Definitely for me a "nervous system thing". I also know that some days in my past I was downing only need to brought back down by AL. So it is a trigger for me that I need to be careful with.

                  Trip to the doctors was good. It is always nice when you are with a doctor who knows what they are talking about. A high allergy enzyme that runs throughout the body is 90 son's is 3000 plus. Which means he will test allergic to everything, due to this enzyme. The doctor is testing him for about 100 foods so that we can be sure, but the only thing he really needs to stay away from is the peanut family. He can eat food again! Rather annoyed with husband.....because he put me through all this....and when I tell him the results.....he says "yeah, that was what the doctor at the Cleveland Clinic told us" 8 freaking years ago. So WTF on making me restrict his diet so harshly. Sometimes I just want to freaking kill him.

                  Pie I am friends with a few people on FB, but I NEVER see their posts But, for the most part it never has been an issue. I had one, but that I think was one in a million.

                  Summer always gets slow with I am going to start looking for some sort of job to supplement our income. I just don't want one of those 'career" things you give your life to....clock in and clock out. I'm not in a rush. I spent years being the sole provider for the family and it is kind of nice to now finally have a husband with a job. Its not all on me.....which means I no longer have to make as much money or carry the health insurance. In a way it makes it fun to look for a job....not a lot pressure to be all things.

                  I refuse to go back down that pathway of .....this job has to be my life. It nearly killed me.....and caused me a relapse. No thank you. Plus, I feel more freedom it it isn't a good fit....I can walk away. But, we do need more money coming in.
                  Last edited by TheSunFlower97; May 26, 2015, 08:17 PM.


                    Happy Tue ABsters!

                    super slammed getting caught up on work. SF, I really need to NOT let work stress me out and make me sick.
                    I've been very mindful of this lately and feel lots better. Next week will be a big test of this as I'll be on the road Mon through Sat. ugh! Must make time to exercise while on the road.

                    Mick, the rifle match was VERY challenging and a heck of a workout. Competing against the top shooters in the nation was humbling and educational for sure. Very nice and helpful bunch that really helped me advance my technique.

                    Sam, that's quite a farm your putting together. I really miss having animals but need a different job before I can commit to things like that.

                    a loverly AF night to you all

                    be well
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Det.....I was so caught up into needing this type of job......make x amount of $$.....and have health made me sick. The more sober I got, almost the sicker I got. Gosh, I was spending weekends in bed....and it was not due to a hangover. At some point I had to make a decision.....but, that was not easy either. I no longer have all the the fears I used to have because of the job. I put way too much importance on a job. Now I understand that a hob is to pay the bills....not my self worth.


                        Det...I was thinking of you on my way home from my meeting tonight. The last thing I remember reading from you was how tired you were and it made me think of HALT. Hungry, angry, lonely, tired. That can be a big trigger so you pace yourself and be safe next week with all that driving.....:hug:

