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saturday 30th may

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    saturday 30th may

    morning all...and how are we today then?all good hopefully...its 4.45 couldnt sleep so got up..really like this time of the morning so peaceful and quiet..going out early this mornin..gonna buy some real estate!! no seriously got to pick some things up from Manchester want to get there before all the weekend shoppers get in ,plus got to take madam to the dating agency again this morning...been putting up little fences,to stop him climbing etc..he comes home on Monday...last night Sandy was flipping and binking around..thats the first time she has done that since since Sam moved on to rainbow bridge..

    brews on the table

    talking of are you doing today then?all good...commuting finished Monday..then you go....

    A trainee postie called Sam,
    to market he went to buy ham,
    Midst the yelping and squealing,
    Sam says "what a great feeling,"
    Puttin these in my new shiny van,

    so off Sam went ,drivin along
    with his stinky new pigs...then on cue
    Hey diddle diddle he got out his fiddle
    and the pigs they were humming too!

    have a great weekend

    morning bear are you today then?did you go out last night? did the de-clutter scenario go yesterday?I got a buyer for a couple of bitz and pieces on ebay... you any weekend plans?

    hi G man nice to see you mate..have a bonzer!!

    hiya ppqp..hows you today then?hopefully know,was reading your post about the day you found mwo..and I got thinking..yep pretty dangerous that!!but its hard to believe that its nearly 3 years since I quit..I had to think what year it was!!now for me it seems just "normal"a word which seems to be getting bandied about a lot!!think the wabbits will be fine tho the tester will be when I get them home and they are both here ...thats when the bonding process really starts..judging the timing putting them together for keeps in the same hutch etc etc..tho pretty sure they will let me know!!are you visiting this weekend?

    hiya Lav...hows you ...neighbour!!!yep retty big price tag on that property ..would be intersting to see what it actually goes for...there are some other ones there that look just as good with scope for "horticultural and agricultural"adjustment!!brew time for to agree with you..quitting drink doesnt change your changes our perception of it,increases your coping skills,and by that I mean stead of problem solving by glugging it as the first option,it gives you a wider and more lucid rational thinking scope..and of course how others view heavy stuff for 5.15 am!!

    Post holes??get Sam..hes involved with the post!!

    hi pauly....sounds like a plan there ..stayin out of it!!hows you then?what have you got planned for pauly this one else ..just you?you need to give yourself a break now n again!!

    hiya pie did the docs go?all well hopefully...did you get in anywhere that you didnt drink?as I recall I used to sort of mention it to people,casually like...nah I dont drink,or some such off the cuff remark...when secretly underneath I was well chuffed and proud of myself..and it funny too how the conversation goes as the quit lengthens..
    havent had a drink this week
    havent had a drink for let me see....bout a month now
    nah must be coupla months now,
    do you know its 6 months to the day since....
    over a year now,
    reckon bout 18 months
    coupla years
    good few years
    years ago

    and yet....every single one of us knows EXACTLY when we quit!!to in most cases even the time!

    hiya ns...really interesting one stage what you wrote about your hubby and beer on the one stage I would have thought..wish I could be like that...but actually now I dont..Im happier with none...also that is the big secret too with isnt pleasant ,it isnt fun it is pretty crap at times..but to get there you must give it that commitment ..just the one,or tomorrow just doesnt wash..and really that is the key to it all..

    hey det how did you get on in the comp?glad you are home safe n sound ..keep it that way crash n burn .com!!.

    right peeps time to move myself..have a great weekend all....

    I phoned the wife from work.

    "Do you ever get a shooting pain across your body, like someone's got a voodoo doll of you, and they're stabbing it?" I asked her.

    "No?" she replied, sounding puzzled.

    "How about now ...?"

    Eating at McDonald's has plenty of health benefits.

    For instance, it would prevent you from dying of old age.

    The 209 members of FIFA are voting on the presidency today.

    Let's see if Sepp Blatter can win by 300,000 votes again this time.

    Nitrous Oxide.

    Just say NO.

    The Scottish Football Association have stated that they will boycott the 2018 World Cup if Sepp Blatter is re-elected.

    Curiously, their odds of qualification remain exactly the same.

    Robert Mugabe has congratulated Sepp Blatter on his FIFA election victory.

    He said if he needs any more help in future elections, he would be happy to oblige again.

    I went to see my Doctor because of my addiction to curries.

    But he was too busy treating patients to make me one.

    I left school with a C, an A and 2 E's.

    If I'd been quicker I could have got all the letters off the canteen door.

    This morning a policeman pulled me over for having a shave while driving,

    I was so shocked I spilled my coffee over my bacon sandwich.

    I've just ordered a frying pan with a Sepp Blatter non stick coating.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    morning everyone,thanks so much for all of the input yesterday.
    There's so much that all of you said that is really helpful to me,being grateful, realising if I'm here it's because I have a problem/want to quit,that I can't enjoy it once I recognise that I have a problem,not projecting into the future and just being in the now,normies don't feel the compulsion/pull towards drinking,denial and contradiction in my thoughts.Again normals don't have these issues.Trusting myself that these issues are real.I read somewhere that seeing the link with others' feelings and pull towards alcohol,rather than the consequences is important.Right now when I've drank I haven't fallen,missed work,been sick,drank tonnes BUT I've really wanted to drink more and been chasing the buzz and been preoccupied with it as well as smoking again.I have drank very heavily before and could again.

    Thank you.

    I de cluttered like a fiend,and snoozed and the house looks so much better - taking a break from it today.Today is baby shower in nearby town in a PUB - only in the UK!!There will be cake and yumm food and many won't be drinking as they're driving - me included so not tempting.
    Tonight is friend's 50th - IN A PUB,though I guess that isn't too shocking.I'm going for a couple of hours and skating half marathon tomorrow so that's my cast iron excuse,.Early night.

    Last night I did have two beers,it felt complusive and I wanted more/was impatient for the next round I smoked ten cigarettes in two hours.Woke with pounding headache at 4am and today feel bluesy - this isn't pour me or pity party.
    It's a statement of fact - it makes me feel s**t - even a relatively small amount- which I don't really enjoy as I feel guilty/want to have tonnes more/smoke which I hate and today I feel like hiding away from the world and moping.It really feels like this will just set me back - I've spent two whole days alone this week - which has been good but I can get a bit hibernatey and low long term.

    So I am off to see friends at baby shower and eat cake,popping to gym to get endorphins going,cooking nice dinner and then popping into party tonight for couple of hours before an early night.

    I don't drink because a few isn't enough, it leads me to smoke,feel low and physically feel ill.Feeling committed - thanks for all your input - I'm done.
    one day at a time


      and yes - my piece of mind has totally gone since I re-introduced alcohol.
      Sam - green eggs and ham,Sam I am,hope your hams are happy hams.
      Mick - so pleased Sandy is getting a new friend - they look very cute and snuggly bunny together.

      Onwards with happy sober life - maybe I expected too much of sobriety I realise as I type this - its better but not perfect,there's always a consequence but I'll take the sober ones please.
      one day at a time


        morning all... finally a full night's sleep, feel like I've been drugged kicking myself out of bed.

        Mick, lovely, lovely Sam Sonnet!! I'm ready to get regular (so to speak)! Been having a hard time staying awake in the classes. Good sign that Sandy's perking up.

        Bear, the thing that strikes me is that you are still undecided. For me, when the decision was made, it was like a switch being flipped. Of course there are times of wavering and that's where a support system really helps. I had been sober for 6 months and then the holiday season hit, expressed my concerns here (MWO) and the response was really helpful. Of course everyone is different but it feels like once you've made your decision, have a back up support at hand when you need it, be it friend, MWO, AA, etc.

        Off to pig land... what in the hell am I getting myself into???!!

        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Good Saturday morning Abbers!

          We've got a cloudy, warm & humid day starting here, yuck. I just heard that big nasty weather system that's been wreaking havoc out west will be arriving here late tomorrow night - it's our turn I suppose.

          Mick, I hope your shopping day goes well. I don't like shopping much anymore, honestly. I'm just as happy shopping from home on Amazon & having it delivered two days later
          Sounds like Sandy is ready for a new best friend, that's great!
          I don't know how any one individual would be able to buy that super expensive farm property. I just hate seeing farms being purchased by housing developers & split up into building lots. I still think you & Sam could turn that spot into a bunny, piggy, chicken paradise

          bear, choices, choices.
          Just remember that you & only you are in charge of your life. You get to choose the quality, clean & sober or clouded & hung over.

          OK, time to feed the hungry animals around here. I'll check in later!
          Have a great AF day everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            MAE ALL....

            Mick...thanks for kicking us off this morning. Hope the drive to Manchester was uneventful. I can hardly wait to see pic's of Sandy and DannyBoy in their new tower. No visiting this weekend. We got 3 of the 6 posts into the ground this morning and will do the rest tomorrow afternoon. They'll have to set for a couple of days before we build the lattice and install the coolaroo. This is the last major build for the garden and then I can just concentrate on gardening.

            Bear....:hug: I think you've got it. Glad to hear you're heading out to be with friends tonight. Isolating myself is my downfall, so good on you for recognizing your triggers. Good luck with the marathon tomorrow.

            Sam...can't top Mick's poem so hoping pig land was good for you. LOL

            Lav...hopefully the weather system is starting to dissipate and won't be too bad.

            Off to get lunch ready. Have a Super Sober Saturday all and all to come.....:smile:PPQP


              Hi all,

              Spent the morning bathing and walking retired racing dogs. So glad I went as they were short handed at the kennel.

              Mick, you're so right that I wanted to brag to the doc, but he didn't say much when I mentioned it. Of course, over the years, I never admitted to him how much I was drinking, so how's he to know what a big deal quitting is? Once about 3 years ago, he pressed me for specifics. I said, "Doc, I don't want to lie to you, but I don't want the truth on my medical record, so I'm not going to answer."

              Sam, How many people get to wake up to their very own porcine poem?

              Lav, any chance of you posting that farm for sale link here?

              Bear and PQ, you both mentioned hibernating/isolating. I'm inclined to do the very same thing, and often have to really make an effort to put myself out there.

              Another storm just blew through, and looks like there's more behind it. Radar screens are staying busy and colorful. Think I'll go rent a movie during the lull. That Redbox sure is convenient.


                Mae everybody, love Redbox Pie late check in for me,you know how I feel about Saturday morning and having to work, grrr,it was sloooow!left early, Louie's napping and I thought I would do the same, shouldn't have cuz I woke up feeling stoned or something, sounds like everyone is doing well, enjoy the rest of the day and remember just say NO! Hahahaha
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Pi...that "making an effort to put myself out there" is HUGE! It is hard but so worth it. Gives me a sense of Lav's "Gratitude"

                  Aah...there you are Pauly...was thinking of you...Hear all kinds of things about "quick naps" refreshing you and it never worked for me! Always woke up feeling the way you did. LOL
                  Last edited by porqoui; May 30, 2015, 06:39 PM.


                    Originally posted by bear73 View Post
                    maybe I expected too much of sobriety
                    Bear, I've been thinking about what you said here, and wondering what kind of expectations you had, or have?

                    For me, I underestimated the changes sobriety would bring. I only really expected to escape hangovers, and guilt, and embarrassment, things pretty directly related to alcohol abuse.

                    Oh gosh, thunder and lightening startig up again. Gonna close for now.


                      I don't think I've given enough time to reap any of the real benefits of sobriety, I'm not speaking for Bear of course but I really believe that its gonna take time,I think its hard cuz maybe we think we should be on top of the world everyday,happy, healthy, energetic etc,reality is there's always gonna be a grump ass mood,we're still gonna get sick,still gonna have energy drains,all of the reality b.s,I just try to think of how I'd feel if I was drinkin on top of all the b.s and its no bueno
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Be safe Pi....:hug:


                          Hey folks,

                          I just wanted to mention a book 'Change Your Brain Change Your Life' by Daniel Amen, MD
                          I read this book when it was first published, right about the time I knew I needed to make some personal changes. it was a big help, honestly. You can get a Kindle download for less than $10 now

                          Pauly, bear, Pie & anyone looking for a little brain boost - read this book

                          Pie, I'll go find that link again for the farm on sale & send it to you? Hope you have a HUGE bank account, ha ha!!! I fear this property will be purchased & developed & that's a real shame. I hope the storms are over for the night!!!

                          Stay safe everyone!

                          Here you go Pie
                          Last edited by Lavande; May 30, 2015, 10:15 PM.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            happy late Sat night ABeroooos!

                            Mick, thanks for the kickstart as always. The competition was VERY challenging for both skill level, physical and mental fitness and ability to survive in dangerously cold/wet conditions. Learned a ton, had fun and made some new friends. No crash! my moods seem to be pretty level lately and I'm trying to be very conscious of my stress levels.

                            the new Mad Max movie was big fun, lots of burning man inspired outfits. I made the crappy decision to eat a huge icecream at the movies and being that I haven't had one bit of sugar in many weeks it hit my system like a bomb. Felt crappy last night and this morning too. No sugar for me!

                            Bear, repeat that decision with conviction as often as you can. Gotta set the new habits firmly in place.

                            well, a challenging week awaits. Gotta pack tomorrow for 6 days on the road. I shall prevail.

                            have a great fun healthy Sunday everyone
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              thanks Lav,will check it out
                              Pie - yes I was thinking the same thing,that I've been expecting too much - as it is sobriety has always been better than drinking,apart from initial uncomfortableness at social events sometimes.
                              Off to skate and shower now - have a great day everyone
                              one day at a time

