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white rabbits.....June 1

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    white rabbits.....June 1

    mae all are we this fine day then?all good...well thats me ..of in a wee while to pick up the latest one..this is where it all starts...its ok them being together in a sterile cage in the we have to make sure that they get along here and both have a happy time..thats what its about for has all been proofed up ..def as head of security in the prison service does give you a different perspective "if he gets thru that one where can he go?"creating and isolating into smaller sterile areas ...yawn!!

    anyways here is the can hardly see the green mesh fences..I weaved strengtheners into it ..the idea is that if he hits it the fence gives a bit and springs...where as with a solid its a lot easier to get a foothold (Paw)...its just whether or not he finds a way round/over it..we shall see






    right then quick brew and on we go....

    mornin Sam..hows you then?all good ..sounds like you have a veritable little zoo there!!last week and thats it ...back to local then?extra 10 mins in bed!!best o luck..

    hiya Lav ..hows you then today?did the outlaw stop by yesterday?yes strange isnt it we demolish everything and rebuild it in the name of progress..quite sad really all that community history going...only thing I liked seeing demolished was all the cheap nasty precast 60s blocks of flats..they were brutal..still they served a purpose..brew time here you go...yes the frizzled hair is a bit of problem.....what I tend to do is put it in the cupboard before I go out in the rain!!!!..we dont have hoomid weather its rain snow sleet hail fog drizzle wind fog and a bit of yellow ball in the sky time have a good one..especially today with grandsons

    pauly ..hows you? ditched the know you answered yourself with the street looked at it and thought shit thats a long way...but instead of standing thinking fk this ...... every step you took it got easier,and shorter..till eventually job translate that into boozing......sounds a mamoth task but actually once you are on the road keep going even tho it gets tirin..tempting,dont stop for a break..just keep at it..and every hour you do is just like a step and they mount up.....

    hey ppqp..thats good that lots of sun followed by rain!!get plantin big time!!..hey this farm is gonna be a community farm....youve gotta job your hired!!well done on the seating ..any spare wood ..?

    hiya det that sounds like an ace tea that does..I prefer mackeral to salmon,Julies fave is salmon closely followed by sea to the bay??what bay..have a good time any way stay cool and af!!!!

    hi theres a job for you ..neighbours car get like that it must be either flat,pooling water ,not running off theres a wee job..either re angle the roof, fit guttering or fit an internal run off pipe!yep looking forward to today..still in my heart I miss sam but in the grand scheme it wasnt that long ago...hopefully Sandy will be will follow!!

    hiya bear hows you ?all ok..heres an idea for you..instead of focusing on not drinking as opposed to drinking turn it round...for instance you are concentrating really hard saying nope Im not going to let it beat me I aint drinking...then suddenly the idea of a drink pops up and you are too mind drained to resist...take it as bottom line firmly..I dont drink end matter what scenario situation crops up....and leave it there drama ...then when the idea of a drink pops up you can challenge it full on..its kind of going for a driving either worry like mad and put the fear of anything into yourself and fingers crossed pass..or you go with the attitude ..Ive passed this licence is mine its down to me to fail by my actions one you see what I mean?

    right peeps offski ..take care and have a good one........

    I really hate it when I've just settled down into a nice warm bubble bath, and someone bangs on the bathroom door saying they need the toilet.

    Particularly as I live on my own.

    The first rule of Catch-22 Club is - you don't talk about Catch-22 Club.

    The second rule of Catch-22 Club is - invite your friends.

    If you look at the last 4 letters of 'Brain' , it confirms that it's made up of 80% water.

    Warren Peace.

    I went to school with him.

    Nice kid.

    Wrote a lot.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Morning all, off on my last commute (I hope). It is hard to believe that people do this day after day.

    Mick, love the pics, what a pretty yard you have. Those wascally wabbits should weally appreciate it.

    Pie, the wife went to some kind of health thingy, not that she's sick, but it is for training in "health management". She helps folks with their diets who are pre diabetic, that sort of thing.

    off to the races....

    be well good friends


    Liberated 5/11/2013


      morning Mick - really pleased Sandy is getting a new friend and you're getting a new furry friend to love.Your garden looks lovely,inspiring me to get going and clear mine - in a month or so inside of house is most important for now. Now I've decluttered a bit OH is getting on board with it(this is amazing!) and voluntarily talked about chucking out some old clothes that no longer fit - who knew it would be so easy!I had planned more big decluttering today but feeling a bit tired and need to chill.
      I'm going to just remove duplicate kitchen utensils ready for charity shop donation,going to leave it at that for today and maybe download an Eddie Izzard show or watch sopranos DVDs.Feeling a bit cold like and slept for 12 hours after roller half marathon and early start yesterday.

      Mick - your advice does make sense - reminds me of KISS(keep it simple stupid) - as an over thinker (you may have noticed) this is good for me as there's no wiggle room - it just is what it is. Thank you.

      Sam - how long does the commute take?I'm off to one of our further away offices tomorrow for training, take 90 mins - tiring - but happy that isn't my usual one.usually it's anything from 20 to 60 minutes for me - traffic depending.

      Starting to feel the benefit of AF time,calmer,tired but think that is jet lag and post skating effort. Loving my nutribullet - smoothie was actually properly green today spinach,banana,mango,chia seeds,peanut butter and water - yummm.
      one day at a time


        Good morning Abbers,

        We have a brand new month, new week & everything going in the right direction, yay

        Mick, I think you have secured your outside space. I don't think I could find a way out of there, ha ha!
        I hope the bunnies are happy & settle in nicely! My brother-in-law was a no show yesterday, typical. He was supposed to be stopping in to see our sister-in-law next door then stop here afterwards. I have no idea whether he did or didn't. So typically dysfunctional, yep.

        Sam, are you getting this heavy rain too? I hope your commute goes well today!
        Love the piggies

        bear, enjoy the calmness that an AF life brings us. It's a gift that we should protect at all costs!

        Greetings to everyone & I hope to check in later after the boys have come & gone home!
        Have a great AF day!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Mae everybody, Mick,I'm excited for the new bunny to come home Sam,the pigs are cute,one of these days I want to get a micro pig just for a pet,we took a drive to Boulder City yesterday and stopped in a store that carries native jewelry, pottery,all kinds of cool(expensive) things but Louie kept running around and it was making my nerves go haywire, still a fun outing,I bought a dreamcatcher bracelet for me and Bobbi no walk today as I slept horribly! I figure in a week or so when some of these kids clear out I can squeeze more exercise into the day,I've got a full house,Bobbi and her bf,Michelle moping on my couch,plus us regulars,grrr,hello to Lav,Bear,Pie,PPQP,Det,off to get ready for the day
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Lav, I love what you said about AF life being a gift. You seem to take weird family stuff in stride, more good advice. Thanks for both.

            Mick, yard looks more than ready. Chief of wabbit security has earned a pay raise! Have fun today. Fortunately, carport roof will be fixed by community association.

            Morning Bear, keeping it simple is the way to go. "I don't drink." Mind chatter will wear you out if you allow it.

            Sam, sounds like a nice change of scenery for your wife while she learns more about her field, and meets like-minded people. Ten days away from home would be a bit much for me, but I'm not much of a traveler. Piggies are adorable! Are they siblings?

            Hi Pauly, PQ, Det, Sunflower, and all who stop by.

            Lovely morning here. Looking forward to what the day may bring.


              thanks Pie - I have definitely allowed my mind chatter to wear me out!
              one day at a time


                MAE ALL....

                Just popping on from work to stay accountable.
                Sounds like everyone is doing ok.
                Will pop back later....:smile:PPQP


                  I survived the day :yay:
                  The dynamics seem to be changing with the boys. They are definitely getting into the rough & tumble stage (aka beating the crap out of each other). So now I have to put on my referee hat!!! The older guy is interested in earning $$ so I paid him to vacuum a couple of bedrooms today - works for me

                  Pie, after decades of wondering/worrying why my family members won't behave like 'normal' people I just gave up. I am only concerned at this point about saving myself & keeping an eye on the young ones. The adults need to figure it out themselves.....just like I did
                  Hope your day turned out to be a good one!

                  Pauly, it's great when they visit & great when the go home, right?
                  I imagine we will have a huge crop of mosquitos after this rain ends. I love dream catchers

                  Hey there PQ!

                  Have a peaceful night one & all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Happy April ABarooooooooos!

                    everyone seems to be getting along well today which is great.

                    Just got into my hotel room here in NorCal. Tomorrow is going to be a very long day so planning on racking
                    out early.

                    I have learned that my biggest challenge is to NOT allow myself to get stressed out to the point where I crash and burn afterwords. not not not allowing anything to stress me out, so there! I'm far too happy in this nice mellow AF mindset.

                    we don't have any pets at home but since the wild cotton-tails and jack rabbits frequent our yard I consider them to be our adopted pets. I wish they'd eat more grass! Actually considering getting a goat or two. Anyone have a goat I can borrow?

                    thankfully the booze crew is having dinner without me tonight. they like to booze it up and I'm a killjoy being the odd duck out. Quite frankly I'd MUCH rather dine alone than with a bunch of old drunks carrying on about stupid drunk crap. so.... off to a nice quiet dinner then sleepy time.

                    be well everyone!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Good for you, Det! Have a lovely dinner.

