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June Jewels

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    Pauly, glad you enjoyed your AF dinner yesterday
    It becomes so completely normal to NOT drink!!!!

    The white bean 'meatballs' were very good. Even YB liked them & he has always been a big meat eater.
    Here's the recipe link (I cooked my own dried beans instead of using canned - sure it didn't make any difference)
    I figure I will try something once...just to see but these were honestly good. I won't use meat substitutes with soy protein because soy doesn't agree with me so these were a big hit

    We had a nice day with daughter & family.
    The room that my daughter wants to work on in their old house is going to need to be gutted - there ain't no fixing that mess, ha ha!! When they are ready, YB can help them - he is handy doing electrical work & drywall, that sort of thing. We've torn apart so many old houses it's not even funny.

    Hope everyone had a good day!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Glad they were good Lav,how does soy affect you? I have been using a protein shake mix and seen soy protein, whey protein, other stuff and I read that these aren't the best protein powder choices, sheesh,can't make good food choices these days
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Good morning...

        It started raining in the night and boy did we need it. Spent the day in the yard pulling weeds and laying down mulch, it looks fantastic, so much better than the before picture. It felt so good to accomplish that task, now we are done, except for a few pots to plant with flowers. I love when it rains on Mondays, easy to go to work.

        Pauly, my kids are 29 and 31, grownups but still my kids, and always will be. I don't know about the soy proteins, I just like to eat real food, stay away from powders and stuff, I have food allergies and never know what is in things. I was thinking about your tale of the one beer then coffee. Never drank that way, what is the point? Right? And, that is where the problem is. I am going to have a visitor for five days at the end of the month and feel kind of nervous about having someone stay that long. Yikes. Your visitors still there?

        Dill, I also think it is interesting about baby showers serving booze, what the heck? I never remember that. You are so sweet, if someone asks me about what I eat or drink, I get a little annoyed and just say I'm good thanks. Why do you want to know? or something like that. No one's business what I do, drink, eat, etc. Am I a b&*(&? It is amazing how much has changed in our lifetimes, even for our kids. Now so much time is spent on cell phones. A younger person was telling me that she and her partner spend so much time on their cell phones they put off yard work, cleaning, etc., having no time for normal tasks. What a burden that is.

        Lav, what a fun day, you are so lucky to live by both of your kids. It would be cool to gut a room and create your own space. Alot of work, but how satisfying once done. Those bean meatballs sound good. Thanks sharing.

        Hello to Cyn. Have a good one.


          Good morning friends!

          That rain you speak of Star is moving in here this evening I hear, that's OK.
          Glad you got your yard work done!
          My daughter lives about an hour's drive from here, close to our old hometown. The room that needs the massive re-do will eventually be my granddaughter's bedroom. Old houses = money pits, ha ha!

          Pauly, years ago when I finally realized that I had a dairy intolerance I turned to using certain soy products. It didn't take too long to realize that soy gave me the same GI disturbances that dairy did
          The pea protein powder I use is called 'Source Naturals'. I buy a huge canister on Amazon & use it in almond or cashew milk smoothies & in no-bake high protein bars - quick breakfast on the go things with no preservatives

          Well it looks like tonight's rain has arrived a bit early, oh well.
          Heading to Curves shortly anyway.
          Have a great AF Monday everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Wow Lav! That canneli bean meatball recipe looks fab. I'm going to make it soon. I saw other recipes that I want to try, too. The grilled sweet potatoes with lime/cilantro vinagrette looks great too! Thanks for that link. I like that she includes the weight watcher's points for each recipe. I'm thinking I might do WW. I have to do something!

            Pauly, I hope things are settling down in your world. Have you ever heard of the Bubble Hour? It's a weekly podcast I like to listen to. It has different topics, all alcohol and addiction-related. Some of the shows are simply speakers telling their stories. I think you might enjoy it if you have a way to listen to podcasts.

            Star, I was amazed by Pauly's story of watching people drink one beer then switch to coffee. That NEVER happened here! Ha! I do remember long ago when I was a freshman in college and a non-drinker, I would go to a party and open one beer and carry it around with me all night so no one would know I wasn't drinking. I wanted to fit in, after all. Unfortunately, by the end of my freshman year I was fitting in very pretending.

            The grandkids are here for the night so I must go and join in a game of Old Maid now. Everyone enjoy a peaceful AF Monday evening.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              That's cute Dill,I don't think I even remember how to play old maid,Snoop,mine are 24,23,21,17 grown but as you say still our babies my oldest just admitted to her sisters last night that she's hearing voices hub's brother has schizophrenia and I know it can be genetic, however, she also had a bad "spice" addiction for a few years, quit that but now smokes weed,read that it can make mental illness come out,just overwhelmed and worried, why can't I catch a break?always something, sorry to bring negative vibes to the thread, just sorting through this
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Sitting here under a tornado watch - swell. I think the T storms are moving out though.
                I was unexpectedly asked to watch my grandsons for a few hours this evening. My grandson needs to take some sort of non-electronic game to his Kindergarten class tomorrow & my son was clueless, ha ha! So I dragged out a deck of cards & sat down & taught EB how to play 'Go Fish'! He picked it right up & we each won a game. So he left, with the deck I gave him & was very happy. See? I can still pull off last minute homework assignments.

                Hope you have a peaceful night with the grandkids Dill. Sounds like fun

                Pauly, sounds like your daughter could use a good psych eval. If she is transitioning into schizophrenia she would benefit from medication, the sooner the better. Smoking pot can definitely make people paranoid, that habit needs to be squashed.
                Remember, all we can do with our adult kids is to lovingly support them (emotionally). Of course you want her to have a good life - just keep telling her that & hopefully she will follow through. I hope everything works out in the best way possible!

                Time to call it a day, I am back on kid watch at 8:30 am.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Good morning...

                  Pauly, wow, that is intense. I agree with Lav, more help is needed. Sending you strength and support.

                  Lav, more rain last night, I just planted more flowers so it was appreciated. An hour away from your daughter, me too. I feel lucky I get to see my family as much as I do.

                  Dill, know you had fun with the grandkids. Have a good one.


                    Lot's of kid watching for you Lav. It still sounds like you have fun with it. I have some Go Fish cards here but so far the kids are really enjoying Old Maid. We laughed so hard last night playing that game! It felt good. My grandson has learned in this past year how to win and lose gracefully. He was REALLY bad at that before. Playing these old games together has been such a benefit to them. Who knew when we were kids that were were learning such important lessons while we were playing card and board games with our friends and family!

                    Pauly, wow, that's a hard one. I agree with Lav that your most important role as a parent of adults is loving support and I would add guidance on the rare occasion when it is asked for, LOL! Since your eldest girl confided that in her sisters, are you supposed to act as if you know it or was it told to you in confidence? Sending you support and strength.:hug:

                    Star, I bet we are cross-posting this morning.:happy2:

                    Grandkids are still here and I think we'll have one or both for the rest of the day. Still waiting to get that worked out. Have a good Tuesday, one and all.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Morning ladies, Dill,I'll take the strength and support first step is getting her to go get a medical card,I've already contacted a mental health clinic and they go on a sliding scale, but with medicade, it'll be free for an evaluation, I read an article online that said the THC in weed can trigger hidden schizophrenia but the CBD in it quiets it,she told her sisters that weed and rocking back and forth makes the voices go away,this is a mess,but I'm trying not to stress too much, how's it helping? I'm gonna be like Lav,and take care of the situation, best I can anyways, baked a batch of chicken on Sunday so I can eat healthier through the week, however hubs gave me a 2lb box of See's for our anniversary and I can't keep out of them, told the kids to pick out a few last night,Snoop,how's it going with you?supposed to rain here today we shall see, hello to Papmom and Tree,hope we all have atterrific Tuesday
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Good morning friends!

                        Lots of rain here overnight, no tornado thank goodness

                        Pauly, I really do feel for you being in this position with your daughter. Normally we want to stand back & let our grown kids figure stuff out for themselves. I would personally be afraid to do that in this situation, fearing for her safety. Be available to help her make an appointment & go along with her. It will help her feel secure. You are doing the best thing for her :hug:

                        I am trying to get some work done but it's not easy today, ha ha. My younger grandson has been here since 8:30 AM. What a way to strat the day!!!

                        Star, I'm just hoping my new veggie plants didn't drown last night in all that heavy rain. I haven't checked them out yet.

                        Dill, I have to be honest. I had to Google 'Go Fish' before I could teach EB how to play. It's been SO long since I've played card games, LOL
                        It is nice to see the kids enjoy something not battery powered, huh?

                        Greetings Cyn & Papmom. I suppose the rain has moved up you way? Stay safe!

                        Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Good morning all...

                          Lav and Dill, those card games were so fun when we were kids, and we played them with our daughter, who loves cards. Our son didn't like cards, too hard for him to focus, but even he could play Old Maid on occasion. Good to hear you two our having fun playing with your grandkids.

                          Pauly, I liked Lav's suggestion to get an evaluation, and encourage you to go with her, I think mental health issues are different, the person having problems really needs an advocate. I knew someone before who heard voices and was a heavy pot smoker who got better when they got clean from all that stuff. Needed to take something to calm them down for a time, but the voices did go away. However, with a family history, it might be different. The sooner it is taken care of the less it can progress, right? It is always something with kids, even grown kids. Sending you strength and support.

                          Work today, lovely weather, I love June so much, this time until the 4th, summer is fresh and new, you can go outside and it is always warm. I really hope to get some pool time this weekend. No grandkid for us, they are going off this weekend, so I am going to focus on taking care of myself: eating healthy, getting some exercise, pool time, just full relaxation. I have felt really tired lately and would love a good nap on both Saturday and Sunday. Ha! Sometimes we need down time and I am looking forward to taking care of myself. Again, I was thinking what a rollercoaster I have been on in the last year and so grateful I landed in a great job, beautiful home, and now it is summer. Hope you all are enjoying the warm weather too. Have a good one.


                            Good morning friends!

                            Happy Hump day too
                            No plans to watch kids again today but you never really know, ha ha.
                            It's sunny & 63 at the moment but heading up to 90 this afternoon. I'm heading out to Curves this morning then will do whatever I can outside until it gets too hot.

                            Star, I hope yo have a great day! Weekends should be spent doing fun & relaxing things, good for you!

                            Pauly, I hope you are OK & getting your household settled down :hug:

                            Greetings Grandma Dill! Still minding little ones today?

                            Hello to Cyn & Papmom - the busy ones, ha ha!!

                            OK, off I go to get my day started. Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Hello all -

                              Goodness what a busy time for all!

                              Pauly - sending you lots of support, whew this is a tough one. How great that you got the sense of the freedom you can feel w/o AL in your life. Maybe one of the best tools for your kids is what a good example you are setting now. Good luck with everything - make a plan, and you'll feel better.

                              Dill - my gosh, I had forgotten about your granddaughter's birth. You have been through so much, and have triumphed. Congrats! I agree with you about the lack of connection to the physical world being a problem for humans in this century...I admit, I still love ironing. My grandmother (who had a lot of trials in her life) always said that she felt that she could iron all her troubles away...

                              Star - you have been through so much too, these last few years. Payoff time! I'm so glad to hear you are enjoying your yard. Sending you lots of support for your journey with your Dad.

                              Lav - well, gosh, you too have been through the wringer these last years, and have come out waaaay on top. Thanks for being a great example to us all. I'm curious as to what you are reading about Karma, that has been so interesting to me for a long time.

                              Pap - hope you are doing well out there in the world.

                              Well, the weekend with our guest was a success, ending with a big dinner party I gave on Sunday night. Then HB took her to Kennedy airport the next morning, and I got on the train to NYC, and it's been non-stop ever since. I've got to keep moving now. Love to everybody here, and good luck with all the life things coming your way.


                                Good morning...

                                Cyn, Could you have done what you did if your were drinking? It is amazing how good we feel and how much more we can accomplish AF. I hope the weather was nice there, we had a good weather weekend and it was wonderful.

                                Lav, hope you got soe things done, it has been really hot here, in the 90s and will continue, whew, hard to do much outside but sit, drink cool AF drinks, or swim. Yesterday after work I stopped and bought another bird bath for my back yard and one of those pretty globes. Putting it outside and then enjoying my new look was fun. I am done now, really done. Watering my flowers after work is fun, or maybe a better word would be refreshing, I love smelling the flowers and earth and water. Again, I love June.

                                Hello to Dill, Pauly and Pap. Have a great Thursday to all.

