Star, wonderful to enjoy your yard like that! Wish I could come sit with you and admire your flowers and new globe and bird bath. I love the colors of summer. I have planted day lilies and marigolds by my back entrance which is the one we use the most so I see them every time I come and go. I love it! I'll try to get a pic to share. Can you try to show us a bit of your yard? I was outiside early yesterday trimming back the spring flowering shrubs and doing some weeding. It was nice and cool in the morning but up to 90 in the afternoon! I think today will be a repeat.
Lav, I took the day off from childcare yesterday but something else came up to steal my time! I'll explain below. I hope you made the most of your kid free time!
Cyn, I'm glad your VIP visit went well. It sounds like your efforts paid off. On the other subject, I really feel the lack of connection to physical work is a problem that goes unrecognized. Could be part of the root cause to a lot of the unrest and crime we are seeing in the nation. There is a satisfaction to physical labor and so many people today have no need to do it. I am finding the internet and the constant connectivity to be a concern, too. For me, I find that I am somewhat addicted to the internet. The fact that you can find anything you want to know or learn or remember (historically) right at your fingertips no matter where you are! I find that it takes away from the time when you can just sit with someone and "be". I have girlfriends that are only halfway present when we are together bc they constantly are looking at texts. Have you had that experience? It's mostly with the younger people, not folks my age. I have one young friend who I laughingly reprimand and tell her to put her phone away! She takes it well bc she knows in it's way it is a compliment more than a complaint or command. I am telling her that I want to BE with her bc she is important to me and our time together is limited.
Hi Pauly, how are things going?
So, as I mentioned to Lav, I had a kid free day. But in the afternoon nothing short of a miracle happened. My ex DIL called me and enlisted my help in finding and registering for an in patient treatment center! Since she is on public assistance she can only get into a couple of places that will take her insurance and as you might have guessed, there is a waiting list. So she hast to hang in there until a bed opens up, so anything can happen between now and then. There is a 3 week wait. But she took the step, her first step toward the light! I was happy to help her. Maybe sometime in the near future she will be able to be a proper mother once more.
Back to childcare today and tomorrow. I'm glad for summer camp startind next week!