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June Jewels

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    Hello All,

    Star, wonderful to enjoy your yard like that! Wish I could come sit with you and admire your flowers and new globe and bird bath. I love the colors of summer. I have planted day lilies and marigolds by my back entrance which is the one we use the most so I see them every time I come and go. I love it! I'll try to get a pic to share. Can you try to show us a bit of your yard? I was outiside early yesterday trimming back the spring flowering shrubs and doing some weeding. It was nice and cool in the morning but up to 90 in the afternoon! I think today will be a repeat.

    Lav, I took the day off from childcare yesterday but something else came up to steal my time! I'll explain below. I hope you made the most of your kid free time!

    Cyn, I'm glad your VIP visit went well. It sounds like your efforts paid off. On the other subject, I really feel the lack of connection to physical work is a problem that goes unrecognized. Could be part of the root cause to a lot of the unrest and crime we are seeing in the nation. There is a satisfaction to physical labor and so many people today have no need to do it. I am finding the internet and the constant connectivity to be a concern, too. For me, I find that I am somewhat addicted to the internet. The fact that you can find anything you want to know or learn or remember (historically) right at your fingertips no matter where you are! I find that it takes away from the time when you can just sit with someone and "be". I have girlfriends that are only halfway present when we are together bc they constantly are looking at texts. Have you had that experience? It's mostly with the younger people, not folks my age. I have one young friend who I laughingly reprimand and tell her to put her phone away! She takes it well bc she knows in it's way it is a compliment more than a complaint or command. I am telling her that I want to BE with her bc she is important to me and our time together is limited.

    Hi Pauly, how are things going?

    So, as I mentioned to Lav, I had a kid free day. But in the afternoon nothing short of a miracle happened. My ex DIL called me and enlisted my help in finding and registering for an in patient treatment center! Since she is on public assistance she can only get into a couple of places that will take her insurance and as you might have guessed, there is a waiting list. So she hast to hang in there until a bed opens up, so anything can happen between now and then. There is a 3 week wait. But she took the step, her first step toward the light! I was happy to help her. Maybe sometime in the near future she will be able to be a proper mother once more.

    Back to childcare today and tomorrow. I'm glad for summer camp startind next week!
    Last edited by dill; June 11, 2015, 06:18 AM.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Morning all - happy thursday!

      Star - your house and garden sound just wonderful - what a lot you have accomplished in such a short time. No, I would not have been so productive if I had been drinking. Next step is to find a way not to worry and be stressed all the time. I will change that pattern!

      Dill - what amazing news about your ex-DIL. I'll be sending strength to your area - hope she makes the 3 weeks. It's a testament to who you are that she called - great job! Yes, I do have trouble with the 'screen' relationships. I have to work on computer so much, that when i'm done working, the last thing I want to do is look at a screen. But so many people seem to use them for info and entertainment, and completely ignore the people around them. It even drives me crazy when I see everyone on the train using their 'device'... it just all seems so disconnected from the physical world. I sound like a hum-bug!

      I hope everyone has a great day. I'm off to chip away at my list - I feel a little more hopeful today than yesterday about completing the major things before we depart. Today I'm doing everything with a smile on my face, no matter what!

      Take care all -


        Morning ladies, the beautiful bouncy curls I imagined,turned out to be a orangey,dry,haystack the perm is an epic fail, oh well,Dill,great news about your ex did,I don't know much of the back story, did she accidentally become addicted or was it recreational? I know a lot of people get addicted to pain stuff after an accident or surgery, I wish her well agreed on the darn phones/devices!unless I don't feel like talking with a client and they zone on their phone, then its a good thing hubs still has a flip phone, we all got new ones in Dec,but he still chose that, he gets annoyed with phone addiction as he calls it,Michelle lost her birth certificate, so I have to order a new one before she can go get medicade, damn kids!hello to all and I hope everyone has a nice Thursday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Good morning friends, happy Thursday to all!

          Yep, this is officially day 1 of a 3 day heat wave, ha ha! Yesterday apparently was just a practice run.
          I did enjoy my day 'off' yesterday & even went out for dinner. I had a gift card from Mother's day to use at a nearby tavern pub type of place. I stuffed myself on fish & chips & iced tea. I wish YB could have smiled a little more but that's just the way he always is - borderline grumpy for no apparent reason.

          Cyn, keep that smile on your face, it helps regardless of what's going on
          I gave up 'worrying' about the future years ago by accepting that I really have no control over anything or anyone.
          Working on myself was & remains the only sane thing I can do. I learned a lot from Karen Casey's book 'Let Go Now: Embracing Detachment'. That was one of the books that helped me get thru the YB drama 5 years ago when he ran off.

          Star, sounds like you have gotten your yard into good shape - good for you! Sit back now & enjoy the fruits of your labor.
          This place is way too big for a couple of aging old farts, ha ha. The work is never caught up, never done. I try to enjoy it anyway.

          Dill, that's great news about your DIL. I sincerely hope she can hang in until a bed opens for her. Obviously there is a huge need for rehab services in this country & not nearly enough facilities. Is there a NA group she can connect with while she is waiting for an opening? It's wonderful that she reached out to you & that you were able to help.
          About being connected 24/7 - I have mixed feelings on that topic. I actually think it all depends on how you utilize the internet. I am alive & well today because I used the internet to search for support when I was at a very low point in my life. I found MWO & all of you! The online fellowship absolutely helped me to help myself. I will always be grateful!!
          Sometimes the only way to stay connected with family & friends is by text message. My kids are always in motion, most people are these days. My girlfriend has two kids who are both stationed in Hawaii. She Skypes with them frequently so she can see her grandkids. I do draw the line though - no phones, ipads or any of that while we are at the table. There is no excuse for being rude. YB is on call 24/7 so he always has his phone on but that's his problem, ha ha.
          I also love being able to download books instantly. Getting to a bookstore from here is a pain in the butt - I have to cross state lines!!!

          Greetings Papmom, hope you are well.

          Pauly, so sorry about the hair. Does your hair grow fast like mine? Hopefully it will grow out quickly.
          I hope you don't have any problems getting that birth certificate for Michelle. I imagine you can start the process online these days.

          I need to get myself moving - first stop is Curves.
          Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

          Last edited by Lavande; June 11, 2015, 08:12 AM.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Good morning...

            Nice to see the lengthy posts and it's Friday!!!!!

            Dill, I am going to try to get some pics up, but not now before work. I even bought a new charge and sync cable to do it, just forgot till now. Thanks. It is kind of hot out, OK, really hot out, but I love it, thanks to air conditioning. I can go outside and enjoy the warmth, then come in to feel normal. I am enjoying the flowers and just the peace. Summer is my favorite time of year. Great news about your daughter in law. I do believe inpatient would be best to help her detox first, get her in a safe environment, and let's hope she can do it this time. She is missing so much! Sending you blessings, hope and strength.

            Lav, sounds like you and YB had a lovely evening out. Unfortunately grumpiness can become a habit, but that is on him, not you. My Dad was like that and my Mom told me she just ignored him and felt and acted the way she choose to, so now I realize she was deliberate in being cheerful and refusing to enter the pity party! So there! Our other house had such a big yard we were never done with yard work either, this is easier, but less privacy. However, the neighbors are pretty good, so it is OK.

            Dill, what do you worry about? Last year I worried about money, where to live, jobs, my future, now I worry way less except for drama like my Dad being sick, and kids having issues. I have started to take three deep breathes when I notice the worry thoughts come in and it helps most days. I think you are the person who said, Breathe. HOpe you can have a more restful weekend, I hope I can.

            Pauly, real bummer about your hair. I got perms in the 80s, liked them alot for a time. Braids are in, can you do something like that to hide the damage? I put braids on the sides when I come home, there are lots of cute hairdos out there, but as a stylist, I am sure you have the cutting edge on that! Sorry that happened, you did not need that. Sounds like you are on the road to helping your daughter, getting the birth certificate is one of the first steps.

            Well all, have a fantastic Friday.


              Good morning friends!

              Hot & humid is the word today, ugh. The outside of the windows are dripping with moisture already - who needs that?
              My plan is to stay in & get some stuff cleaned up around here & be grateful for the AC
              But first a trip to Curves is in order!

              Star, I hope you have a great day & stay cool today!
              Greetings Dill, Cyn, Papmom & Pauly!
              Can't believe we are nearing the middle of June already, time flies.

              Have a great AF Friday everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Hello All,
                Pauly, sorry the perm didn't work out. Hopefully it will improve with a few washings. I have course, wavy hair and have never had a perm. I think I would try it if my hair were straight. Yes, my former DIL started out with pain medication year ago for her back. Doctors were way too liberal dispensing back then. Ugh! What a pain to have to get another birth certificate! I think you can do it by mail though. I remember having to get one for Mr. Dill a few years back and he was born in Tennessee which is two states away from us here. So glad we didn't have to drive all the way there to get it! LOL! Where was your daughter born?

                Lav, I enjoyed reading your positive take on the internet and connectivity. You are quite right about the downloading of books and most importantly, the online support we all enjoy here! I positively love email, and shopping online. I would hate to go back to the old days really. I'm just saying that for me, it's a problem because I am addicted to the free flow of instant information! I am a curious soul so the instant I wonder about something, out pops the smart phone or the ipad and I get googling. Usually one thing will lead to another thing and before I know it, nothing has gotten accomplished in my real world!

                Star, I learned to remember to breathe from Cyn. She is the one who brought that concept here, unless I did long ago and just forgot! LOL! That's certainly possible. And what do I worry about these days? Losing my memory, for one! :congratulatory: I'm saying it in jest, but it is a true concern. My short term memory is getting bad. I also worry about money. Mr. D says we have saved enough for retirement but I am not so confident. It seems we have been dipping into our savings much too frequently lately just to meet the ever rising costs of fuel oil, electricity, food, health insurance, property taxes. Everything going up, up, up except for gasoline. I worry about my grandkids futures the way things are going in the world today with the violence breaking out everywhere you look. I hope I'm not depressing you all with my list. I could go on, actually but I'll stop here! Those are my most immediate worries. I don't meant to be a Debbie Downer, but you did ask! LOL!

                Cyn, you mentioned getting things done before you depart. Are you and Mr. Tree taking a trip? If you mentioned it sometime back I either missed it or have forgotten. My DIL is on the waiting list but I am very doubtful about her following thru. You have to call the center every day M-F between 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning to ask if there is a bed available. The odds of her being able to consistently do that are slim. I would invite her to stay here with us until a bed opened up, but Mr. D would never agree to that and with good reason. She and my son lived with us for a time a few years back and it did not go well. Aside from the drama of her moods while high, she stole from us many many times. Typical of the disease of addiction. We decided this home has to be a peaceful, safe and calm one for the grandkids. Having her here is too risky. I'm glad she felt she could rely on me to help her, but I'm no saint. My motives for helping her are purely for the grandkids. I pity her but I don't really care much for her. I just know how much my grandkids want their mother in their lives.

                Another hot one here today with likely storms. We have the grandkids coming and I had hoped to be able to take them to the boat. We shall see, but it doesn't look good...
                Last edited by dill; June 12, 2015, 07:08 AM.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Morning ladies, Dill,you took the thoughts right out of my head!worry about money,the future, how the world will be when Louie is bigger,etc,I can't even read the newspaper or watch the news,so many horrendous stories they seem like an episode of "criminal minds"but dang its real!so many pedophile sstories, teachers hurting students here recently, I think its cuz Vegas is so transient and they're short on teachers so they just hire anybody, very scary,glad you didn't let DIL stay with you, trust me you don't need that headache, its basically what I'm dealing with Lav,I can't imagine you,the health freak eating fish and chips!sounds good though hello to all,I hope we all have a peaceful, blessed,Friday(especially peaceful)
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Snoop/star,I didn't see your post,I too have to put the brakes on pity party thoughts, if I have a down day and I get into the habit of thinking everyday is gonna suck,it usually does, however if I can at least fake a happy mood,usually it changes my perspective, I like how your mom put on a positive attitude thehair has bbeen in a ponytail everyday, before my hair looked like it was suffering from depression, flat,lifeless,that's why I wanted curls,I seen some beautiful perms on Pinterest,that's what I wanted not this wild animal resting on my head,grrr,gonna wash and deep condition today,hope it tames the beast haha
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Pauly, just so you know - that fish & chips dinner was a once in a blue moon treat kind of thing. It took me a day & a half to digest it, ugh. No way I could eat that kind of stuff every day. Bring your permed hair here for a huge dose of humidity, ha ha. It's just awful outside.

                      Dill, I have all the same worries that everyone else has, really. I am just choosing not to keep them forefront in my mind, won't dwell on them. It's all part of my plan to keep my mood out of depression-ville. I know where that leads me & I'm not going there again.
                      I have also had to accept that despite all the plans & hard work, sometimes things just don't go the way you want. I never planned on YB becoming a chronic depressive. He was always happy, easy to please. Was that really him or was he faking? I don't know & I can't change him, right?
                      OK, getting offline for a while
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Quick check in to say happy AF friday night to all. I am whipping around knocking down my work and The List. Dill, my husband is having a big decade b-day soon, and we are doing a very special trip (with some funds my mom left me) to celebrate. We're going to Europe for 10 days, meeting friends who are also having birthdays. So....getting ready for this trip is a little more than the usual, and I've been swatting down deadlines for 2 jobs at the same time. But I'm starting to believe that I will actually get on the plane tomorrow - after the 3 hour drive to the airport, of course! We are so very lucky to be able to celebrate with a trip like this - a trip of a lifetime, and so I'm determined to savor every moment.

                        But for now, I have to mow, and finish the dog cooking, and stuff like that! We don't leave until later in the day tomorrow, so i'm hoping that I'll be able to say a last 'bye for now' tomorrow.

                        Have a wonderful evening, all.


                          Awesome Cyn! I hope you have a great time & a safe trip

                          I've been to Europe 5 times - I'd go again tomorrow if I could.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Good morning...

                            Wow, lots of posts yesterday.

                            Cyn, have a great time on your trip, lucky you. Europe in summer is hard to beat. Take care.

                            Dill, I get your worries, it is scary to think about the future. I remember in 2012 certain people thought the world would end on 12/21/12, the Mayan Calendar I think. I just thought, its the end. Money, yes, we are not even close to retirement and that is a huge concern, bought a new house at 55 years old, crazy stuff. My life and savings plan went to hell in 2008 with the economic crash and now we have to figure out plan D. Plans A, B, and C, went out the door. I know my memory is good, and I think it is because I am working and have to stay on top of things, but I have noticed from time to time I can't come up with a word or a place or something like that. My girlfriend and I were both having a moment like that on the phone, trying to identify a flower, we just couldn't do it and laughed. It happens, I refuse to worry. Maybe memory issues are different for you, but I know you keep up with technology, are interested in the world around you, participate in community activites, so keep your mind working and going.

                            Hey I have to go, try to get back on later.


                              Ok, back now. My son spent the night and is leaving today. So, busy day.

                              Lav, I agree with you about eating out, it takes its toll, especially fried foods, but hey, indulging once in a while is fun.

                              Pauly, hope you have a good hair day! I am having a bad hair day today, but plan on going swimming later so don't care.

                              Have a good one.


                                Good morning friends!

                                It's supposed to be a few degrees cooler today but probably won't be enough to even notice, ha ha!

                                I battle short term memory issues all day every day. Geez, between aging, menopause & a pretty significant head injury almost 15 years ago - it's ain't easy! I have all sorts of memory/attention games on my laptop & iPad. Instead of wasting time in front of the TV I fire up Text Twist, Suduko or something to keep my brain busy

                                Have a good time at the pool Star! Nice that your son was there for a visit!

                                Dill, I hope you have a carefree day today, maybe some boat time?

                                Cyn, wishing you a marvelous & safe trip. Take pictures to make us all jealous

                                Pauly, are you working today?

                                Papmom, hope you have a minute to check in soon.

                                I'm off now to the feed store & all those exciting places here in cow country.
                                Have a great AF day everyone!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

