Star, I know you will have a wonderful week full of family and love. I think back to how we all were just a few short years ago. What a difference! You are going to be present and aware and fully engaged emotionally. Can you imagine the difference if you were still drinking?! I think it is great that your daughter does not drink but a word of caution: I didn't drink either when having the children and while they were little. I hope your daughter doesn't follow my lead and go down the slippery slope as her little one gets older. You will guide her towards the light, I am sure!
Pauly, I always look forward to your posts. I must say I was happy when you said you like iceberg. I feel so alone bc truth be told, I prefer iceberg to all the other lettuces! I know it isn't as healthy but I like it! LOL! I remember when I was growing up a popular salad was a Lettuce wedge smothered in thousand island dressing. I worked in a hospital dietary and that was one of the go to salad items. We really have come a long way with the variety and availablitly of fresh veggies and fruits but I'm with you, scatching my head about the food epidemic. The abundance of produce doesn't seem to making up for all the extra calories packed in our processed and pre-packaged convenience foods!
So I was listening to the Bubble Hour podcast from Father's Day. One of the hosts was on with her father. He was talking about his alcholism and recovery and then watching his daughter go down the same road. It was a good discussion. He talked about how he tried to help her but he realized thru his own experieince that she couldn't be helped until she wanted it. He said he thought it was important as a parent to be sure to talk with your children about the disease and caution them about how it may possibly run in families, but beyond that, you can't say or do much more if your child decides to drink. It made me feel good bc that is my philosophy too. I've talked with my kids about it and told them they could have problems with it based on family history. But I didn't interfere much beyond that. Any thoughts on this subject?
Have a peaceful AF evening everyone.