generally getting on great......but under the camellia bush he has claimed and she has claimed anywhere near the hutches...so going to leave it as it is for a few days to get them used to each other...and then open up the garden but block the hutches and under that bush off ..neutralise those areas..looking good ...but slowly slowly......you could see at times yesterday she was thinking ..go away kid youre a pain in the ass..but he has definitely been mistreated somehow ..you can tell by his actions...
right brew time and a quick shufti around....
hiya ppqp...hows you ..?yep I was tired too ..had a lie in till 7 this morning!!take it easy...glad you booked some time orf...any plans for doing anything?
hey det ...nice pic ...thats actually not so far off the truth for her!!glad you are doing so well on the nae booze cruise matey ..keep it up...
mornin bear ..well how did it go with your employee yesterday?...hopefully all to plan so that she either bucks up her ideas or you get someone who can do the job..looking at all the veg you are eating...not being funny here ..but do you have to tote your own portaloo around with you ..eatin that amount?....only sayin

hiya Lav..hows you then?all good?brew here for you ..yes my toms have shot up this week too...also its psychological..as soon as you put them in a bigger pot..they look bigger too!!did you get the rest of your plants in?
hiya pauly....sounds like you had a real paddy on yesterday..one of those nothing goes right days...as Lav said ..mebbe its time for your guests to give you some yoo time!!as for the gardening..dont quit..just look and see what grows in the kind of climate/soil you have you have...or what you can do is dig holes in the ground and fill them with "real soil"and plant in them...certainly wouldnt give up..go on give it a go lets see what you can gro..next door to me is trying to gro a bougie outside ..hope it likes wind and rain...
hiya pie...hows you...all good .hey thats not boring flycatching...pretty sad when you give each of them names...now thats boring!!have a great day..
hey sam ...hows you mate?not like you to be on a bummer...soon be the weekend and you can chillax mebbe?get some toon out of the old machine I know you like that...
now as for fly traps...Ive got one of those tennis bat zapper ones where you put the batteries in the handle and go prancin round the house like McEnroe or Serena Williams..the idea is to hit the fly and it goes zap...inevitably what happens...the curtainsare wide open,anyone looking in sees this madman running around the room smashing lumps out of the furniture..whilst the fly moves on to another room..and Ill leave you with that thought..have a good one...
Me and my mates went for a meal at a Greek restaurant last night.
Afterwards when the waitress brought over the bill I said,
"Fuck off, we'll pay you at the end of the month"
I was at a job interview at a secondary school today.
The interviewer asked me, "So what will you be teaching?"
I probably shouldn't have said, "Little shits."
Chinese hack into American Intelligence.
Now they can make their own Jackie Chan movies.
Apparently, "Canapé" was originally a very expensive Scottish starter ...
and was spelled "Cannae pay".