morning bear and hows u today then?all good..hows the employee that u had the issues with re work?has that all been resolved now?
hiya Lav..hows u then today?brew time you u are in cahoots now with a phone totin Amish chicken despatcher :congratulatory:thought they couldnt have them as a personal thing?thats what Levi said!!any kid minding today?
eek...thank the Lord for autosave!!thot I had lost the post!! u go ..just for u!!
the last 2 pics i took when I was out for a run yesterday
how are u? all good bright eyed ?ready to go cut some hair?
hiya ns ..hows u today then ?all good hopefully " We had some free range thighs last night" hmmm...dodgy comment season on that one!!!!!!!you planned anything for today? ..nope not growing belladonna here ...but....if theres a market....
hey det..when you find a time that a vehicle goes into the garage for a cheapo let me know!!!even a serious case of looking at with a few oohs and aaahs costs dosh!!new blade fitted..the other one snapped!!
Sam you cracked me!!!!!! your comment my friend....not the router one but this....Off to work on a piece of broken wonder it takes you ages to get around!!!! as for buying quality...few n far between most nowadays is guaranteed...till you get outta the shop!!
hiya pie..hows you then?salad for breakfast..yum yum..not too much processed food in that pic!! are you working wjhile your lodger is here or have you taken time out?
hiya ppqp..hows you ...hope you are enjoying your jollies!!
right folks to buy a tunnel for the wabbits!!
"How many people on The Titanic died?" asked my teacher.
"All of them," I said. "It happened over a hundred years ago."
I have just been presented with a gold watch on my retirement and my manager surprised me by offering to buy it off me for a good price.
They don't mess about at Cash for gold.
"Your resume has MPGMA listed under hobbies. What exactly is that?"
"Making people guess the meaning of acronyms."
I see the Clangers have made a comeback on the TV today.
Or more commonly known as the Candidates in the Labour leadership election...
I was asked to run the London Marathon for charity but I declined.
I had no experience of organising an event that big.
What Sgt Pepper served in.