brews made ...dive in....
hia Lav....not like you to be going on bout aches and pains....extra brew for you madam!hows the weather over there today?hens still jotting about with flippers on...other dog at the vet next week?reminds me ..Ive got to go for my tests next week!!you take it easy today ma'am.oh and watch that Ivy...shes real poison...
mornin pauly..hows you today?advil and coffee?u make it sound like fish n chips or bacon n egg bread n jam..or suchlike!!have you ever thought of artificial grass?better still put a pic up of the yard and the ground and lets see what we can come up with ..Im sure we can think ov something....
hi pie hows you today then ?hopefully feelin good? before you get inot anything big etc today...just take a couple of minutes to yourself....what have you done this morning?just think about it ..even if its got up sorted yourself out and ready for the day reverse that and think if you'd had a few wines last night....(forget the just the one scenario..)..again think of what youve done this morning,and getting ready for the day would you feel?Your honour....I rest my case..oh and btw I was talking to someone about the drinking thotz (new word)..even up till the 2 year point they were having me every now and again..very very rarely I thin k about it...what does change is your ability to cope with it,and deal with the thougths,as opposed to climbing the walls for a bottle....when is your year day?hows your guest enjoying the place?
oho ..the Determinatrix!!!!!!hows you today then ?lamb and curry for brekkie? nothing wrong with that says he eating fish with strawberry ice cream.......only kidding!!!!
No Sam ,bear,NS or ppqp?hi folks whatever you are up to...that is apart from ppqp..we all know where she is screamin down the highway in her new wheels!!!
right gang offski ..have a good one......
the happy couple!!!!!!!

My mate Paddy called me today and asked, "What's the 2nd largest state in America?"
"Texas." I replied.
30 seconds later I got a message saying, 'What's the 2nd largest state in America?'
My wife took me to the cleaners during our divorce.
"You're not sitting in court wearing a dirty suit," she said.
After questions about his coach and two missed drug tests before the Olympics, Mo Farah says he is on the verge of giving up running and entering the Tour de France.
here yare for your son to take to the firehouse.......
I'm always the same when we have to go out, its always a rush and everyone is waiting for me. I'm trying to brush my hair and put my make up on at the same time, I can't find my tights. Long story short, that was my first and last day as a fireman.
My dad went to the shops to get cigs 40 years ago when I was just 4 years old, and he never returned.
Sometimes I get really mad about it, the thought that he is out there somewhere, with my cigs.
Apparently, a new study says that marriage is far more beneficial for men than it is for women.
I know this because the results of the study were just screamed at me through a locked bedroom door.
It must be terribly frustrating being a dyslexic witch, when you keep getting your spells wrong