brew time...ealy cuppa joe anyone?
hiya SF ..saw your post..hows things with you?are you getting there?
hi Sam...hows you mate?cheers for the stooges clip... might be doing that this morning...good luck with the job..hope you get that one..sounds like your heart is set on it....
hiya pauly..hows you then?so thinking bout a career change?my guess is the nutrition would be the quicker,but thats just to get to the qualification side...every day is a learning curve both ..its obvious that you aint happy shearing peoples heads,so maybes some of your issues are linked to it?go on make that move!!
hiya Lav ..hows you then?still working on battery?3 pm today they reckon it will be back on?eek heres a flask of coffee....
hiya pie ..hows you today then?quiet day yesterday?Im at the docs this morn...then hopefully building a little out of wood got to go and get some more pallets...
hiya yesterdays birthday girl...hows you today then?wow 29 months?thats flown in!!well done you...
hi late night stop out eh?...

hiya bear..hows you today?hopefully all ok....
right peeps its time to go have a great day.....
I'm willing to bet good money that some of these exercise machines at the gym were originally medieval torture devices.
"Pick a card, any card you like," I said to my wife.
"Make sure you memorise it, now put it back with the rest of them."
"fk you Dave! It's our anniversary," she replied, before stomping out of hallmark.
Before I got married, I had absolutely no idea there was a wrong way to put the milk back in the fridge.
Is it just me......
or does anybody else find pressing F5 refreshing?
My wheelie bin has a better life than me... It gets to go out once a week and stay out all night.
My mate is an electrician and has just been awarded a knighthood.
He's now known as Sir Kit Breaker.