Mick---I am so glad that your tests turned out ok. I've had too many scares....especially with mammograms....the nurse always asks me why I am so calm......I always tell them...."until you tell me I have 2 months to live I am fine:"

Sam...how many hours are you working? My hubby clears 60 every week...at 60 that finally get him off the clock!
Pauly....I've been considering going back to school as well. "Considering" is about as far as I have gotten. I found going to the pool every morning....just what I need. I am the only one there....do a bit of yoga poolside.....and then jump into the water like a little kid....so much fun.
Lav---we got your storm late in the night.....it kept everyone up. Now the cable is out....and I just can't bring myself to spend 4 lovely hours on the phone with them to get it back on. Hulu is more than we need

So I going to sell Amish Furniture two days a week. I've been doing all my "yoga" under the table....but, the unemployment is going to run out.....which really is pathetic in TN anyways.
He was an old customer of mine. Out of nowhere....he called me about coming to work for them. He gets all his furniture from OH and I have Amish furniture....and he knows how much I love it. I freaking lasts forever!
I think it will be a good environment for me. He is 73 and his wife and son work there as well. He really has a great story of getting sober. He used to be in traveling sales....and would think nothing of drinking a 5th of vodka on his way home. In the car! Then his wife decided they should become Mormon......and on the day he got baptized.....he got up in the am drank 3 "big boys"...smoked a pack of cigarettes....and then got dunked....and hasn't touched the stuff since. This little 73 year old man telling me this story a few years ago.....and he has lost 100 pounds since he gave up the booze.
Right now it works for me. And he is paying me well. So I am happy...not starting until mid-July....so I have more time.
I am loving being unscheduled. And just going inside. I felt myself flip last night.....I can go through all the why's and whatever's....I think it is an important process. Now I am flipped to the solution.
One thing I have heard over and over again is how important it is to have a "community". This does refer to 12-steps.....but, you guys are my community.