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25th June

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    25th June

    morn all..tis 6 am...cant thought I would get up and watch the world...actually been up since 4!!how is everyone today then ?all good....glad to hear from bear and ppqp....fot youd got lost..well got an appointment at the docs this morning...the results of my bloods are back it doesnt bode too well considering originally my appointment for the results was 28th next month..must say..bit of apprehension her ,but what will be will be....

    brew time...ealy cuppa joe anyone?

    hiya SF ..saw your post..hows things with you?are you getting there?

    hi Sam...hows you mate?cheers for the stooges clip... might be doing that this morning...good luck with the job..hope you get that one..sounds like your heart is set on it....

    hiya pauly..hows you then?so thinking bout a career change?my guess is the nutrition would be the quicker,but thats just to get to the qualification side...every day is a learning curve both ..its obvious that you aint happy shearing peoples heads,so maybes some of your issues are linked to it?go on make that move!!

    hiya Lav ..hows you then?still working on battery?3 pm today they reckon it will be back on?eek heres a flask of coffee....

    hiya pie ..hows you today then?quiet day yesterday?Im at the docs this morn...then hopefully building a little out of wood got to go and get some more pallets...

    hiya yesterdays birthday girl...hows you today then?wow 29 months?thats flown in!!well done you...

    hi late night stop out eh?... hows the garden doing ...?pics plz...more so hows the car..still doing good..Im going collecting pallets in mine today!!

    hiya bear..hows you today?hopefully all ok....

    right peeps its time to go have a great day.....

    I'm willing to bet good money that some of these exercise machines at the gym were originally medieval torture devices.

    "Pick a card, any card you like," I said to my wife.

    "Make sure you memorise it, now put it back with the rest of them."

    "fk you Dave! It's our anniversary," she replied, before stomping out of hallmark.


    Before I got married, I had absolutely no idea there was a wrong way to put the milk back in the fridge.

    Is it just me......

    or does anybody else find pressing F5 refreshing?

    My wheelie bin has a better life than me... It gets to go out once a week and stay out all night.

    My mate is an electrician and has just been awarded a knighthood.

    He's now known as Sir Kit Breaker.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    morning all
    doing the mail today. hope it smoother than last week's. maybe I'll get the hang of it. Mick, you are right, I would prefer doing the conservation job, a little more down my ally. However, I don't know if it is coming my way or not. Got my fingers crossed.
    Hope you news isn't as bad as you may think it, keeping my fingers crossed for you as well.

    Lav, you got tricity yet??

    off to the work lands....
    have a lovely one good friends
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Thinking of you, Mick :hug:. (Loved the card joke! - and not a bad idea, really, given how crazily overpriced cards are).


        Good morning Abbers

        The power was restored overnight, yay! Still no cable/internet yet but I can live in silence for a while longer.

        Mick, don't worry ahead of time about lab results. You have een feeling OK, right?
        Keeping my fingers crossed for you anyway :hug:

        Sam, hope today's mail run goes well for you! At least it's sunny, right?

        Hi there NS!

        I'm happy to get the hell out & to Curves today. I'm sure they have their power back as well. Will check in later, have a great AF Thursday everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Hey Mick, best wishes on blood test results, as well as pallet collection. Gonna send your Sir Kit Breaker joke to my electrician friend.

          Fingers crossed for you on the conservation job, Sam.

          Greetings NS, Lav, and abbers yet to stop by.

          Quiet times in Pie land. Not a bad thing at all.


            Mae everybody, Mick,I hope all goes well at the docs,I was a nervous wreck my last tests cuz they wanted to see me in person and usually they only do that if something comes up,but it was all OKLav,how did you survive the heat with no power?plus all the food in the fridge, glad its back on,Sam,you never know, look how long it took for the post office peeps to get ahold of you,hi NS,you do anything special for your birthday? Feeling super bitchy this morning I use my walks to clear my head and all I could focus on this morning was all the people I can't stand,how slow its been at work, just a pms-like mood without the pms,I need a getaway before I stab someone, hello to all,much love to all I need to turn off the crab inside of me
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              hiya folks...well been tothe doctors...walked in and he goes..."just to tell you that your cholestoral is 7.8 and I think you should go back on immediate reaction was that it?been up all night worrying about why you want to see me the day after me bloods and thats it?apparently the nurse should never have booked the appt for a month time ..nor should she have said "if theres anything wrong they will be in touch with you straight away!!! anyways thats it all that worry for nowt...but hey got to get stressed over summat now and again..went on the pallet run thats another job done just got to wood preserve it the pic time...thank you bto those that sent me their support actually dont know how much it means when youare like a scared little kid....thank you..
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                hey Mick - just popping in -really pleased you are ok,I had a really scarily worded letter last year that was saying in a very complicated way that I was fine!Such a relief for you.
                Hi NS - belated birthday from me.
                Lav glad you have power
                Hey Pie,PPQ,Det,SF,Pauly,Sam and everyone.

                Shattered today - evening meeting then I woke up at 5am as I forgot to put my eyemask on!

                I need new curtains!Had snooze after work after 2 difficult meetings - one about next steps with my non performer,one about new member of staff with depression who keeps calling in sick,or rather not calling me!

                Set her home as she was too upset/seemed too hungover to work, I told her I think I can smell alcohol really strongly, which is a bit close to home for me,she denied it. I gave her work support and advice line details,listened to her cry and talk and walked her to her doctor's down road to get an appt. All very difficult, tiring and emotional,I really feel for her and am genuinely worried about her.Almost like a mirror.
                So snooze,then yoga class,beans on toast and cat and sofa in PJs for me.
                one day at a time


                  Oh, Bear! What a day! Take care of you, okay?


                    Great news, Mick!! And one more reason to enjoy all those lovely vegetables from your garden, sans butter, I guess.


                      Mick,glad everything's OK,don't take those statins though, they messed with you last time,I know there's got to be a supplement for cholesterol, fish oil?mood is a bit better after keeping sort of busy at work, just worried cuz I have rent and had to pay taxes before I get fees,money problems make my head spin!think of drink but jeez that would only F-up my finance problem more,grrr,trying to diet is making me crazy too,I want a big fat ice cream!my new doctor is trained in addiction and she said never try quitting drinking,smoking, dieting, etc all at once or you'll fail at them all,makes sense but its no excuse to be a pig,just venting about things, Bear,I feel bad for your co-worker,makes me sad think we've all been there,hope everyone is having a good day
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Mae all...

                        Mick...thanks for kicking us off this morning. Sorry you had to stress over the doc's appointment and am glad it was nothing serious. Are you going back on the statins? I know they don't agree with you. I just shake my head at some of things these nurses say without thinking. More and more we have to be on top of our own health. Hope you have a better sleep tonight. Pallets in the car!!! Not sure if I'll ever put something in mine! LOL Garden is coming along good, everything is up and growing. Once we get the coolaroo seating area finished I'll post some pics.

               my fingers crossed for you too. Hope the mail run went smoothly.

                        Lav...glad to hear the power was restored, that can be a real pain to deal with.

                        Pi...Pi Land....I like that. It's nice to have some quiet time isn't it.

               sound like I felt just before I took some time off. I totally agree with the getaway. It made a world of difference for me. Hope your day got better.

                        Bear...what a day you've had. Hope the snooze helped. Decision made with one employee now you have to deal with another. It's amazing how clearly we can see AL issues in others once we quit drinking. Good on you for walking her to the docs. Hope the yoga class helps you relax and enjoy your evening.

                        I plan on having a quiet evening at home as well. The ex has been on a manic lately and I've been getting calls at 1am, 2am, 3am.....unplugging all the phones tonight. Have a peaceful evening all.....:smile:PPQP


                          ahoy hoy ABeroooonies!

                          Mick, you should be good on your pre-flight physical now, so back in the rocket ship tomorrow!

                          Pauly, stabbing people will likely cause you more stress! I've stabbed myself a few times in training and it certainly wasnt fun. and ran a sword
                          through my friends hand in martial arts training in my teens. not great!

                          Bear, you need a vaycay or at least a good comedy! so proud of you for sticking AF through this.

                          Lav, how the heck did you post here with no internet today? private satellite I'm guessing.

                          loverly quietish day at home with Dx

                          be well peeps
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            PPQ, my phone ringer gets turned off when I go to bed every night. nothing more fun than a wrong call from some drunk guy that needs
                            a ride home at 3am
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              I turn my phone off too before bed,I shouldn't cuz of the kids but I have friends that think going to bed at 2 a.m is normal and I get texts between 10 and then,I'm a nerd who goes to bed at 9 so I sure as heck don't want to hear from anyone
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

