hiya Sam...how are you today?all well ?out on your rounds?when do you hear about the conservation job?fingers crossed for you....any gigs over the weekend?
hi NS..hows the world with you today then?all good?glad you are a reglar here now......any plans for the weekend?any special interests/hobbies?
hi Lav ..glad youve got power back on.....so thats it no more trips out to eateries..home cooking!!strangley enough your comments were exactly what the doc ..said..you feel ok..?then you are ok..with that kinda diagnosis how come it takes so long to qualify....brew time ready for one?
hey pie...hows pie land today then?quiet is good..!yep wood collected cut ,screwed up ..job nearly done..you would never think it had been used for transporting goods around!any plans for the weekend?working at the rescue?as for the veggies yep ..no butter on them ..black pepper tho ..luv that..
hiya pauly....well what kinda mood we got on today then?all good today?have you given any more thought to career changing?...now is good ..otherwise it might be a an I wish I had ...especially if you aint happy in your current position.....whats your weekend got in store for you?quit or are all the kids round yours?as for the satins..they gave me a months supply..if they get on with me ..fine if not..goodbye..Ive no intention of living the next how many years as a miserable git ..ok more miserable!!!because Ive got to take them...also change my diet ..use d to be really good ...but things slip...will get back into it pretty quick tho
hiya bear ..hows you today then?All good..?interesting about the employee smelling of booze ..strange how you get attuned to it when you dont drink....as for it being a mirror..yes I can see where you are coming from...but it stops there...I actually think that it is a good self motivator..a..first of all you noticed she smelt of booze....b ..you did something about it..now for me..the case would be ..I highlighted it ..never can I be in that position..and also do I want to be? wow your life is taken up with hr issues ..non performers no shows etc!!!anyways weekend now so have a good one...
hiya Det ..starship enterprise here!!hows you then?where are you?will you be staying at home for the weekend?any plans any more trips next week?look at me just like the nosey neighbour!!
hiya ppqp...hows you today then thanx for the wishes...yes you are rigth ..we do have to look after our own health..but sometimes we get a fast ball from nowhere ..so your ex has been at it again?as I recall you went thru this scenario coupla years ago too didnt you?I work on the premise my phone is for getting in touch with people not vice versa!!yes methinks the car needs a clean out..not dirty ,but definitely untidy!!!!any plans with the new wheels for the weekend?
hi sf....can always rely on you to come up with summat different!!good for you....it actually doesnt sound too bad a lifestyle there youve got...up down to the pool ..yoga ,then swim...and now selling Amish furniture coupla days a week too...whats the difference between quaker and Amish furniture ?is there any?If the guy doesnt drink ..then thats defo a good environment for you..how are you getting on with the no booze campaign?you still controlling it ok...hope so ...
right peeps time for the offski...poets day!!!
have a good un...
My Renaissance period furniture has at last arrived from France.
It shouldn't take long to get moved in, there's at least 20 North African delivery men here to unload it.
I have a dilemma. I have to take my dog to the pet psychiatrist but he knows he is not allowed on the couch.
Scientists are conducting experiments to determine why a giraffe's legs are so long.
I'm no expert, but at a guess I'd say that if they were shorter they wouldn't reach the ground.
11.34: Arrived at crime scene
11.34: Examined body. Signs of a struggle
11.34: Found murder weapon in drain
11.34: Realised watch was broken
The phone rang.
"Mr Hughes?"
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Mr. Hughes, we need you to come and pick your son up from school."
"Oh, shit, what's he gone and done now?"
"Nothing, Mr. Hughes. It's just that it's nearly midnight."
I have been told that they're not making shortbread any longer.
You can safely store milk and raw beef at 101.5 °F.
In a cow
My supermarket delivery van just arrived with 50 cans of beer and a 2 kilo bag of mixed salad. Sarcastically the driver said - healthy diet I see. I replied, I try my best but its getting the pet rabbit off the beer that's a fcking problem.
How to ride an Escalator:
Step 1.
Now chill out.