mornin Lav...happy anniversary for yesterday..504 months ?eek big numbers brew time....hers a thought for you....before doing the laser surgery thingy....why dont you try freeze spray or something like that on it?you get 2 different types ...aerosol sprays..the cold (freeze) and the one that warms the works on us yoomans..why couldnt it work on dogs?cant think why not...might be worth looking into...
hey pie hows you?all good ..Sandy likes her new ramp...few mods to do but nowt special...sleeping on a marshmallow....ouch ...prefer a hard mattress...and if my pillows are soft end up with a headache!!
hey pauly great to see you back in chirpy land.....gotta conclude with ns in some ways re you n do really well..and then blow it all to rat....but when you look at what its about..its about keeping every day you aint drinking gives you credits on the health totin up your points aint doin so bad maam..if you dont mind me saying, the time that you siad that you were gonna drink on this fred last time...the decision was wasnt negotiable no matter what anyone time..if there is...force yourself not to drink until you get some answers off someone on here...not just a dont do it answer but an alternative strategy..will you give it a go?theres all sorts we could do..from physical to mental strategies...but the point is matter what ..every day you aint boozin you R winning..:hug:
ppqp...thats ace I bet my angel does think...whats he up to now!!!!as for the sun was dans le jardin till half past nine thirty last night were grand here you go a wee ray of sunshine coming your way...
hey Sam ...hows you you today then?all good my organic mattress mean a bed o straw?????
hey ns.....your post.... it will be hard to go back to a Black and Decker. pray tell why are you using a drill to process food??

hey bear....your post ...Focusing on breathing is calming for me. yep guess breathing figures quite high up on my list too!!glad you are doing okand the work issue wasnt as bad as you thought....
Mr G...hows you dude??long time no see hows the land of the Wizard doing? thought youd gotta part in neighbours or summat!!!reading your post was good about the is very much like see it coming,then you have to deal with it and then it goes...its the how you deal with it that counts go over the top smoothly,or eyes shut plunge thru it...or struggle with it till you think ..ah sod it lets see what happens Im beat...but def good post now that surfin is on the table ..have a bonzer mate..
hey det...hows you today?all good?are you home now or any more trips lined up?
hi matt hows you today then doing good?
right folks for the offski...have a good one....
My deaf mate has dislocated all of his fingers.
He took some whizz and couldn't stop talking.
Yesterday, I saw a sheep pole-dancing.
It was in a kebab shop.
Greece was so much better in the 70s.
When John Travolta was the head honcho.
One time only deal...
We offer to return the Elgin marbles to Greece.
Providing they can afford the post and packaging.
Greece: "We'll bounce back."
"We've just had a bit of a rough patch the last 2,000 years."
"Chips and Gravy please," I said to the school receptionist.
"This isn't a chip shop sir, are you sure you're in the right place?" she frowned.
"Look I didn't name them, it's their crazy fcking mother."
There was a letter on my doormat this morning with the words "do not bend" on it.
I thought, well how the fck am I going to pick it up?
After announcing he's getting married, a guy tells his pal he'll be wearing a kilt. 'And what's the tartan?' asks the mate. 'Oh, she'll be wearing a white dress.' he replies.
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