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Friday, June 8th

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    Friday, June 8th

    Thank god it's Friday! (for those of us on this side of the date line! :H). I'm never quite sure whether to post in yesterdays page or start a new one, so am going to extend over from Thursday.

    Bootcampbarbie - Enjoy your weekend where you are controlling your destination, instead of the booze controlling it. I can relate! Enjoy.

    Padme & Breez, I have been running/riding several times a week for the past 6 weeks and I *still* have a cushioned butt! :H I hope you both had great workouts!

    Day 5/30 - You know, in a funny kind of way, I'm looking forward to the weekend only because I know that I won't drink. I hope that's a good thing and I can tell you, I've never thought that before! I think it's a good sign I think a bad sign of a potential relapse (which is totally out of the equation) is feeling confident about having alcohol under control. I will never have a healthy relationship with alcohol and I'm glad that I am acting on it now, while I'm 37 and young...ish.

    I've decided that I'm going to make myself the priority of the house on weekends (at least in my own mind :H) for these first few weeks/months as I know this is when I am most vulnerable. I'm kind of thinking of this as my own personal rehab at home.

    For those of us facing our first AF weekend, here's a link to Irish's Sobriety Toolkit post. This tool is in itself... GOLD! Print it out and keep it nearby.

    Scoobs xo
    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    Friday, June 8th

    Hi Scoob it's 5 pm here in AZ --TGIF to U! My workout was good; felt awesome after! I think it is a wonderful idea prioritizing your weekends to support you. There is a quote I read somewhere "Make it a habit to stay loyal to things that support the highest part of you." What you said really resonated with me. You are honoring yourself and "knowing" but still being "aware" is a good sign. You Grow Girl! You sound strong and determined.

    AF 21, March 2010

    "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


      Friday, June 8th

      Hi Scoobs!
      I think I'm going to nose my way right in over here for a while, hopefully longer!

      I've done really well for the most part with moderating, but am ready to make some more changes. I'm in counseling for other issues, but I've been very open about the drinking issue with her. She's very gently putting the screws to me, so I know I have to step it up. Not only for me, but for my family. They are very proud of me, but like you, I'm 38 young-ish, and I really want to enjoy the best part of my life without the battle! Well, it may always be a weakness, but I want to prove to myself and my family that it is not more important than they are. I have one more year left before my daughter leaves for college, and I want to make the best of it.

      This is a new road for me, so I hope I can be honest and you guys will help me along the way. I'm afraid of long commitments such as 30 days b/c I've always blown it in the past. But for now, its one day at a time and I'd love to think that I will keep on keepin on! Oh... and its still Thursday here for sure, 8:30 in the evening so the wine is out of the house and I'm posting here instead!

      Have a great weekend! (Sorry for barging in... ahem.)

      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


        Friday, June 8th

        Morning All!

        Welcome Allie~I wake up each morning & say "today I'm deciding not to drink". It gives me the power & as I finish up each day AF I know that tommorrow I can do it again. I do have my tiny goals (like 200 AF days is my next stepping stone) where when I feel weak I'll think to myself "why ruin a good thing...200 (or 180 or another month) is just around the corner". Good luck.

        Pad-luv it-"you grow girl".

        Scoobs-we'll have to get on you like we do Wee when she posts a day in advance.

        Today is my & hubby's 11th wedding anniversary.
        You know what, I can't remember what we did last yr for our anniversary-ugh-I was probably on a celebratory binge....not good. This man stood by my addiction thru thick & thin & deserves a medal. This man obviously saw something in me that I didn't that I just masked with alcohol. God bless his soul. He is my true angel-my true soul mate. Don't get me wrong, he still gets on my pms nerve but I love him nonetheless. He & I joke about that when we get old I'll have to repay him by taking care of him when he's old. I joke that I'll stick him in a home or place his wheelchair in front of the TV & force him to watch Lifetime movies (Lifetime-television for women that show movies) LOL!

        Have a Fantastic Friday!
        Attached files [img]/converted_files/261347=1087-attachment.jpg[/img]
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Friday, June 8th

          Good Morning,

          It is a great morning indeed working on day six here with five AF days behind me. I'm not as worried about AF days so much now but I'm worried about AF situations I need to keep myself out of the situations that might be too much to bear right now.

          Scoob, I feel like you....a relapse is OUT OF THE QUESTION!! I thought it was interesting after I read your age and then Prest said she was 37 that a lot of us are around the same age......I'm also 38.

          I also run and lift weights I did my first 1/2 marathon in Louisville this year! It was awesome......I hope to do another one next year.

          Prest, you can do this!:l

          Breez, thanks for the quote "today I'm deciding not to drink" It's good to reaffirm each day.

          Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          I wish everyone a wonderful and alcohol free Friday!

          :h :h :h :h


            Friday, June 8th

            Aloha Friday AB-landers!

            Nice day in Scottsdale and we'll be off to Vegas after a quick meeting here.

            Allie, so nice to see you here.
            Breeze big congrads on the 11 year anny. you got two years on Dx and I...nice to see the happiness infection spreading
            speaking of exercise I miss my martial arts classes dearly whenever I'm on the road, but be back Sat night at least...a day earlier than we thought!

            Be well and remember: a garlic a day keeps the warewolves away
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Friday, June 8th

              Scottsdale Det? wow, I'm a short 40 minutes away, I'm waving from my mountain top!
              Breez my hubby and I are the same (warts and all.) Happy Anniversary!
              Allie sometimes one day at a time is the best approach. Your daughter will be glad to have a mom around that is "all there." and trust me, the graduation thing is easier with some sobriety time behind it.
              Rachele -- a marathon! I've always wanted to do that but never had the where with all to train. If you can do that you can do anything!
              Everyone have a rockin AF weekend.

              AF 21, March 2010

              "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                Friday, June 8th

                Thanks for the link Scooby. And to Louise once again for the original post. Happy anniversary Breeze. A good alcohol free weekend to all.


                  Friday, June 8th

                  Padme, I thought the end of the quote said "run" I like it

                  Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field. I'll meet you there. rumi
                  :h :h :h :h


                    Friday, June 8th

                    Evening All,
                    Happy Anniversary Breez.
          'll have a great weekend, I'm sure.
                    And Quiescent....Your both stars. Keep it up.
                    Padme and D. You seem very positive, which is always a good feeling.
                    Enjoy your weekend Louise and all to come.
                    I'm still feeling great. Amazing.
                    I love this place.


                      Friday, June 8th

                      Happy weekend to all....

                      Just popping in to say I feel so fantastic today and I heard someone say that the decision to not drink is over half the battle. I think I can agree with that, but too early to tell I guess. A little nervous about the weekend as we have a big company dinner tonight at a great restaurant that has one of my favorite wines, but I know a few other wives who do not drink, so I will make a point to sit with them. Rachele - for me its going to be the situations that are harder than doing this at home on my own without the temptation around me.

                      I will do fine I'm sure.
                      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                        Friday, June 8th

                        Popeye, you are too sweet

                        Good Luck Allie, splurge on something you wouldn't usually eat.....that'll give you something great to look forward to.

                        I have ideas

                        Lobster or Crab
                        Extra bread with "real" butter
                        some yummy potato something
                        :h :h :h :h


                          Friday, June 8th

                          OMG Allie!

                          I just looked in the photo gallery are realized who you are. ( I have a new name too ....formerly imagine)

                          I'm such a ditz:nutso:

                          Nice to see you here

                          We can all get though this together
                          :h :h :h :h


                            Friday, June 8th

                            Hey Imagine...Hey Allie.....why the name changes? Did you leave and come back?

                            Happy to see you both!
                            same ole Lisa


                              Friday, June 8th


                              I changed mine because (imagine) is part of my email address and I thought it would be too easy for someone to figure it out.

                              If they dig far enough at this point, I don't really care but I was worried just browsing would blow my cover........that I don 't really have

                              Anyway it was a popular thing to do a couple of months ago....several people changed user names and I just followed the crowed. I suppose that's what has always got me into trouble in the first place!
                              :h :h :h :h

