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July Jewels

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    July Jewels

    I'm posting late in the day and I'm afraid this one will be a quick one. I figured I could start the new thread and have it ready for the morning. Someone mentioned using the Jewel title again for July and I thought it seemed like a good idea too.

    Star, :hug: You and your dad are in my thoughts and prayers. I can imagine how difficult this must be for you and your family.

    Cyn, thanks for the gooseberrie memory. I loved it!

    Lav, Pauly, Papmom, thinking of you all and I will try to be a better poster tomorrow!

    Enjoy a peaceful, AF evening.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    Thanks for kicken us off for July Dill
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Good morning...

      How funny, we didn't even notice it was July! So, the summer is moving along. Thanks for your support regarding my Dad, it is a really tough time, and living so far away makes it even worse.

      Lav, wow, the kids are there till 10, what a long day.

      Dill, thanks for starting the thread for this month. Greatly appreciated.

      Pauly, so good to hear your daughter is doing better.

      Cyn, what a good gooseberry story, and what a cool trip. Hope you have some time to relax!

      To all, have a good day.


        Good Thursday morning friends!

        Cloudy & about to start raining here, oh well.
        Had a nice evening out with no kids, ha ha. We went out to eat then to Longwood Gardens to check out their new event 'Nightscapes'. It was interesting to stroll through the conservatory & garden paths with the light & sound additions. They also opened their new Beer Garden last night, ha ha! It was bizarre to see people walking around with a glass of beer or wine in their hands. It's all about drawing the crowds & the almighty dollar I guess.

        Star, I hope you are OK. Thinking about you & your Dad.

        Dill, thanks for getting us moved into July

        Pauly, glad to see you up & running! The further we move away from AL the more sane we become. Life will never be perfect but we sure do handle the ups & downs better with clear heads.

        Cyn, you are the only person I know who has a fond memory of gooseberries, ha ha!
        YB had some planted around here but he got rid of them. I never knew they had so many thorns & complained when I was getting my hands & wrists scratched reaching through to get to an outside water spigot. I hope you get some quiet time this week.

        Hi there Papmom!

        I'm going to make a run to Curves then return here for some much needed cleaning & organizing.
        Have a great AF day everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Star, I think part of the reason we didn't notice that July was upon us is because June felt somehow like it never got started! It's been so rainy, cool and gloomy this past June. I hope July brings better weather.

          Lav, your evening at Longwood sounds super nice. I even think the Beer Garden sounds like a very nice idea, at least for the normals! There was a time long ago that I could have enjoyed an evening like that and stopped at just one.

          Hiya Pauly, Papmom, and Cyn.

          Mr. D and I took a drive to a place that sells fireworks. It's been years since we have done anything like that! I hope we have some nice weather tomorrow night when our son and grandkids will be here. No drinking for any of us!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Good morning...

            We are off to the zoo today, with grandson and a few others. No rain forcast, but woke up this morning to rain, so hope our plans don't have to change!

            Lav, what a lovely night. I have noticed there are beer gardens, bars, almost everywhere. Lots of people choose NOT to drink also, but we don't seem to notice them as much. The gardens sound so lovely. I am hoping today to go to the gardens at this zoo and the butterfly conservatory. The environments are magical, liking being in a fairy tale.

            Dill, how fun, fireworks. They have been blowing them off around here for two weeks straight. Luckily I can fall asleep easily. So nice to have your family celebration for the 4th. The concert we are attending tomorrow will probably have alcohol, but I am planning on straight up Coke or Pepsi, my drink of choice.

            Hello to Pauly, Cyn, Pap, have a great day.


              Good morning friends!

              I do believe I see some sunshine, how nice

              Dill, I hope your family celebration goes well & the fireworks thrill the kids & adults alike!
              I have not been able to coordinate kids & grandkids so I currently have nothing planned this weekend. Maybe I'll get a chance to catch up on some outside work.

              Star, a trip to the zoo sounds perfect, have a great time with your family

              Nothing else happening here for now so I'll get myself to Curves.
              Greetings to Cyn, Pauly & Papmom.
              Have a great AF day everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Morning friends, Lav,we don't have much planned either,make hubs grill burgers and I'll make potato salad that I never make cuz I'm the only one who eats it and it takes so long to make,to me anyways, watch the hot dog eating contest for sure,I love it!!and probably buy a small assortment of fireworks, we mostly watch the neighbors let theirs off cuz they get the illegal ones so its basically a block wide professional fireworks display have fun at the zoo Snoop,Iwish there was one here to take Louie to,but tthere's other things like the shark reef or springs preserve,Dill you sound as excited as a child about your fireworks so cute!hello to all,off to find food,tummy rumbling, have a great Friday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Jumping in with a super-quick hello. Will come back later today - just want to say hi, and thanks to Dill for getting us started. Babysitting a sick dog, so have to stay close and watch him carefully -- more soon. Cheers -


                    Hope your dog feels better soon Tree
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Yum, I love home-made potato salad! Burgers on the grill, too. Sounds like a solid plan to me, Pauly!

                      Cyn, I hope your doggie is feeling better!

                      Lav, I think a quiet weekend sounds really good. It will be the opposite here. Tonight we will be setting off our fireworks and tomorrow we will be at the lake. I sure hope the weather cooperates. It's raining as I am typing tho. Sigh.

                      Star, have fun at the zoo and at the concert, too. I went to a performance yesterday at a friend's church. They put on a big show each year on the 4th of July weekend. As a part of it they honor all the vets in the audience by inviting them up to the stage and singing the anthems for each branch. It's really touching.

                      Have a great AF Friday evening everyone!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Good morning...

                        No rain today, so let's hope that for once the weather people are right about the sunny, reasonably warm day!!! Had so much fun at the zoo. Babysat afterwards for about 4 hours, so had a fulfilled day. Today, we decided to go out for breakfast, then planning our later day.

                        Have fun everyone, we are all able to be with family and AF. It doesn't get better than that.


                          Happy 4th Everyone!

                          Star, you said it! Nothing better than being able to be celebrating a holiday with family AF! We set off our little fireworks display last night amidst a light fog, sparkling lightning bugs and a chorus of frogs at the pond. We brought chairs out to the pasture and watched as the day turned in to night. The clouds were spectacular with the sunset playing off of them. I think it may have been my best 4th ever! It was wonderful to be present and in the moment, 3 generations together. In the past of course I would have been celebrating with some kind of spiked drink. Looking back I realize now that the alcohol muted the vitality of the moment. I honestly did not understand back then as I do now.

                          Lovely to add another AF memory to the bank!

                          Cyn, Lav, Pauly, Papmom, greetings and hope you all are enjoying your weekend.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!
                            We are free to live our lives as we wish, free to celebrate with family, free of the grips of AL - we truly have it all

                            Star & Dill, you both had an awesome day yesterday, good for both of you!
                            These are the memories we deserve to have & to cherish.

                            It looks like rain moving in here today which is going to be problematic for many, that's a shame.
                            It looks like waiting until tomorrow for my family gathering was a good idea. I will have son & his family here for dinner. My son is actually working one of his local PT jobs until 6 pm but he'll get here soon after.

                            Greetings Cyn. I hope your doggie is OK, hope you are too!

                            Hi there Pauly & Papmom. What's going on with you guys today?

                            Have a wonderful AF July 4th everyone!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Good morning, all! It sounds like your 4ths were great - how wonderful. We drove back from ME yesterday, but got stopped in a small town which had a great parade, so we felt as if we had celebrated. We also heard an author on the Diane Rehm show who spoke the entire Declaration of Independence, which was really something to hear. It was a great discussion of that document - I don't recall the guest's name, but she has just written a book about the Declaration - she teaches at Princeton, but she sounds so clear and insightful - I think it must be a great read.

                              Boy dog turned out to be fine; a couple of throw-ups and he felt better, but slowly. I was concerned the he had gotten into some poison or something (you never know at a rental house) so I was watching him closely. Crisis averted!

                              Off to NYC today to work with my client - his pack day is Friday, and we have a lot of organizing to do. He's 86, and I think my being gone these weeks has been hard on him (even though family came and stayed with him for part of that time). So I need to get down there to see him and make our Move-Out plan happen. I'm tired and achey from the 6 + hours in the car yesterday, but at least on the train I can stand up and move about. With all the security alerts about the city, I think I'll avoid transferring to Times Square - I'll do some walking instead, which will do me good.

                              I hope everyone has more wonderful family time and a happy, sunny, AF day!

