
No announcement yet. humpday 2nd July

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new posts humpday 2nd July

    mornin all....firstly happy birthday to SF .... for yesterday....knew it was but didnt know whether she wanted it broadcast on here ...well we had reallly hot weather here some places up to the 40s..tho the highest here was 36......and then last night ...a masseeeeeeeeev thunder storm rain and was brill to watch....then this morning it is overcast and muggy...defo going to do some rain thingy how are we all doing?good I hope...ok then lets make a start

    brews all round gang...

    first up on the list is Matt......hiya mate ...well done on yer days no drinking buddy ....and the 11 months youve tagged on behind it...!!!its a great feelin not to be tied down to the bottle isnt it?you out public protectin today?stay away from grills n barbies...

    yo Mr G... 2 days here on here I are you today mate?

    hiya ppqp...happy canadia day for yesterday tho I notice that you were doing on line should have been spinnin those wheels around!!!

    hiya Lav...hows lady longwood then?get any plants from the gardens?what was the light show like?was it as good as the thunder n lightning show?heres a brew before you get back to work...

    hey bear...well done you ...mebbes this is the one ..when you start thinking like that its a great sign....when you can sit there and say no actually I dont want one as opposed to trying to rip heads off to get one!!

    hiya Sam the man..hows you today nothing back from the soil n conservation gang then?.....look on the bright side mate...they havent said are you finished with the post now or still doing it?

    hiya Roxy how you doing today then?all good?

    good mornin pauly hows you today then?hopefully good....hows Louie.... got over his tantrums?yep you might be right might jest grow out of boozin...hope so ....anyways have a great day ..

    hiya pie...hows you today then?all good...not much cooking going on there...does that mean youre on salad???:happy2:any projects on the go?me ...Ive just worked out that my courgettes outside are doing a lot better than the ones that are in the covered frame at the back of the greenhouse so they are coming out.....

    hiya ns ..hows you today ..hows the dog doing hopefully ok.......

    SF....Happy birfday to you...intereting sa that people telling you to quit and using the normal ways doesnt reeelly help...ok that case why not do off the wall stuff then...when you get the urge to drink do something mad...(within the bounds of legality!!)

    lots of bluebottles flying about here....and Ive got one of them zapper Im gonna be Andy Murray!!!! yeehah...have a good one folks!!

    The EU has just announced that with immediate effect all Euro notes will be printed on Greece proof paper.

    Someone's offered me a lift to the Madness concert this week.

    It's very kind of them to offer but I like driving in my car

    Sure, the England womens football team are upset at losing but imagine the ironing pile if they got any further

    My new girlfriend asked me if I've had a productive day.

    Well, I learnt that the fish in my tank don't care if you stare at them in a shark mask.

    It seems like the UK has repossessed Greece's weather, until they pay their bill!

    I wanted to be more Greek in my life, so I learned how to make taramasalata, planted an olive tree in my garden and took out a loan with Wonga.

    Matti Makkonen, the inventor of SMS has died. I would like to send my sympathy -

    To all the parents whose children have no command of the English language, due to abbreviating everything.
    U no wat i sayin ?

    "Right, that's it. Something's got to be done." Said the wife, "I'm sick of spending night after night, munching on pizza and chewing toffees. No more!!"

    "Finally," I cheered. "Are you thinking of your health?"

    "No, a blender."

    "What's your biggest strength?"

    "Lying in job interviews."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Morning all,

    Mick, I'll have to look up "courgettes" to see what that is. Nothing in need of a nail gun from the sound of it. Yes, actually on the salads; mighty appealing during the summer. Along with banana splits, I'll add.

    Hi SF, Do you teach yoga? And a big Happy Birthday to you!


      Good Thursday morning Abbers,

      It's going to be a rain day here, oh well.
      We did enjoy the event at Longwood Garden last evening. Unknown to us last evening was also the opening of their brand new beer garden, ha ha!! It was unusual to see folks walking around with a glass of beer or wine in their hands. I imagine this is an attempt to draw in more visitors - anything for the almighty dollar. I just hope they don't wreck the calm, happy family atmosphere that I've always appreciated.

      Mick, sounds like you had the massive storm we had here 2 nights ago!
      Stay cool & out of that humidity - you don't want frizzy hair

      Pie, the courgettes are flowering in my garden & I hope to get some nice zucchini soon
      I have a recipe to make jalapeno pickles which I will attempt to make with the half pound of jalapenos I harvested this week. I won't eat the things myself but others around here will.

      Greetings to everyone stopping by today. I'll stop in later, need to get myself to Curves.
      Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        morning all!
        finally got baby chicks out of the house last night and pigs moved to a different area. Those dang things are hard to catch, I'm going to watch the pig event at the fair this year with a different perspective for sure! They all seem to be happy in their new digs. Saw the resident blacksnake last night en route from one barn to the other. No eggs noticeable.

        off to do the do. have a good one friends

        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Mae everybody, just a quick pop in to say hi,not much going on here,dark skies may rain, back after work
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Pie...yes, I do teach yoga. I've taught for almost 5 years now. Mostly private yoga vs. classes. I work at the studio to get free yoga

            The hypno seems to be taking effect. I'm using a different one than the MWO one...

            Other than that.....taking 3 classes today.....hoping to get in a swim.....then the kids and I are going out to see hubby play. It's at a Mexican place......I can usually pile on the calories.


              Good MAE, Abbers

              Thanks for asking about Ms. Dog. The anti-inflammatory medication definitely is helping. Her appointment got moved to this afternoon so see if we're talking arthritis. I guess that won't be too surprising for an almost 8 year old golden but I had hoped she would avoid it. With our first one, my husband I both ran/jogged with her for years and she ended up paying the price for that. It just isn't how dogs were made to exercise. So this one has had walks and swims and the high-intensity, burst exercise that she loves but... she still might have some problems. We'll see.

              Mick, a special day is coming up for you soon. We'll be setting off fire works for you here - that is just how much of a big deal it is :smile:! I quit drinking in July of 2012, too, and had quite a bit of success for weeks at a time but for whatever reason, it didn't click for good until I put NoSugar out there by posting here. I wish we had been quit buddies but mostly, I'm glad for what all of us who have quit for whatever amount of time have gained.

              Pauly, I saw your post about your AF success rate and the shorter and shorter durations of drinking episodes. That is so encouraging! I hope you and all the other abbers (Hi, Pie, Sam, Lav, SF, and those to come) have a happy and sober holiday weekend (I think it begins tomorrow for just about everyone).

              :hug: NS


                hidy ho ABsters!!

                packing up for camping trip into the super hot desert. yay!

                Lav, speaking of jalapenos I tried sneaking some into Dx's omelette this morning and that didn't work out so good. d-oh! it didn't taste very hot
                to me but my definition of such things is... different.

                Sam, pig wrestling eh?

                NoSugar, hope your woofer is shipshape soon.

                SunFlower happy birthday! have some fun Mexican chow for me.

                Mick, the people of Earth will raise a glass of pellegrino to your interplanetary sobriety-vehicle on your special day!

                I'm not sure I'll have internet in the following couple days so I bid you all a fantabulous happy weekend and a happy Independence Day to my fellow yanks.

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  MAE ALL....

                  Short post as I'm still at work and it's been an exhausting day. Just wanted to check in to stay accountable.
                  Hopefully will have time to properly post over the weekend.
                  Boss back on Monday...YAY!....:smile:PPQP


                    Sheesh,what a day! Think they rounded up every idiot in Vegas and dropped them off at the shop and its hot/humid so I have to stick my hand into sweaty hair,it was just eww!feel bad cuz this morning I thought it was gonna rain and so I put some plants out to soak it up,came home and one has burned leaves makes me sad,I've had that plant for a long time,Happy Birthday SF Det,behave out there,hello to all,gonna pull a Bear and throw on my p.j's
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Sorry about the plant Pauly ~ sounds like my kind of luck.
                      About handling yucky hair for your clients - I totally understand. Nearly 30 years working in hospitals I think I touched every yucky thing on the planet, more than once, ha ha!! I didn't even wear my shoes inside my house some days when I got home, just left them on the deck. Then I went straight to the shower, didn't even stop to say hello to anyone

                      Det, don't melt on your camping trip. I didn't get to the jalapenos today - will do them tomorrow for sure. I'll find someone willing to eat them. ha ha!!

                      PQ, are you working too hard? Rest woman!!!

                      NS, hope your pup is OK. I was lucky with my Goldens, they never had any arthritis problems. Now my Swiss mountain dog is another story. I think you & Mick make perfect quit buddies!!

                      Sam, your piggies are getting so big & cute! I hope they are happy in their new place

                      SF, glad to hear you found a hypno that you like. Stick with it & you'll notice big changes!

                      Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

