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sunday 19th july

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    sunday 19th july

    mornin all are we today then?Im off out in a minute ..was supposed to be mon tue wed ,but somehow sunday has got tagged on guees this will be a quick jump in...

    first things first...brew time...everyone agree?

    hiya SF......How did you manage to hurt your back again?hope it gets better soon...didnt realise you were working for the Amish store..glad its working out.

    morning did your visit with your dad go?hope all went well.

    hiya pauly,how are you today?all good?

    hi bear...yep I did the same the other night..woke up at about 3am with some guy on the telly trying to sell me a garden hose!!yes I need to get back into a bit of a routine,with both eating and exercise.I will

    hiya Lav..Philip here!hows you today then?all good hopefully ...nice fb is pretty guffy over here guess Im going to get soaked!split down some plants yesterday ,cowslip, primrose,primula,iris so now got double the got 13 in the cupboard..and given a couple away...stir fry land here we come....

    hiya pie how are you today then?when does sg go?..will you be looking at getting another student in the immediate future?hope all the shows are enjoyable..

    hiya Sam,well did you get some toons played?you need to tell us a wee bit about the noo job ...what does it involve?

    hi are you today then?hmm that pattern sounds pretty much familiar to me...kinda like my ethos...gotta be all done now..then wonder why you are done in...

    right folks ..time for the off ..coupla jokes and gone ..tomorrow Im out really early so probably wont be startin fred....

    Pictures of the Queen practicing a Nazi salute as a child have emerged.

    "I knew she was the one for me, as soon as I saw them" said Prince Philip.

    So now we know how high the snow was at Balmoral in 1932.

    I was sat minding my own business the other day when some girl comes up to me and says "Excuse me. How do you spell Apple?"

    "Apple?" I said. "That's one of the easiest words in the English language! My God, you must be absolutely thick as pig sh.t! How old are you?"

    "Four" she said, crying.

    Anyway long story short, I'm no longer a nursery teacher.

    I ran down the platform trying to catch the train thinking.......................................... ............... 'I'm sure I put the brake on.'

    I asked a local drug dealer "How much is an ounce of weed"

    28 grams approximately, He replied.

    I was on a camping trip with my girlfriend.

    She awoke me in the middle of the night and said, "I think there's people outside our tent."

    "Of course there are." I replied, "We live on a highly populated planet."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    hey Mick,early morning on a sunday,outrageous, do you do relaxy stuff,or is that the garden and bunny resort for you?

    Hope everyone is good today - I'm up early,slept really well had epsom salts bath with aromatherapy oils last night,lovely.Still feeling bit anxious on waking/if I wake in night,deep breathing seems to be helping. Got my favourite gym class this am, so off to make a smoothie in a bit,then quick shower and off.

    Four day week next week - and day of decluttering ahead today after gym - at a nice slow pace.Looking forward to it. Hope everyone has a peaceful and happy day.
    one day at a time


      Good morning Abbers,

      Happy Sunday to all
      Another super hot & humid day is on the way so staying inside in the AC is my priority, ha ha!
      I will be sure to get some ice water out for the girls later - seems to help them tolerate these hot spells.

      Mick, glad you are staying busy & out of trouble
      My granddaughter managed to wear all of us out yesterday, including the dogs!!!
      I am happy that the guys got that tree branch off the chicken house roof - I am not fond of heights, ha ha!!
      Hope you day out goes well.

      bear, I hope your day is a good one. I learned to center myself by taking three, slow, deep breaths ~ very helpful

      Greetings to everyone & wishing for a great AF day for all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Well, Bear, I'm going to have to slow down today -- don't feel too well and I'm leaving on a brief trip tomorrow so need to heal ASAP! Your epsom salts bath sounds appealing - might have to do that.

        PPQP, I think you're going to be on your own for another day while your boss watches golf - a 10.5 hour wind delay is crazy! I'm switching between watching that and the Tour de France right now -- it is chilly and windy for the golfers and blazing hot for the cyclers. Weather seems to be weird everywhere this summer.

        I hope your back improves quickly, SF. Back injuries are just the worst in terms of affecting almost everything you do.

        Have a good one, Abbers. NS


          Mae everybody, Mick,it took me a sec to get the weed joke,duh haha,nobody really said anything wrong to me,Lav suggested a hobby but I guess its cuz I ddon't really post about things I DO do,my walking time gives me a meditation/exercise me time,I research healthy alternatives, I try new recipes,I shop,I read,I spend time with Louie,I think Lav and I are the only gramma's here?when you have a grand baby you're watching its not work all the time,its a lot of fun too,we make forts,we play"chase me" we dig in dirt,play cars,color, he "helps" me cook,etc,and of course work drives me nuts,its work,but a lot of the time we have fun,its not like it used to be but its ok,anyways just saying I know I do a lot of bitching but it isn't all as bad as it seems,hello to all,hope everyone has a nice Sunday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            how do all?
            got in late last night so decided to sleep in this morning. It was a nice but small festival. Stayed till about midnight then drove home. Lots of deer to dodge!

            Thanks for the brew Mick. Enjoyed your pics of your handy-work this past week. Believe you missed your calling! My job involves re-certifying "Best Management Practices" that farmers have voluntarily done that involves fencing out creeks, ponds, wetland areas and have water from wells or gravity fed or pumped to water troughs. This was implemented in Virginia to help clean up the Chesapeake Bay. Farmers were helped financially by the state and were given a time of 10 years to keep it in place. So I'm out trying to have farmers sign up for another period of time to keep it in tact since the 10 years has lapsed on many of these areas. I have 5 counties I have to cover. So far it has been right up my alley. I enjoy going to these different farms.

            Lav, you really do ice water for chickens? Never thought of that. Makes sense, in the winter I serve them warm water.

            Bear, once you finish de-cluttering, come on over here, it is ridiculous how junk I have!

            NS, hope you're feeling better, slowing down is a good thing.

            Pauly, you bitch???!! Come on, now....

            Today, working here! Be well good friends.
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Greetings, gang. Cat's got my tongue this morning, but I do have this for Sam, re: your Sunday shouty post.

              And there's this for NS


                Thanks for the pill, Pie! I wish that would do the trick.

                I've got a grandson, too, Pauly, and will be having another one soon. It is as much fun as everyone said it would be.
                I knew I would never take care of a baby if I was drinking so that was part of why I finally did what I'd wanted to do for a long time. There wasn't one on the way in 2013 but I figured that day was coming so I wanted to be ready for it. And I was :smile:!


                  Happy Sunday ABerooooos!!

                  Mick, thanks as always for booting us up and into the day.

                  Lav, hot here as well (sans humidity at least). Got out early yesterday for hike/shoot which was great healthy time with friends.

                  Sam, new job sounds fantastic. so glad you're liking it. I'd love to get into a more mentally healthy work environment but the job situation in
                  general is pretty scary. So many of our large suppliers are dumping employees like mad. eeek!

                  on the gardening front... my one lonely tomato plant is healthy! figured I'd start small and see how goes. so far so good.

                  Dx spent the night at a friends place so just a slow morning here in the quiet house. We'll likely watch a movie today and snuggle on the couch which
                  is one of our fav pastimes

                  be well peeps
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    MAE ALL....

                    Mick...thanks for starting us off this morning. So Sunday got added to the early out...hmm. So someone had to cancel and you need a certain number to do whatever it is you do? Great visit with Dad yesterday, weather cooperated and we spent the morning outside. Rest of the day was lazy and relaxing.

                    Bear...sounds like you had an excellent evening and today's plan sounds good. Hope the anxiety passes quickly, I too used the deep breathing if I woke during the night. It helped.

                    Lav...greetings to you too. So do you get today all to yourself?

           take care of that back. Yup, my thoughts exactly when the delay hit the British Open. Geeze!

           I'm going to have to go back and read the weed joke. LOL Hope you're having a good Sunday, been reading the temps down there so take care. No grandkids for me and at this point in my life I'm ok with that. Love hearing everyone else's tales.

                    Sam...sounds like you had an enjoyable evening. I forgot about dodging deer, glad you made it home in one piece. The job sounds just perfect for you. Any chance of it becoming full time or are you happy with the part time hours?

                    Pi...I din't know you had a cat. LOL Hope you're having a good Sunday.

                    Det...glad your tomato plant is doing well. Slow and steady. Your afternoon with Dx sounds heavenly.

                    Been doing the regular Sunday chores during commercials today. Keeping it easy going and enjoying it. Have a peaceful evening all.....:smile:PPQP


                      I really did have the day to myself - except for the 4 shadows following me everywhere, ha ha!!
                      The ITs have been pretty good, it's too hot outside for them though so they've been lounging in the AC

                      Sam, I freeze a bunch of water bottles & drop them into the water feeders. It does help keep the water coolish for them.
                      Glad you are enjoying your new job! I am about 15 minutes away from the Chesapeake Bay area & am well aware of all the work going on to clean it up - great

                      Hey there PQ, Det, Pie & NS - hope you feel better fast!!

                      My grandsons have been spending time with their other grandparents this weekend. I'll bet they are very, very tired about now, ha ha!
                      All grannies need a rest from time to time!!!

                      Peace to everyone tonight!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

