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    mornin you today then?all good hopefully.....well rainin here guess what.....its a lazyish day yep thats right ....sold the other rabbit hutch yesterday so theres lotsa space in my garage now....and yep you guessed the hutch has gone you can clean it up better...(not my words!) found another little job to do in the kitchen...and as I start going out next Sunday ..better get myself sorted out a bit

    anyways ..brew time..

    hiya Sam ...hows you today mate?good sesh on the toones yesterday?hows the job going.....?

    ns...hey glad your weekend went comes theres stress?I think in life we do need a wee bit to survive ..but its certanly strange how it changes ...I used to get stressed over things like security audits,escapes attempts,maintaining security and all that sorta it stresses me if my rabbits dont play out,or tomatoes dont go red!!!..and as for mick speak...wotz that allabaht? seesier to unnerstand!!!

    hiya pie exchange student here reporting maam ..kit packed ready to go!!...whats with the canine flghts?do you get dogs in from everywhere?

    hiya Lav...hows you today?all good hopefully whats in store for you today then?went out yesterday and I had a big pepper on the plant ..was a belter..note the was...slugs got it!!grrr you go one magic bean brew! my best garlic is elephants foot garlic..seems to do pretty well......did you know there is a national fig day?think its 5th November

    hiya ppqp..hows you then?hows the wheels doing too?so thats the garden up to speed now is it?did you visit your dad over the weekend?

    hiya bear..gotta agree with everyone else...chest pains can be anything from panic attacks/stress/ trapped wind to heart def dont mess about with that..get it checked..hope you are ok.

    quite a few folk missing..hope all is well....take it easy n have a great day

    I'm what's known as "A bit of a ladies man"

    But it's not my fault some pub toilet signs aren't very clear.

    I'm not surprised that most of the Jackson five eventually went off the rails.

    They could only count to 3 and up to C in the alphabet.

    My wife called me while I was at work.

    "Honey, I'm getting contractions." she grunted, "I need you to drive to the hospital."

    When I got there I called her back and said, "What do you want me to do now?"

    I went on a date with a gawjus girl last night, and she paid for everything. All the drinks, entry to the nightclub and even the kebab afterwards.
    It was a fantastic night until I went to walk her home.

    I took her hand and found my wallet in it.

    Just ordered a Star Wars coffee in Starbucks. Luke Warm.

    I was with my best mate today when I saw my wife walk in.

    Quick as flash I hid under a table, hoping that she won't see me.

    "Don't let her see me," I whispered to my mate.

    "Are you kidding me?" he asked.

    "No," I replied, "distract her for me, will ya?" Everyone began to stare.

    "Distract her?" he shouted, looking at the congregation. "Dave it's your fcking wedding!"

    I really don't understand women.

    The girl next door was telling me how much she liked meeting men in high places.

    But when she arrives home from work and finds me hiding on top of her wardrobe I'm a "fecking weirdo".
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    good morning everyone
    looking like rain here as well, Mick. How was everyone's weekend. Full of enjoyable moments I hope! Mick, thanks for the brew and the ha's. Cleaning, one of my favorite all time things to do.

    Got 2 appointments lined up this morning to look at their farms. So far this has been most enjoyable. Getting around the area looking at what other folks do with their farms. Some are pretty good size, not mega farms like out west but pretty good size. Fortunately, most seem to be benefiting from the price cattle being high.

    Off to it. How do to all stopping by today.
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Good Monday morning Abbers!

      We had thunder storms over night & apparently more are on the way today. Good for the gardens I suppose but it means I'll be stuck inside with the boys all day long, ha ha!!! They will be here around 10 this morning!

      Thanks for the magical bean brew Mick. Good on selling the rabbit hutch - future business opportunity building custom rabbit hutches?

      Sam, we have flood warning posted here, ugh. I hope it doesn't rain that much. Glad to hear you are enjoying your farm visits, sounds interesting

      bear, I'm glad we got your attention. Taking care of ourselves has to be our #1 priority! I hope you have a great day!

      Hi there Pie, NS, PQ & everyone!
      Wishing everyone a great AF Monday. Time to prepare for the minion arrival!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        A little stress is probably a good thing, Mick, but this was family stress and I definitely can do without that! In contrast, I'm "home alone" all week this week and looking forward to it - used to be such a nightmare and now is the chance to be super-selfish and enjoy the many hours of doing what I want, when I want!

        So glad you're enjoying your work, Sam (and good luck to you, Lav, with today's "job"!).

        See you later, Pie, PQ, Det, Bear, and any other Abbers who stop by!


          Hello to Abbers One and All!

          Mick, I was keeping a dog for owners who were traveling. Once their flight landed, they headed to my house to pick up their pup. Good on you for finding the old rabbit hutch a new home. And for volunteering to clean up the garage!

          Lav, I had a fig tree once, seemed very prone to fungus or something that made the leaves turn black, so I never ate any of the fruit. Do you make something special with figs?

          PQ, would love to see your community garden pics if you want to share.

          Sam, sounds like heaven, getting to see what's going on at other farms. Nothing quite like sharing ideas on a subject of mutual interest.

          NS, so the cat's away, eh? Some of my married friends enjoy their infrequent alone time, others not at all. Hope you'll enjoy some beneficial indulgences.

          Speaking of which, I'm free for the next hour, and think I'll tune in to my library book.


            MAE ALL....

            Mick...thanks for kicking us off this morning. Good on you for selling the old rabbit hatch. Oooops now there's room to clean up. Reminds me of when I'd just clean off a table or shelf and the next time I walked past someone had put something on it. Not even 10 minutes free of clutter. Didn't make it to Dad's on Saturday as I was busy at the community fun day. You figure out holi plans yet?

            Sam...sounds like you're enjoying the new job. That's great.

   did the day go? Any flooding?

            NS...I hear you about the family stress!!! Things have settled down here or I'm getting really good at ignoring everything. LOL Hope you enjoy your alone time this week.

            Pi...the tornado touched down south west of the city. Most of the heavy rain and hail fell in the east side of the city but we watched the funnel cloud as it passed by the community centre. We were lucky as I had about 75 people in the hall that I would have had to shuffle downstairs. I feel very fortunate where I live. My day flew by but I did manage to download the pics from the camera. I will hopefully post a couple tomorrow. Hope you got your hour with your book.

            Pauly....have I missed posts or are you MIA. Hope you're doing good.

            Boss announced he's taking 1/2 day vacation today, tomorrow and Wednesday. Geeze! Building Super taking Thursday & Friday off as he has to move. Was not expected. Guess that leaves me setting up for the wedding this weekend. Good day at work today, no stress and lots of "well dones" on the community fun day on Saturday. Glad that's over. Tacos on the menu tonight so must get at it. Have a peaceful evening all....:smile:PPQP


              No floods here PQ, not even a drop of rain, ha ha!
              The day went fairly well but glad it's over. The noise level with those two kids is unbelievable!
              Tomorrow my daughter & granddaughter want to come out for the day so no rest for this weary granny, LOL

              PQ, they are working you lady!!!!
              Hope the tacos were good

              Pie, I'm thinking fig jam, roasted figs, figs in salads, fig tarts, fig cake topping, chocolate covered figs - you get the idea
              I highly value quality alone time too!!

              NS, make the most of that quality alone time, OK?

              Where's Pauly & Det?
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                hidy ho ABerooooos!

                a super insanely busy Monday. Dx had to remind me to de-stress so I did some 'moving meditation' by way of cooking:

                pretty simple and super healthy. Dry pan-roasted onions, red bell peppers, 4 cloves of garlic, cherry tomatoes. Then puree'd them with cilantro, lemon juice and good olive oil. Wild caught salmon simply pan fried with salt and pepper to perfect med/rare. heaven! oh, don't forget the lemon zest at the end. Crispy fried salmon skin 'sail' for garnish with a tad more cilantro.

                PQ, my what exciting weather you've been having!

                back on the road again already tomorrow. yeeesh! at least it's only a couple days. must rest!

                be well loves
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

