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firsdi 30th

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    firsdi 30th

    morn all ..n how are we today then?see II got the date wrong again thing about being retired that no need to remember dates any more they are meaningless(except for Julies birfday and wedding anni)theyre pretty meaningful ..specially if I forget them!!so hows everyone today then?all good ? had the rabbits in the front of them has torn the wallpaper need to fix that sharpish before madam gets home!!right brew time here we go....

    mornin sam...hows you ...?gotta say I disagree with you re skool ...dont know about you ..but I have used quadratic equations,algebra and geometry on a DAILY basis!!and as for French...oooh la la...have the feckers round here cant speak English me included..far less some Norman derivative!!!on to next project my hands on a cast iron hopper for drainpipes..dont know if have/had them over stripping it back to bare cast spray it up ..they make good little flower planters..heres one to look at ..type in RSJ furniture on the internet..look at the stuff that comes up...but look at the prices too...I managed to get a hold of some girders ..there is an old ruined house near me ...and it has been abandoned..belongs to no one ..was inhabited by squatters at one stage,so me and my friends son got the steels,he iis into welding etc and has a bit of a we are going to make a bit of that furniture...he can do the metals ,and I ll do the wood..he is at tree surgery college and its pretty expensive and he has to buy all his own climbing all in all its about £ it will all help towards his fees ..I dont mind keeps me busy!!!

    hia Lav..hows you today then?all good?big brew ..did you end up doing anything yesterday ?the shops over here are full of that minions it the same over there?as for the striking chickens...gently whisper to them that the Amish man is on his way!!!!!

    hia pie ..hows you ...felling lighter today?after the vets bills?go for it with the sprucing of work appreciated

    hia pauly ..hows you feeling today then?all good ..smiley face on ?hows mick the orange?

    hey ppqp...hows you today then?all good ? shows over back to normal now?hows the wheels doing too?

    hiya sf....great news...well done you on the al front keep it up ...ace as for the personal stuff know me I cankeep a secret...but first did I ever tell you about... have a great one

    well folksies thats it back to the treadmill ...sigh !!!!!yeah right ....have a great day to those here and those not ...beat the beast day!!!!!

    I took my son to school for the first time today and I was amazed at the number of mums turning up in four-by-fours. I thought to myself, "They will never use those for off roading."

    Then I saw them trying to park.

    WhatsApp kept crashing on my phone, so I downloaded something called 'The Bugs Bunny' to sort it out.

    It's a WhatsApp Doc.

    My 6 year old's a genius.. I asked him, "What's 5, 12 and 16?"

    He replied, "Channel 5, Disney and QVC."

    "A good laugh recharges your battery."

    I tried this with my mobile phone.

    It doesn't.

    I've got Windows 10.

    Doors 9, chairs 6, wardrobes 4 and cupboards 3. Seems I've got OCD.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Abbers!
    I noticed yesterday's date was wrong Mick but I can't say much because I do the same thing, ha ha!! The days all seem to blend into one big ball of fun around here.
    Sounds like you have some interesting plans to keep you busy & out of trouble, good for you
    I always find something to do, never get bored. Just trying to keep my overheated chickens alive this week has kept me busy. I'm sure egg production will pick up when this extreme heat & humidity moves out of here. Yes, minions are everywhere here - goofy looking little things, ha ha!

    Greeting Sam, Pauly, PQ, NS, Pie, SF, Det & everyone!
    I am heading out to Curves to get my day started right, yay!
    Have a terrific AF Thursday one & all.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Mae everybody, yes Mick we are over run with the minions too!Louie doesn't even care about them though, he likes ninja turtles and power ranger stuff,the furniture sounds like a fun project, my daughter and I were talking about her dabbling in making small furniture out of logs cuz she finds a lot of perfectly shaped pieces all over Oregon, Mick the orange is doing good,I never realized that cats eat so much,more than Winslow! Lav,I seen the pic of the chickens with their frozen water on fb, that's a really good idea glad today is Thursday,I didn't sleep good AT ALL,could use a few more hours but cripes,laying there trying to sleep drives me nuts,hello to Sam,Pie,PPQP,Det,SF,NS,I hope today goes smoothly for all of us
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Hi to Bear too plus I like the 4×4 joke too true haha
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          hey everyone,home after mad busy day - planned to work at home but I couldn't log on so can't work so nap time before yoga.Finishing early tomorrow and got a massage booked too to help with chilling,then a night in with an early night which I am very very excited about with the cat.
          sober,bit stressed out,trying to do the things that calm me down.

          saw doc chest pain is most prob anxiety and no need for tests - phew
          one day at a time


            afternoon all, between things for a sec so thought I'd give a look see and see what's happening. Feeling like a nap would be such a good thing but got someone coming to look at a water trough project I need done.

            Mick, having someone who can work metal is a godsend. Now there's one thing I wished they'd taught in school, then you could use all those goes-zen-da's and naught into naught goes naught, naught + naught = double naught. I'll check out that site in a bit when I can shake the cobwebs... oops, water man here... gotta run
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Hi gang, The vet bill was large and the news is bad. Dog needs surgery for removal of mast cell tumor next Wednesday. Making myself sick googling for canine cancer info, and deep feelings of anger and resentment towards my mother's oncologist coming to the surface. Not a good day in Pieland, and nothing a drink will fix. Over and out for now.


                So sorry Pie,hopefully its nothing bad and they can get it all,always something I swear(( hugs))
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  I'm thinking of you, Pie, and very sorry your dog is sick :hug:. NS


                    Back again,
                    Pie sorry to read about your dog friend. Hope it works out for the best.
                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      MAE ALL....

                      Had a late start this morning, busy stress free day and heading out to a friends for dinner.
                      Just wanted to check in and see how everyone's doing.
                      Pi...:hug: sorry the news was bad and :welldone: on sans AL.
                      Will try and check in later.....:smile:PPQP


                        Thanks very much, guys. Very much. Finally stepped away from Dr. Google, took a nap, and made a quinoa salad for dinner, which I shared with a neighbor. I know that no person or animal comes here to stay, but feel strongly about not destroying quality of life for however much is left.


                          Good evening all
                          Just stopped by to say Hey...
                          Not much going on with me, just Hot and trying to heal up from a sprained Ankle.

                          Pie- So Sorry about your Pet, hope everything gets better. ....

                          Well I pretty much got a big bag of nothing so Audios! And Stay Hard my friends!
                          AF 08~05~2014

                          There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                            Glad to see you back Matt!

                            Pie, I am sorry about your dog. They are such wonderful family members.
                            If you want to forego certain treatments that is entirely OK. I completely understand :hug:
                            It was 11 years ago this summer that I sat in my garage with my 13 year old Golden while he quietly passed. We were good friends & it was the right thing to do.

                            Wishing everyone a peaceful night.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Pie,so sorry to hear about your dog,pets are family.
                              Thinking of you and here to listen in cyberspace :hug:
                              one day at a time

